A Fry Died


Fish Fanatic
Feb 26, 2009
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is it normal ;_;

all the others seem fine, theyre in a nursery floating thing
Aww, Sorry to hear that!
Um. I'm not sure if that's normal, Sorry though!
yeah my fry are 3 days old now. yeah there was about 7 that was dead in the bottom of the birth bottle when i woke up i have 38 that are fine health and some have grown biger than others a little oready.

none have died since birth.
I suppose it's normal. I've had a few die in some batches. I'd just check your water stats and such to be safe. :)

Sorry to hear that!
actually, yes. This is very normal. It's nature doing it's work basically; taking out those who aren't strong enough, in this case, that poor little guy :(
Its definitely normal until they get a little bit older. If they are about two months or younger they usually have a higher chance of death.

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