Search results

  1. L

    African Lungfish

    :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :crazy: WOW! That's like crazy expensive. That Lungfish must be either really hard to find in your area, or a hella rare breed. (or the your LFS is just waiting for some rich sucker to walk in the door :angry: ) My LFS is selling...
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    Betta and rainbow celebese?

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone would have some advice on whether or not a male betta would do okay with a school of Rainbow celebese. I saw a beautiful yellow betta at one of my LFS's the other day when I was out buying another betta to give as a gift to a relative. It was in a...
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    water change

    In my experiance (which is albeit a bit limited) take it fromt he bottom so you can siphon up the gunk as well. You will want to keep your gravel clean. Trust me on this. I went too light on the gunk siphoning in one of my tanks and ended up getting some nasty little wormy things and other...
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    Large castles for 55 where do i find 1?

    I've got glad to get rid of it for a decent price too :P Stupid me went and bought one only to find out it was a lot bigger then it looked when I went to put in my twelve gallon eclipse. *Snicker* :D Being a man, I refused to admit I was wrong and proceeded to cram it into the...
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    You forgot to add that they also spend alot fo their time pooping too! :sick: I'm as understanding as the next person concerning bodily functions, but depending on your aquarium setup, this can be another downside. I have a sand tank and unfortuantely, snail poo tends to show up much more...
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    I uesed it when my twelve gallon tank become uncycled and it helped ALOT. The cloudiness appeared both times I added it (I added half a pouch to start with tand then added the other half when I did a water change five days later), but subsided a day or two later. I agree with thecichlidaddict...
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    Lost one betta in the earthquake today...

    *Snicker* Sorry, if you want to talk about being bored without power, try doing with out it for THREE days! And I was one of the lucky ones in my area. I live in Greenville, South Carolina and last year we got hit with a nasty ice storm in december. I lost power on a wednesday and didn't get...
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    what kind of sand to buy?

    GEh! I can relate to that! Two five pound bags at my LFS cost me twenty bucks! ACK! :angry:
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    what kind of sand to buy?

    Actually, I would say that depends on what type of fish your planning on putting in the tank. The reason soem of the texts you've been reading advise against crushed coral sand is because coral will raise the ph of tank water. Some times just a little, some times a lot. If your fish prefer...
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    Longest Poo in the World

    The female betta I got from my roommate's mom, was like that when I first got her. Everytime I checked on her, she had yo-yo like poo trailing behind her. :sick: I don't know what they were feeding her, but a week or two on my feeding program(a smidgen of betta pellets in the morning and a...
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    Python Clean and Fill all in one thing :)

    You don't sleep, do you Eelzor? ;) I mean I have an excuse for being up at ungodly hours fo the morning...but what about you? Or do ya live in a time zone that's several hours ahead of mine... :unsure: P.S. did you ever hear anything about condensing this post so it could be pinned at the...
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    I've always heard that snails only breed as much as their is food to feed them. In my experiance I think will have to go with this logic. I do my rock solid best to feed only the minimum. I'm getting better, but I still feel that I overfeed a stupid gourami still look a bit pudgy...
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    African Lungfish

    Thanks for all the info. I had no idea that the lungfish had such powerful jaws :crazy: The most I heard about them being grumpy was from my LFS who said that hers (Lefty - The BIG brother lungfish I mentioned in my first post) would nip her if she didn't make a point of warning him that she...
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    Python Clean and Fill all in one thing :)

    Heh, sorry. I didn't see your post till today, Eelzor. I logged off the internet after that last post and started tying up some loose ends before I left for home. Besides, it wouldn't do for my boss to catch me not looking busy...even if there really is nothing to do on nights :P They'd...
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    If my brother is mad at me he takes it out on fish

    Hmmm...reply, reply. What's the best way add to this thread... :unsure: Well, I agree with the above sentiments that no one should have to put up with crap like your having to put up with. I can relate to your problems since the majority of my family is crazy :S No seriously, the majority...
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    Python Clean and Fill all in one thing :)

    So adding water to your tank that has not bee declorinated is okay if you dump declorinater in at the same time or just before? I don't know, it seems a bit like a recipe for disaster... :unsure: But then what do I know, I'm a newbie still :P
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    African Lungfish

    Hello, I was wondering if someone could give me soem good links where I could learn more about African lungfish. My LFS has one and I've adored it since I first saw it. Problem is, I also saw this guy's older brother and he was BIG! Even though their large size was a little dishearting, I...
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    Python Clean and Fill all in one thing :)

    Yes. could anyone please explain how it removes the chlorine and chloramine? It's useless to me if it doesn't do this since I have high levels of both in my local water. :X
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    Python Clean and Fill all in one thing :)

    Hi all, I was reading about this item on called the Pythin no spill clean and fill. It basically just hooks up to your faucet and it cleans and refills your tank all in one go. I knwo there's got to be at least a few people in this forum who use them and Iw as wondering...
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    Putting in FREEZING cold water...

    You know there's a very informative post about euthenasia in the top part of this forum that gives some solid information on the most humane way to end your fish's suffering. It's pinned right at the top and it quite plainly says that the ice water method is a VERY painful for the fish. I...
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    Oto not looking so hot

    *sniff* :-( Poor little bugger. Poor, poor little bugger. :-( When I got up around three in the afternoon, the poor little otto was floating at the top, dead as a door nail. *sniff* I feel like such a bad parent. I fished (no pun) his body out of the tank and disposed of it. I'm going...
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    Oto not looking so hot

    Although, know one has had a chance to reply, I wanted to add an update. The red spot on the oto looks worse and and the fuzz seems even more pronounced. It's like the poor things flesh is just come loose or something. :sick: I was reading in the other forum about common fish diseases and...
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    Dual Betta Hexes

    Sorry about the late reply here...I generally only visit the site indepth while I'm out work :P Yes, it gets that slow some nights :rolleyes: Anyway, I never installed the divider in the double hex to begin with. If you've never bought one, basically comes int he box with out the divider...
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    Oto not looking so hot

    Hi all, It appears the newest addition to my trio of fish tanks has taken ill. As this is the first time I've actually had to deal with a health issue concerning my fish, I'm highly concerned. Anyway, the problem lies with the otocinculas (spelling?) that I got about a month ago. It...
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    Dual Betta Hexes

    You could always do what I've done with mine two. Each of them has a double betta hex to themselves. I just stack the tanks on top of each other so they can't see each other. I have a male and female and female is alot meaner. She's always the first to spot the male and start flaring at him...
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    Sand Vs. Gravel

    Well, I was planning on hunting this thread down to post another questuon, but Eelzor done saved me the trouble by linking to it :) I am quite happy with my sand tank (although I'm in the process of cutting a plastic lid to fit it since one of my cats broke my glass top by hopping on it and...
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    Apple Snail Requirements

    Two or three? Good god, how would they all fit comfortabley in a wee two gallon tank? Talk about a lock of elbow room....
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    Thinking of a 10 gallon puffer tank.

    Thanks for the info. I didn't think you all were serious about the shot glasses making good caves :blink: Are we talking single shot or double shot by the way? I think I'm going to either set up a puffer tank the end of this month or in January. Just gotta figure out where to put it, by...
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    Thinking of a 10 gallon puffer tank.

    I've been thinking about starting a puffer tank ever since I started reading about them here in this forum (and discovered that I could use them as a disposal unit for all those wild snails that are breeding like guppies in my tanks). It was a project that I had earmarked for a future date...
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    Hey, Dreaded, you don't happen to live in the Greenville, SC area do ya?I've got a World of Pets here that is exactly as you describe. If so, I'd be a bit leery of them. They tend to have a lot of dead fish in their tanks and about a month ago I swear at least 75% of their fish showed signs of...
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    Planting a sand tank.

    Hi, all. Wednesday I finally got my new ten gallon sand tank up and running. By this morning, much of the sand had settled and I'm definetely liking the look of it. I hope to start the cycling process tomorrow. Anyway, my tank feels very bare right now. I have a medium sized piece of...
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    me and my heater

    My heater has a mind of it's own. It seems like it only comes on when it feels like it. :angry: Granted my tank stays warm enough...but the temperture is not what I'd call stable. That'll teach me to buy one of those topfish products from petsmart! Stupid thing isn't even labeled so I can...
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    Sand Vs. Gravel

    Hey all, I took the "plunge" today (Get it? Water, tank, plunge? Ah well, at least I can take comfort that my pun was lamer the Eelzor's! :P ) I started my new ten gallon tank up today using some very nice looking course grain sand as a substrate. Coloring wise, it kind of reminds me of pale...
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    Can plants be disease carriers?

    Thanks for the info. Guess I'll be quarantining my plant purchases from now on. LOL :lol: I can't help but snicker at the thought of quarantining a plant for some reason... *snicker* "That's a bad plant! Bad plant! Now your going to stay in that tank until I feel you learned your...
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    Im a cheapskate!!

    *sniff* :-( I got hosed a my LFS. I was trying to support the newest LFS in town because it's run by a great bunch of people who are really trying to do a good job. But it also means everything costs more.... *grumble,grumble* I bought two five pound bags of course sand and it cost me 20...
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    Can plants be disease carriers?

    O.k. O.k. Maybe it's a dumb question, but I felt this was worth asking. I've been wondering for a while now if it was possible to accidentally infect a tank with a communicatible disease (like the ich) via a plant. For example, an aquatic plant is purchased from an LFS is expericaning an ich...
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    Brine Shrimp

    Hey, all. I know this is an old topic, but while browsing the net this morning (it's a bit slow at work at the moment :shifty: ) I came across this item over at Don't know if it really works as well as it claims but at least it's a starting point. If nothing else, at least...
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    Rainbow Celebese...

    What kind of benefit would there be? What kind of harm could come to them if I don't add it? It seems that they've acclimated themselves to a none brackish enviroment (not by choice I'm sure), and personally I'd like to keep them in fresh water if it won't cause undue stress upon them. I...
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    Sand Vs. Gravel

    LOL! :lol: I was talking to the owner of one of LFSs that just opened recently in my area and he was offering to hook me up with some sand for free when I buy my tank from him and since I'm planning on buying from him anyway (unless I find something outrageously better in price :shifty: ) He...
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    Sand Vs. Gravel

    Hi all, I recently been reading a little about freshwater tanks that are set up with sand instead of gravel and I was wondering what the pros and cons are for sand. Some of them I do know, but not all. I know that sand is good for corys and other bottom feeders, but I've also heard that it's...