Opinions Needed For 14 Gal Biocube Dwarf Puffer Setup


Fish Fanatic
Aug 12, 2007
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My hubby bought me a 14 gal Biotope today for the dwarf puffer!!

Three pics of biocube.

I would like opinions as to whether or not this would have enough hiding places for 2 dwarf puffers. I have one that is staying with the coldwater (not that cold- constant 78 degrees with no heater- I haven't tried to cool yet as I had to move the puffer and had no place to put him) setup. I had been trying to cycle a smaller tank but I think there is an issue with the tank so hubby said we could get this setup for his little puffer.
I used live plant cuttings and offspring from my 46 gal tank and have
water sprite (back left corner)
cambomba (back middle)
hygrophilia difformis (back right corner)
unknown sword type plant that piggy backed with my last cambomba purchase (front left corner)
Amazon sword (front and center)
There is also an unknown grass like plant (I hate buying plants at petco- they don't label them :(

I plan to add a piece of driftwood to suction cup to the upper left side of the back.

Once the tank is cycled, the final occupants will be 2 dwarf puffers and 4-6 otocinclus.
Does no one like the Biocube setup? Should I change anthing??
I like It,maybe a taller plant might be good,do u have more than one puff?, if u just have one no need for the big plant,looks good tho 8)
That's a good start :good: . The plants will grow out a bit and fill some of the gaps. If you have 2 DPs then you want to break their line of sight as much as possible, i.e. as many plants as poss. I think a holely or twisty piece of bogwood would look nice in there and will give your little puffs some nooks to explore or even to sleep in :D .
The plants will definately grow :) I haven't actually purchased any plants, they were all overgrowth from my 46 gal tank. The water sprite and cambomba are almost 2 feet tall in my 46 gal tank. The hygrophilia is more bushy (about a foot tall in the 46 gal tank). The plants should grow better in this tank also because it has better lighting. I may add another plant but need fast growing easy plants as I don't use co2 at this point. Noone here has bogwood either and I haven't looked online yet....may have to do that.
At this point I have one dwarf puffer that is still a juvenile. When everything is established and the dwarf puffer I have now is ready to move in, that's when I'll get a second puffer, that way they are introed to each other and the tank at the same time. I'm hoping that they will be to busy roaming their new digs at first and then won't think too much of the tank mate. I realize that they can be aggressive when full grown but the plants in the tank will have grown a lot by then and I'll have decor more suitable. (i.e. bogwood or driftwood and maybe better rock hiding spots).
Thanks for the input! I would love to hear more!
Not bad at all, a couple of Dwarf Puffers would do nicely. Just remove the non aquatic plant, the one with the green/white leaves. Get some dense planting along the rear.
Do you know what species of plant the varigated one is? I hate buying plants at Petco as they really don't label them. That plant was in a pot of 3, I don't think any were aquatic. Why do I need to remove it though? It won't cause any problems will it?
The plants along the back are watersprite, cambomba, and hygrophilia difformis which are all tall and just need to grow in. I will probably add more cambomba trimmings from my 46 gal tank and maybe some more hygrophilia difformis. Eventually the back should be pretty much covered with growth.
The variegated plant will eventually rot as its not an aquatic plant :)

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