What Fish Next ? Stocking Ideas


Jul 26, 2007
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my fishless cycle finished mid last week i went out friday and got my first ever fish

so far i have:

8 neon tetras
5 blackwidow tetras
2 bn plecs

while i was at it i got some tetramin flake food and some algea wafers for the plecs

The question is i dont know what else to stock the tank with (juwel rio 180). Talking to the lfs about mollies and livebearers in general and he said thay can be more hassle than there worth due to illnesses etc is this true ?? or another lfs not knowing what there talking about.
i could do with a bit of colour in the tank fish wise too.

any ideas welcomed
You need something to fill the surface layers such as Danios or Hatchetfish.
But I would wait at least 2 weeks! You have put 15 fish in a newly cycled tank in just 7 days... slow down a bit x
<---- newbie to fishless cycling. I thought that you could stock more quickly when you use the fishless cycle method...Am I wrong??
my fishless cycle finished mid last week i went out friday and got my first ever fish
Yeah good call "M", I missed the first line.
And I agree, dont rush to stock.
even if you did a fishless cycle its always good to stay on the safe side and stock slowly.
ok then i will hold off stocking. i will keep an eye on things anyway

thanks for the help

Edit. mel you know what its like. you walk into the lfs end up with more than you went for in the first place :( :rolleyes:

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