Does your betta act like this?


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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Nux doesn't swim very much...he's in a half gallon bowl and just sort of hangs out. He eats fungus...he'll follow my finger, or come up to the water when I talk or make kissy noises (lol, yes kissy noises). Are some bettas just not swimmers? He looks even more bored next to Dogma, who always has his fins out, and swims, and always stares at me when I'm in the room.
It depends on the mood my betta (lacey) is in. Generally he becomes very active when he notices me and he will follow my finger when I I run it back in forth in fron of his double betta hex. He swims about, but not as much as the other fish. When I fisrt got him I used to worry that he was dead because he would be sleeping at the bottom of the tanlk or on his little plastic plant. He definately knows when it's breakfast time though :lol: He's at the top fo the tank watching me intently until I drop those betta pellets in.

Probably one of the neatest things I noticed when I first got him (he was my first fish) was when he first began to recognize me and would get all excited when he saw me. :D That was cool! And people say fish are stupid... :angry:
Laughncat said:
Probably one of the neatest things I noticed when I first got him (he was my first fish) was when he first began to recognize me and would get all excited when he saw me. :D That was cool! And people say fish are stupid... :angry:
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
none of mine react or acknowledge anyone the way they do to me :lol: ,and if I have company looking at them they become shy, they KNOW that person is not a member of the family,they really are smart :nod:

don't worry too much dix, some are just lazier than others ;)
don't worry too much dix, some are just lazier than others

I'll second that. The new female betta I got yesterday has got to be one of the laziest fish I've seen yet. I don't know what type of enviroment she had when she lived in my roommate's father's office tank, but I get the feeling she didn't move around much. When I put her in the five gallon hex I have (temporarily until I can get a double betta helix for her) the current was kicking her butt. Rather then fight it when she would accidentally swim into it, she would just ride it to the bottom and then just swim around there for awhile :rolleyes: I found her today sleeping at the bottom of the tank. When I put her in the tank yestrerday, she mostly just floated at the top, barely moving. I probably would have seen more activity out of her if I had put my finger in the tank and just nudged her round :lol: Even my roomate said he thought she'd died a couple of times in the temporary pickle jar tank he set up last night till I got home because she was lounging around so much. Yep. A very lazy fish by all accounts. :p

Now I realize shock could be apart of it...but I just don't get that impression the female. Lazy is just the impression I get from her (well that and grumpyness :p ).
wuvmybetta said:
Laughncat said:
Probably one of the neatest things I noticed when I first got him (he was my first fish) was when he first began to recognize me and would get all excited when he saw me. :D  That was cool!  And people say fish are stupid...  :angry:
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
none of mine react or acknowledge anyone the way they do to me :lol: ,and if I have company looking at them they become shy, they KNOW that person is not a member of the family,they really are smart :nod:

don't worry too much dix, some are just lazier than others ;)
My guys will stare at me when I am near. I can look back, but when my hand goes near their bowl, they shy away. :/ They love the tweezers more than they love me because the tweezers means it's lunchtime!
Ok...I feel better now. ;)

Like I said before...if I didn't have Dogma (or Oscar...he was the same way) first, it probably wouldn't have seemed so I odd. I had the bettas by my computer, so Dogmas just stares at me the whole time, then he'll try and follow my around the room in his bowl. Maybe it'll just take Nux a little time...atleast he doesn't shy away from my hand anymore. :D

I thought maybe he needed a bigger one too, but he had a big bubble nest in his cup, so I figured he would be content in a smaller bowl...I also thought if he was wanting to have more room, he'd be acting restless..

Now he's swimming around and looking at me...he must know I'm talking about him.. :wub: :lol:
my dante, a red one, does taht too. he perks up at feeding time, and now and again will flare at indigo in the tank next to his, but most of hte time he hangs out on the gravel. in his previous tank i had this cheesy little plastic rock with holes in it and he used to either just lean up against or sit inside of it and just poke his head out. he's so laid back, i'm thinking when i finally get an ADF it will go in his tank, since i'm pretty sure he'll ignore it. :D
If you think that's abnormal, yesterday, my betta kept looping around two plants while going up like a figure eight, went to the top, does a little flip, swims back down, and kept doing the same EXACT thing repetedly, not stopping until a few minutes. Seems crazy!
FlareBettaGuy said:
If you think that's abnormal, yesterday, my betta kept looping around two plants while going up like a figure eight, went to the top, does a little flip, swims back down, and kept doing the same EXACT thing repetedly, not stopping until a few minutes. Seems crazy!
Hey! That's pretty cool! Better than the lazy-asses I got. :)

Remember in Finding Nemo, there was a fish in the tank that went crazy everytime there were bubbles floating from the treasure chest? My bettas all act that way when it comes feeding time. *sigh* Oh well.... :lol:
Betas like warm water. The warmer the water, the more active the Beta will tend to be. I know this from personal experience with breeding and raising 12 of them. :D

FlareBettaGuy said:
If you think that's abnormal, yesterday, my betta kept looping around two plants while going up like a figure eight, went to the top, does a little flip, swims back down, and kept doing the same EXACT thing repetedly, not stopping until a few minutes. Seems crazy!
Big Blue, my biggest Beta, will absently follow me around when I am walking aorund....His little fins get erratically fast and he poofs his gills at me like a bad-ass. He does kiss my finger though. :D Try have 22 Goldfish follow you from side to side as you walk in fornt of their tank! It's creepY!!! :sad: :hyper:

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