Pregnant Molly Still....

do you have any moss or floating plants? if so stick a bit in the trap with her, she'll be feeling very open in there with no place to hide and will be holding on to her babies. with a bit of plant cover she will relax and no doubt drop the babies :)
Hey! It's 10:45 AM, Just woke up about 15 minutes ago (I know, I know, I slept in) Lol, anyways, still no sign of babies so maybe what coldfire said we should do.. Lol, I bet March 6th she drops them! Lol... Jks, anyways she's still ready to drop anytime now! I noticed that she's still in the plants and near the heater a lot with the male constantly chasing her..
i'm betting on the 5th of march...she is properly squared off...

btw..would maybe turn the flash of when taking pics...heard some bad stories about people who don't do this...
Here's some pics of her yet again today:

(this one looks kinda crappy but w/e lol)



Thanks! Do you think she looks like she's gonna drop soon?
i hate it when my fish gt like that they just gt bigger and bigger but dont drop and the one night you theink i wont put her in the breeding trap because shes been like that for agers she gose and has them
Well all I can say is I hope she has em soon, the male won't stop harrasing her! and she's getting quite annoyed with him! What should I do? I have breeder net but how long can I leave her in there?
24 hours max in a breeder. anymore can really stress the fish, quite possibly kill it; meaning losing the mama and the fry :(

i'm sticking by the 5th of March :)
awww i was gonna say the 5th!
erm ill pick the 6th then
but i really hope its not that long!
Hmm, nope! Still no babies, darn fish! She's starting to get rather annoying.. Lol Meh, Oh well, sooner or later she's gonna have to have em! Eh?

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