Pregnant Molly Still....

Well, if your tank is at like 78 degrees going up to 80 wouldn't be bad for the night. If you turn it up a little over night then you will have a chance of fry in the morning. But that's if she is COMPLETELY ready to drop!
Ok, Well, turns out I can't do it tonight, the tank is in my sister's room and she just went to bed... Oh well, maybe tomorrow morning when I get up I can turn it up a bit... :)
Hmm, nope not yet! But.... I guess she wasn't far enough in pregnancy before, I woke up this morning (about 45 min ago) and she's huge!, I mean HUGE! I noticed it from right when I walked in the room basically, and she's extremely squared off, when I saw her first she was hiding near the heater yet again, with the male constantly chasing her. She also went to the plants quite often this morning since I've been watching her... (I feel bad for her though cuz the male WILL NOT leave her alone, not even for like 5 seconds....) Hmm.... What do you think I should do to help her?
Yupp! I have both, a net and a trap, I think I'll go with the net, it's bigger for her! :)
Lol, ya eh? I noticed that too! heh, She better have em soon, it's already been like a week since she's been getting bigger! lol
Here's some pictures that I just took of her:






Again, like usual, they're not the greatest quality cuz I'm a terrible picture taker.. lol, but you can basically see how big she's getting!
wow she really is square :eek:
she might just explode if she doesnt give birth soon lol
itll be when you least expect it to, when its dark so noone can watch =[ lol
Lol, I know, knowing my luck it'll be when I'm not watching... lol
Just checked on her, still no babies :( Sad Face
She's still really big though and.... she has the tube near her anal fin.. Lol, she's was going quite "eratic" I guess, she's calmed down now... :)
Lol, I know, knowing my luck it'll be when I'm not watching... lol
Just checked on her, still no babies :( Sad Face
She's still really big though and.... she has the tube near her anal fin.. Lol, she's was going quite "eratic" I guess, she's calmed down now... :)

Any sign of the babies yet?

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