water change


New Member
Nov 29, 2003
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east sussex
Where is the best place to draw the water from your tank when doing a water change.
From the bottom or the top.
I draw mine from the bottom along with any debris with a syphon,but I have recently seen an article saying that you shouldn't take it from the bottom because this is where all the beneficial bacteria lay :/
I take mine from the bottom as I have heard that this is where the most concetration if nitrates are. I have never had that verified but I believe it to be true.
I start by syphoning from the bottom to clean up any debris left by the fish. Depending on the tank and how much water I'm changing, after the gravel is cleaned I switch over to a larger hose to make things go a little quicker if I need to take out more water.

I draw mine from the bottom along with any debris with a syphon,but I have recently seen an article saying that you shouldn't take it from the bottom because this is where all the beneficial bacteria lay

No, the bacteria is actually directly on the surface of the gravel, not simply floating around at the bottom of the water. Bacteria is resilent in an established tank, a little bit of vacuuming will not empty your tank of bacteria, and niether will large water changes. Take the water from where ever you like.
Nitrites/Nitrates will concentrate more at the bottom of the tank hence why corys, plecos etc often become affected first. Another reason why its a good idea to take from the bottom is its an ideal time to syphon the debris off of the substrate.
In my experiance (which is albeit a bit limited) take it fromt he bottom so you can siphon up the gunk as well. You will want to keep your gravel clean. Trust me on this. I went too light on the gunk siphoning in one of my tanks and ended up getting some nasty little wormy things and other little um..critters. Once I started cleaniong the gravel a bit better, they disappeared.

Of course, results will very from tank to tank.
royboy said:
...I have recently seen an article saying that you shouldn't take it from the bottom because this is where all the beneficial bacteria lay :/
Nonsense! -_-

The bacteria is clinging to the gravel, the filter, the glass, plants, decorations, in fact it is living ON all the surfaces of the aquarium. Siphoning the debris from the substrate may remove a few odd free swimming bacteria, but the great majority of them will stay put, right where they are.

I keep corys which require a very clean tank bottom, yet my tanks stay cycled.

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