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  1. Jen_S

    Lighting Options?

    I am going shopping for a new flourescent light later today. I have a 46 gal (US) bowfront tank. I've been using the light that came with the tank but as it's a planted tank, I would like to change the bulb that's better for the plants. Here's the plants I have now: (it's a hodge podge) Water...
  2. Jen_S

    What Fish Next ? Stocking Ideas

    <---- newbie to fishless cycling. I thought that you could stock more quickly when you use the fishless cycle method...Am I wrong??
  3. Jen_S

    I'm So Happy With My First Attempt

    bad camera, sorry. I don't have a plant buld yet. Hopefully that will help. The tank is not superbright with the bulb it came with. I wait tile night to take the pics because there is a window that reflects on the tank front. Hopefully for Christmas I might get a good camera...we'll see.
  4. Jen_S

    Opinions Needed For 14 Gal Biocube Dwarf Puffer Setup

    Do you know what species of plant the varigated one is? I hate buying plants at Petco as they really don't label them. That plant was in a pot of 3, I don't think any were aquatic. Why do I need to remove it though? It won't cause any problems will it? The plants along the back are watersprite...
  5. Jen_S

    I'm So Happy With My First Attempt

    I thought I would post pics of my planted tank. 46 gal (u.s.) bowfront tank. All plants are fast easy growers. Filtration: Fluval 203 canister filtered with peat and a Marineland 170 on the back. Heated but I'm not sure what size though it is the recommended size. Tank has been running for only...
  6. Jen_S

    Opinions Needed For 14 Gal Biocube Dwarf Puffer Setup

    Biocube revamped 8-28 I've added a few more plants and a decoration with lots of hiding places. Do you think this is better???
  7. Jen_S

    What's That Fish Auction Website?

    Are you talking about That's the only one I know of offhand :)
  8. Jen_S

    Where To Buy Bogwood?

    Oh, and if I run up to Petsmart I can look at what they have for wood selection. That's another fear I have of ordering online, I won't get to pick and it looks like mopani can have nooks and crannies or be more smooth in appearance.
  9. Jen_S

    Where To Buy Bogwood?

    We have a small petco that does sell much of anything LOL The locally owned petstore only has smooth driftwood, nothing with nooks and crannies. I can drive to petsmart, the closet one is about 30 min from me so that would be an option too. I don't drive in Kansas City much though so I don't...
  10. Jen_S

    Where To Buy Bogwood?

    Another Petsmart product These would work though, I could possibly get a small and a medium. I wish I could find something real though that looked similar...
  11. Jen_S

    Where To Buy Bogwood?

    What about something like this? It's fake but would provide the nooks and crannies I think... Petsmart product Nevermind, the base is too big :(
  12. Jen_S

    Where To Buy Bogwood?

    :( That stinks! If I can find mopani, would it be an appropriate substitue? I'm looking for something with hiding places and I prefer the look of wood over rock.
  13. Jen_S

    Where To Buy Bogwood?

    Any websites based in America? :)
  14. Jen_S

    Where To Buy Bogwood?

    Neither of the lfs's here sell bogwood. I can get driftwood but I think bogwood with nooks and crannies would be better in the dwarf puffer setup. What's a good online store or two to buy from? I've looked at 3-4 and can't find bogwood for sale when I search for it. Doea it have another name...
  15. Jen_S

    General Concensus For Oceanic Biocubes? Pic Now!

    I've got java moss, I just didn't grab it :)
  16. Jen_S

    Saving Money On Test Kits

    Wow you guys were busy this evening :) What a lively debate! I have 4 tanks setup and do anywhere from daily to weekly water changes depending on the tank. All tanks are overfiltered for their size and I use my test kits faithfully. My tanks have been setup for 2 months to a few hours (see my...
  17. Jen_S

    Opinions Needed For 14 Gal Biocube Dwarf Puffer Setup

    The plants will definately grow :) I haven't actually purchased any plants, they were all overgrowth from my 46 gal tank. The water sprite and cambomba are almost 2 feet tall in my 46 gal tank. The hygrophilia is more bushy (about a foot tall in the 46 gal tank). The plants should grow better in...
  18. Jen_S

    Opinions Needed For 14 Gal Biocube Dwarf Puffer Setup

    Does no one like the Biocube setup? Should I change anthing??
  19. Jen_S

    Opinions Needed For 14 Gal Biocube Dwarf Puffer Setup

    sorry posted topic twice.
  20. Jen_S

    Opinions Needed For 14 Gal Biocube Dwarf Puffer Setup

    My hubby bought me a 14 gal Biotope today for the dwarf puffer!! Three pics of biocube. I would like opinions as to whether or not this would have enough hiding places for 2 dwarf puffers. I have one that is staying with the coldwater (not that cold- constant 78 degrees with no heater- I...
  21. Jen_S

    Best Beginner Tank Size?

    20-30 gal for a starter tank. I don't think too many people can go wrong with a tank in this size range as long as they pay attention to max size of fish. I guess I 've gone backwards from most of you all. The first tank of my 4 that I set up was the 46 gal, then the 20 gal, then the 10 gal, and...
  22. Jen_S

    Yellow Cat

    Scroll down this page and the 2nd picture is the golden morph. Could it be a golden morph dojo (weather) loach, they have barbels too? I have one that is about 4 inches in my coldwater tank. He's great! Very active and eats out of my hand.
  23. Jen_S

    What Should I Name My Chinese Algea Eater...?

    Feng Shui would be good :)
  24. Jen_S

    General Concensus For Oceanic Biocubes? Pic Now!

    Here's a pic of the new Biocube tank!!! 14 gal Biocube set up for dwarf puffers. Tell me what you think. Plants are all easy growers as I don't use co2. Water sprite in back left corner Cambomba in back middle hygrophilia difformis in back right corner Amazon sword in front middle. The small...
  25. Jen_S

    General Concensus For Oceanic Biocubes? Pic Now!

    Thanks, I'll do that and then get some pics up for you to see :)
  26. Jen_S

    General Concensus For Oceanic Biocubes? Pic Now!

    So can I temporarily put the sponge media in and then tranfer it back? 1 day- 1 week or so.
  27. Jen_S

    General Concensus For Oceanic Biocubes? Pic Now!

    You didn't burst my bubble :) Craig went and got it this morning...he was at the lfs and realized that he didn't have his credit card like he thought they were closing at it was Sunday so he went beck this morning. I'll be spending the day setting it up now :) To get the nitrifying bacteria from...
  28. Jen_S

    General Concensus For Oceanic Biocubes? Pic Now!

    Yes, it is expensive but it is a tank that I could use as a saltwater nano reef if I ever got up the nerve LOL. To plant it, I'm going to use cutting from my 46 gal tank which has lots of cambomba, hygrophilia difformis, watersprite, java moss, and an extra amazon sword. I'll of course find a...
  29. Jen_S

    General Concensus For Oceanic Biocubes? Pic Now!

    Here is a link to their website We were going to get a nano tank but that's not what the lfs sells.
  30. Jen_S

    General Concensus For Oceanic Biocubes? Pic Now!

    What is the general thought on the bio tankI have a dwarf puffer and am ready to throw out the 2.5 gal eclipse tank that I was going to use temp for the puffer. The ammonia has been sky high for weeks and I can't get it to cycle. My dwarf puffer is in the wrong setup (goldfish, newt, coldwater...
  31. Jen_S

    Bolivian Ram Anatomy

    They are definatley gaurding territory (around the now flat rock) but I have yet to see any eggs... this would be their first time so either they are taking their own sweet time or the other fish have eaten any eggs. My 7 year old son is very interested in the whole process. He was enthralled...
  32. Jen_S

    Cory Id

    oops, I meant peppered not speckled, sorry!!!
  33. Jen_S

    Another Carbon Question.

    I have a Penguin 170 by Marineland and a Fluval 203 running on my 46 gal bow front tank. From what I'm reading, carbon is no longer used like it used to be. I am using sponges, ceramic rings and peat fiber to filter in the Fluval. The Penguin filter had preformed filter cartriges the are a black...
  34. Jen_S

    Need Help With Pregnant Black Molly

    IMO, I would get a secong breeder trap. The babies can be released into the tank when they are bigger than your biggest fishes mouth. I don't know the answer as to when she will have her babies as I am more familiar with guppies (the females will hide, not eat, and avoid the males when they are...
  35. Jen_S

    Cory Id

    It looks like a speckled (palaeteous (sp.) cory. I have 3 :)
  36. Jen_S

    African Dwarf Frogs

    I know it's really tough to be succesful. Unfortunately, that's about all I know. Best of luck to you for sure.
  37. Jen_S

    Bolivian Rams

    Definately mid to bottom dwellers. I will say that mine are with lots of bigger tetras, cory cats, otos and though they chase the other fish from their stone, they had yet to actually nip anyone who comes too close. Very pretty fish!
  38. Jen_S

    My First Guppy Fry!

    Congrats on the little ones :)
  39. Jen_S

    Pregnant Guppy?

    Yup, she is pregnant :) She has a beautiful tail too very pretty fish!
  40. Jen_S

    New Tank Coming......guppies Or Mollies?

    My guppies love the bloodworms :) I have to put in extra for them when I feed the dwarf frogs LOL I agree that guppies would be the better choice for your tank as well. Mollies just get too big (and are happiest with brackish water). If no babies I would stick with male fish but be aware that...