Im a cheapskate!!


Fish Addict
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Waynesboro, Pa
Since I had to move from my ex's house I had to move my tanks. Well my 55g tank had a mix of sand and gravel so when I moved it, it all got mixed together. One quick trip to Home Depot and I got white sand and natural pea gravel each in 50 pound bags. I only paid 8.45 total. Where else are ya gonna get 100 pounds of substrait for les then 9 bucks?
Right on KH, I love finding a bargain like that. I use pool media as substrate, my lfs sells 50 lb. bags for 6 bucks :hyper: , to think of all the money I've wasted on cheesy colored gravel :rolleyes:
*sniff* :-(

I got hosed a my LFS. I was trying to support the newest LFS in town because it's run by a great bunch of people who are really trying to do a good job. But it also means everything costs more.... *grumble,grumble*

I bought two five pound bags of course sand and it cost me 20 freaking dollars. I payed more for the sand then I did for the bare glass tank and a lid :X

Granted, it's pretty sand, but not twenty dollars pretty :angry:


Live and and learn
The river rock I got in my 55 gallon was from home depot, it has been fine. My fav LFS has generic gravel for .25 a lb. 10 lbs for $2.50 not bad.

Rick 8)
Rock on KH, when I changed my 55 over to sand I also went to home depot and got 50 pound bags for 3 bucks a bag
i was wondering, can you use sand from a beach in your tank?
You could use beach sand, but the trouble is you don't know what type of contamination is in the sand and you would have to clean and steralize it before use.

On the topic of finding deals, I just went outside for a smoke (I'm at work) and on the way back in I saw a wheelbarrow full of scrap from a renovating project in the building. Upon closer inspection I found that they were throwing out the scrap ends from sheets of slate....I scooped up 6 pieces of polished slate (black, white & grey) 3 inches wide, 2 ft long, and 1/2 inch thick, plus 2 smaller slabs 6'' x 10" :cool:

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