Fry! Help!


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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MentalInstitute. [kidding]
okay. i bought 4 new Mollies a fewd days ago, and i was sure one of them was pregnant. Stupidly, I didn't prepare for it, and now....i found a teeny tiny fish!
i have no idea what to do with it...and im pretty sure there were more...i just think the other mollies got to them :(
this one i saw dug itself into the gravel, and is now against the glass. Im too scared to move the gravel a bit incase the other fish see it, and whenever i do try, it digs itself further.
These are the first fry i have ever had, and am clueless :/
any help would sooo be appreciated!!
okay. i bought 4 new Mollies a fewd days ago, and i was sure one of them was pregnant. Stupidly, I didn't prepare for it, and now....i found a teeny tiny fish!
i have no idea what to do with it...and im pretty sure there were more...i just think the other mollies got to them :(
this one i saw dug itself into the gravel, and is now against the glass. Im too scared to move the gravel a bit incase the other fish see it, and whenever i do try, it digs itself further.
These are the first fry i have ever had, and am clueless :/
any help would sooo be appreciated!!

Only in this case, I'd recommend you get a breeding net & move the fry to this quarters....


i used this workd 100% .only bad thing is if u have 40 fry like i did have to chage the water every 2 days. make sure u use water from the fish tank not tap water when u change the water.
Well, if you want to keep the babies. I would take out all the fish. Then I would search the bottle for babies. You can move the gravel, but not too much because then a lot of poop will fly everywhere! If you find any use a breeder net or coldfire's idea. They both work fine. As for food. you can use the fish flakes you feed your fish just make sure they are finely crushed( in your fingers). ALso, make sure it has a high verggie content in the ingredients. They need it to grow. Do not keep the fry with the adults for a while because the adults mistake them for food and they will be eaten. Also, if you have a tank for the fry only, make sure the filter has something to block the babies from being sucked in it. Good luck and Congratz! :D
thanks for all the advice!
last night i spent ages trying to get all the original fish out into a separate bowl and then searching for fry...i only managed to save 3 :( all the rest were burying themselves into the gravel.
im going now to pick up a net and some plants so they can hide easier....
if there's ANYthing else i need to be aware of, just tell me please :D
It sounds like you are on the right track with the fry RihalDoodette. You do not want to leave the adults in a bowl for very long at all, the ammonia build up from being in an uncycled container will be very rapid in small quarters.

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