2 New Gourami


New Member
Feb 19, 2009
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hi all i just got my self 2 new fish dwaf gourami never kept these before so any help o tip's would be great thanks. here's a pic


what size tank are they in and what are they fish are they sharing with
they can be rather aggressive and nippy especially as it seems you have 2 males they need tanks with lots of plants and caves , so that they can set up their own territorys

to house 2 males (if i am correct and they are both male) the tank needs to be at least 3ft with all the hiding places to stop the aggression

Is that gold fish in the tank with them - they need to be in a cold water tank of at least 30 gallons on their own - gold fish are cold water fish - not tropical fish
you need 20 gallons for the first goldfish and then 10 gallons for every fancy goldie there after

Just passing on the info to help you keep your fish healthy - as fancy goldfish are very messy fish and grow very large and will be stunted in a tank that is too small for them

HERE's a thread that will help explain it better http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=43980

Thanks Sarah x
hi sarah thanks for the info but gold fish can be kept with tropical fish.lol the only take they cant go in is marine.!!!!

and there is no aggressive fish in that tank all fish will fight my molly's are fighting but its a part of life

and i havnt put real plants in the tank coz the gourami's rip them to bit's that why i have a plastic one and if u look at the rock there a cave there.

thanks for the info sarah but no thank's :lol: :p
hi sarah thanks for the info but gold fish can be kept with tropical fish.lol the only take they cant go in is marine.!!!!

and there is no aggressive fish in that tank all fish will fight my molly's are fighting but its a part of life

and i havnt put real plants in the tank coz the gourami's rip them to bit's that why i have a plastic one and if u look at the rock there a cave there.

thanks for the info sarah but no thank's :lol: :p

Gouramis do not rip plants to bits i have 13 gouramis in my tank and they only touch the plants when they are breeding and biulding a bubble nest and then they only take small bits - they do not destroy the plants

the goldfish do need at least a 30 gallon tank as mentioned before else it will stunt there growth and they will die a slow painful death
The 2 male gouramis will fight and can do a lot of harm to each other , thats why they need the plants etc
I was only mentioning what is the correct enviroment for your fish so that you dont have any fatalities and that the fish are not harmed

GOLDFISH can only be housed in warmer tank for a short period of time else it messes up their metabolism
please all i advise is to read about the types of fish you are keeping and you will see yourself that it's not suitable for them

you didnt say what size tank they were in or what other fish they were in with - so you yourself most probably know that they are not housed correctly

thanks sarah x
lol sarah i dont care what you think. :lol:

haha :lol: you tell her! :nod: :rolleyes:

im not sure they can be kept in warm water, however i do know people that have kept them in tropical aquariums succesfully and the fish seem perfectly happy. if your willing to take the chance, go for it mate! ;) :good:

good luck, and love the gouramis by the way, look really good. so what other fish have you got in? mollies did you say?

oo and have you got a full pic of the tank, would love to see how its decorated lol :good:
Black moors usually do ok in warmer water as it happens,just that's it's not usually the 'done' thing to keep coldwater ad tropicals together,but whatever takes your fancy!!
What sort of advice are you looking for,other than the usual water changes,temp,etc,dwarf gouramis are pretty easy to look after if you get nice healthy ones to start with,and yours looks pretty good.
You may be ok with two males if there's no females around to cause issues between them,I've got 4 male honey dwarfs in a 3 foot tank and they are a happy little bunch.
I've had 4 fantail goldies with my swordtails, guppies and danios and they got along fine,the water temp was verging between them,slightly warmer for the goldies slightly cooler for the tropicals, the goldfish had no problems but gave tham away in the end due to wanting smaller shoaling fish.
YOUR tank is too small for those fish , and sorry if you dont want to take the advice but it is well documented advice about tank size and stunting in goldfish - it's a shame you wont listen to advice and those poor fish will suffer as a concequence
The tank only look 40 litres at the most, like i said before seeing as you are not willing to give the size of the tank - it shows you know they are not kept in the correct enviroment

Also Honey gouramis and dwarf gouramis act in a totally different way and having them in a 3 ft tank is different to having them in a tiny 18 in tank

I just hope your fish do not suffer and maybe you will take some advice - it is not being given in a horrible way - i just care for fish thats all
ah, i apolagise sarah, i didnt know his tank was that small, and he had that many goldfish. :blush:

i thought he had a pretty big tank and just the one goldfish...i think you need to return or sell them fish there are far too many in there im sorry :crazy:

i dont care if you wont listen and you dont care, I do care for those fish and i advise that if YOU care for them you will sort something out. iv stuck up for you once, now i hope you will follow my advice and have 1 small goldfish, if you must, in your tank, about 3 guppys and about 2 mollies, if not swapping them for platies as they are smaller and maybe swaping your dwarf gouramis to the more cuter honey gouramis, which would be more suitabke for your tank. this stocking list can be added to or whatever depending on your tank size.

pm me if you need to please take some action, for your pets sake please. x ;)
The tank looks too small for one goldfish, let alone anything else.
Pippoodle gave you some great advice and it is worth taking notice of what she advised.
Goldfish not only prefer cooler water but they produce a lot of waste which will cause you problems with water quality somewhere down the line.
Two male Dwarf Gouramies in such a small tank will only lead to aggression, you would be best rehoming them. The same can be said for your Mollies.
The other problem you may encounter is fin nipping and your Goldfish is a prime target.
For the sake of your fish, rehome the majority and start again.

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