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  1. Coldfire

    New Tank

    thank's mollymae12 show us ur tank....people post some tank pic's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks
  2. Coldfire

    Fry! Help!

    i used this workd 100% .only bad thing is if u have 40 fry like i did have to chage the water every 2 days. make sure u use water from the fish tank not tap water when u change the water.
  3. Coldfire

    Is My Guppy Is Ready To Drop?

    lol sorry it was funny :)
  4. Coldfire

    New Tank

    no mine mix really well i even have a black moor in there there good for bottom eaters eat all the #### like so the bottom is clean to.
  5. Coldfire

    Platy Problem

    the male is just being boss of the tank my molly's are like it they fight to its funny. there like it all the time the orange one is boss today haha rematch tomorrow little shi* :shifty:
  6. Coldfire

    New Tank

    hey thort id add to the fun here's mine i have my baby's in the plants there are 2 you can see in this pic. some people say there are to many fish in here but not if is well maintaind :good:
  7. Coldfire

    Cycling Tank --- With Fry, Help!

    hello fish keep'r listen this is the way i did it simple and easy and cheap and works really well....i had a big fat preg molly mother i put her in my d.i.y 2 leter bottle of water she gave birth fine in there a few was dead from the birth but i had 39 good ones. i used about 30...
  8. Coldfire

    Twin Fin Guppy.

    yeah iv seen these there are loads of them for sale in the fish shop by me with the same tail shape and diffrent colors.
  9. Coldfire

    Blind Eye Molly

    yeah she's fine its funny really as she has to turn to look out the tank.. she is fine tho.
  10. Coldfire

    Blind Eye Molly

    hi all havn't been on for a while all fish are doing on till now i have a silver molly had her for ages now and her eye as got worse over the weeks she is proper blind now. here are pics.x she is blind in her left eye is there any way to fix this should i wipe her eye with cotton bud ? a just...
  11. Coldfire

    Ultimate Hybrid Experiment (uhe)

    nope iv been trying this for a while
  12. Coldfire

    Swordtail Mollie

    i think they can lol my molly is preg by my sordtail
  13. Coldfire

    Ultimate Hybrid Experiment (uhe)

    it can work my molly is preg from a sowrdtail and cant wait to see what comes out . sorry havnt been here for ages iv been away
  14. Coldfire

    2 New Gourami

  15. Coldfire

    Please Help... Fry!

    there are mate :D
  16. Coldfire

    Pregnant Molly Still....

    any joy yet? :D
  17. Coldfire

    Please Help... Fry!

    god u are every where go away! lol
  18. Coldfire

    2 New Gourami

    lol sarah i dont care what you think. :lol:
  19. Coldfire

    2 New Gourami

    hi sarah thanks for the info but gold fish can be kept with tropical the only take they cant go in is marine.!!!! and there is no aggressive fish in that tank all fish will fight my molly's are fighting but its a part of life and i havnt put real plants in the tank coz the gourami's...
  20. Coldfire

    Please Help... Fry!

    yeah makes sence dont it
  21. Coldfire

    2 New Gourami

    thanks :good:
  22. Coldfire

    Got Me 2 New

    got my self to neon dwarf gourami's to i know i should post it in that part but got show pic here hehe :hyper:
  23. Coldfire

    Got Me 2 New

    not sure the guy said there new ??? forgot to ask i was like yep ill have 2 lol
  24. Coldfire

    Got Me 2 New

    lol yeah i thort that but they both have diffrent under shaped fin's......hey dont wish that on me :P
  25. Coldfire

    2 New Gourami

    hi all i just got my self 2 new fish dwaf gourami never kept these before so any help o tip's would be great thanks. here's a pic :good:
  26. Coldfire

    Got Me 2 New

    one male , one female
  27. Coldfire

    Pregnant Molly Still....

    yeah tonight's the night :D
  28. Coldfire

    Molly Fight!

    this fight just happend silver was boss but now orange is got him about 2 weeks ago.. im happy he's boss now so he breeds with the marble molly and have black and orange molly's hopfully what do you all think?? :good:
  29. Coldfire

    Pregnant Molly Still....

  30. Coldfire

    Siamese Twin Fish

    has anyone here ever had a fish like this ? i would love for my molly to do this o guppy.
  31. Coldfire

    A Fry Died

    yeah my fry are 3 days old now. yeah there was about 7 that was dead in the bottom of the birth bottle when i woke up i have 38 that are fine health and some have grown biger than others a little oready. none have died since birth.
  32. Coldfire

    Pregnant Molly Still....

    lol lets all start beting on a drop date lol
  33. Coldfire

    When Will She Drop? :o

    yeah il 3'd that. when i get up in the morning and put the tank light on the black spot it not black its see thru then turns black thru the day. so the best way to see her baby's is in the morning look for the eyes. :big_boss:
  34. Coldfire

    Ich Question

    i had same prob i put mine in room temp water with sand bottom for a day and been fine ever since
  35. Coldfire

    Pregnant Molly Still....

    any babes yet?
  36. Coldfire

    Is This True

    lol filter is high but not in a intence way lol
  37. Coldfire

    Is This True

    this is totaly up to the fish keep'r i have 1 male 2 female guppps and i have a strong water pump and mines on full blast lol if they arnt in a mood to swim they go and chill on the rock where the current dont flow. best of both worlds :flex:
  38. Coldfire

    Please Help... Fry!

    yeah every other day i change it im got let the amonia build a little to get them use to it if u know what i mean. i pore them in to a net in the main tank empty the water out wash the bottle in hot water only, then fill it with water from the tank, throw the little ####s back in hehe :good: i...
  39. Coldfire

    Please Help... Fry!

    :D lol you'r theft is granted
  40. Coldfire

    Please Help... Fry!

    yeah this is how i fixd it it has a little split at the top thru ware and tare easy lol cheap to replace