Where To Buy Bogwood?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 12, 2007
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Neither of the lfs's here sell bogwood. I can get driftwood but I think bogwood with nooks and crannies would be better in the dwarf puffer setup. What's a good online store or two to buy from? I've looked at 3-4 and can't find bogwood for sale when I search for it. Doea it have another name? Please help!! Thanks!
not that I can find, the us market seems to be based on driftwood and if you are lucky mopani
:( That stinks! If I can find mopani, would it be an appropriate substitue? I'm looking for something with hiding places and I prefer the look of wood over rock.
What about something like this? It's fake but would provide the nooks and crannies I think... Petsmart product
Nevermind, the base is too big :(
I think Mopani is fine. You just have to find a nicely shaped one that suits. Doesn't your LFS sell any??
We have a small petco that does sell much of anything LOL The locally owned petstore only has smooth driftwood, nothing with nooks and crannies. I can drive to petsmart, the closet one is about 30 min from me so that would be an option too. I don't drive in Kansas City much though so I don't want to just drive around to find a fish store that carries what I'm looking for.
Oh, and if I run up to Petsmart I can look at what they have for wood selection. That's another fear I have of ordering online, I won't get to pick and it looks like mopani can have nooks and crannies or be more smooth in appearance.
Oh, and if I run up to Petsmart I can look at what they have for wood selection. That's another fear I have of ordering online, I won't get to pick and it looks like mopani can have nooks and crannies or be more smooth in appearance.

That's why I prefer to get wood from shop rather than online but sometimes you can get some nice looking pieces on eBay. The only down side is that shipping is rather expensive since they weigh a lot :lol:

I agree that mopani looks quite interesting, with lots of knots and twists :nod:

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