New Tank Coming......guppies Or Mollies?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
dc usa
well i just ordered the biUbe from petco. it's a 9 gallon tank.

i am interested both guppies or mollies but i will only have one kind in the tank and i will not want any breeding to take place.

i would like recommendations about how many guppies (the small kind) or how many mollies (the small kind as well) - assuming that i will be purchasing those that will not grown more than 2 inches - could be happy in the 9 gallon tank.

which are easier to take care of?

what kind of food do each like and that i should stock? i have bettas so i don't think the guppies or mollies would like frozen bloodworms or betta pellet food! :fun:

thanks for any advice in advance.
Frozen bloodworms are a treat for any of those fish. Flake food works well. Guppies and Mollies are both easy to take care of as far as fish goes. There are no small Guppies or small Mollies. They are generally the same size as others. Mollies get to be 4" on average. Guppies stay at 2-2.5" approximately. I would only put three Mollies tops in the Biorb. They need more swimming room. For Guppies I would go up to six if you keep up with water changes.
My guppies love the bloodworms :) I have to put in extra for them when I feed the dwarf frogs LOL I agree that guppies would be the better choice for your tank as well. Mollies just get too big (and are happiest with brackish water). If no babies I would stick with male fish but be aware that they are not extremely hardy fish because of all the inbreeding. Right now, I don't have any males but have three females and about 40 fry (which is why I would go with males- females can be pregnant when purchased). I would get 4-5 males and 3-4 pygmy cories personally. Or instead of cories some cherry red shrimp.
Oh, and don't forget to fishless cycle!
thanks theo and jen!

sounds like i could do a mixture of guppies and something else.

i am leaning towards guppies because i saw some with some of the most amazing tails at the pet shop the other day. and because they do stay smaller than the mollies.

originally i was planning a mollies tank because i fell in love with the dalmation molly and mickey mouse molly and the plain jane molly. but then i read that they like messy water and that they can be messy. hmmm.......

would it be possible to have like 5 guppies and 1 molly then? i really love those dalmations and mickey mouse ones.

okay, i never did the fishless cycle tank with my bettas so it would be great to do this with the biUbe tank as i don't have these fish to begin with yet. i would love to get some recommendations about what it is and how to do the fishless cycle thing and how long do i need to wait to add the guppies?

thanks for all the great feedback!
thanks theo and jen!

sounds like i could do a mixture of guppies and something else.

i am leaning towards guppies because i saw some with some of the most amazing tails at the pet shop the other day. and because they do stay smaller than the mollies.

originally i was planning a mollies tank because i fell in love with the dalmation molly and mickey mouse molly and the plain jane molly. but then i read that they like messy water and that they can be messy. hmmm.......

would it be possible to have like 5 guppies and 1 molly then? i really love those dalmations and mickey mouse ones.

okay, i never did the fishless cycle tank with my bettas so it would be great to do this with the biUbe tank as i don't have these fish to begin with yet. i would love to get some recommendations about what it is and how to do the fishless cycle thing and how long do i need to wait to add the guppies?

thanks for all the great feedback!
[/i would let your tank run for atleast 24-48 hrs filter and all and add AquaSafe its made by TetraAqua it neutralizes the clorine, chloramine,and heavy metal it also helps them with that slimy coating they have
If you have an existing filter with media for your Betta you can take some of your filter material from the other tank and you won't need to cycle the tank. You need to transfer the bacteria from one tank to the other to get the tank cycled. It will be on surfaces like rocks, substrate, and the glass. If you can take some of the bacteria over, you won't need to cycle.
may i recommend some endlers, come in loadza diff colours and can have loads in a smallish tank like that

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