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  1. Kitty_Nin

    Please Help!

    Done an Epsom bath and gave peas, to no avail. He's starting to look a bit worse and I'm really worried he may have dropsy, though I can't see any scales sticking out yet. What medication do you recommend I get? I'm in the US.
  2. Kitty_Nin

    Please Help!

    He is already all by himself. I will try a little Epsom, about how much should I use?
  3. Kitty_Nin

    Please Help!

    Will do. Hasn't gotten stuck that I know of, toilet looks normal, his rear is normal looking. Wasn't enthused about the peas even though I put a bit of garlic juice on them, but he had a mouthful or two.
  4. Kitty_Nin

    Please Help!

    Thanks. I have a heater but it's one that heats 'automatically' no way to make it warmer, planning to get a better one soon, however that's the exact same temp he was at in the old tank where he was lively and healthy, so it seems to me like that shouldn't be it. The swelling is forward of his...
  5. Kitty_Nin

    Please Help!

    Tank size: 5 gallon pH: 7.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 20 kH: 120 gH: 180 tank temp: 72 Fahrenheit Fish Symptoms: He's a bit sluggish this morning, I had to wake him up to feed him when he's usually up before I am. Swimming more slowly and a lot less, resting much more on plants and...
  6. Kitty_Nin

    Okay Last Stocking Idea

    Bala Sharks and Clown Loaches can get a foot long. The red tail sharks can be aggressive, might pick on the other fish. Panda Cories should be kept in a group of 6 or more. How about: 6 Panda Cories 8 Tiger Barbs 6 Green Tiger Barbs 1 Clown Pleco (provide driftwood) 10 Kuhli loaches The...
  7. Kitty_Nin

    Aquarium Hood?

    I picked up a 5 gallon tank for my betta today, and need to build a hood for it. Can anyone offer advice/directions? I'd rather not use wood, I think we have some Plexiglass laying around somewhere. I have almost no building skills, lol. I guess my biggest problem is... how to put lights on it?
  8. Kitty_Nin

    Big Fat Danio

    I figured it was constipated, so I've fed peas and done an Epsom salt bath. No change. This Danio is a bit larger overall than the others and seems to be the dominant one, but the belly is almost twice as big as that of the other Danios. I'm starting to think maybe it's not constipated after...
  9. Kitty_Nin

    My Cycle's Almost Done, Need To Finalize My Stock!

    The plecs will probably destroy all your live plants. You could get Kuhli loaches, but they're shy if you don't have a bunch of them and some hiding spots for them. They're cute and don't get very big. Aquadvisor says: Warning: Serpae Tetra will likely to fin nip Angelfish. Note: Bristlenose...
  10. Kitty_Nin

    Cleanup Crew For Betta

    Thanks, you're very helpful :good: I was thinking of getting some shrimp for my community tank anyway, so maybe that is what I'll do, and maybe give snails yet another go.
  11. Kitty_Nin

    Cleanup Crew For Betta

    To loraxchick and anyone else who attempted to answer my question rather than tell me I'm an animal abuser, thank you. To Honeythorn, please deflate your ego, it's impeding upon my personal space. And, as you said, that's inhumane.
  12. Kitty_Nin

    Cleanup Crew For Betta

    He has just enough substrate to cover the filter plate, a few plants, etc. As far as I can tell, he seems very happy with the space he's got. I only feed him two pellets, two times a day, OR a teeny (really really teeny) pinch of freeze dried bloodworms 2x day, OR a piece of shelled pea every...
  13. Kitty_Nin

    Cleanup Crew For Betta

    Thanks so much for the advice everyone. Not sure if I'm going to get something or not, it's just a pain flapping the net in the bottom to scoop up the tiny stray particles of food (he likes to turn the pellets into a mushy mess before he eats them) and it scares my boy. I'll probably eventually...
  14. Kitty_Nin

    Cleanup Crew For Betta

    Well of course I clean it out and do water changes frequently, I just meant something to nip up stray food bits, etc to maybe make my job a bit easier.
  15. Kitty_Nin

    Cleanup Crew For Betta

    What's a good fish/shrimp/whatever that I can put in with my male betta to help keep the tank tidy? The tank is only 2 gal so I'm wary of getting a fish for in it, but I've never been able to keep snails alive for some reason :/
  16. Kitty_Nin

    First Betta!

    Lol, thanks so much! I'll try that, maybe that'll get the spoiled #29### to eat.
  17. Kitty_Nin

    First Betta!

    I acquired my very first betta two days ago! He's unnamed as of yet, but he's an absolutely gorgeous delta tail and has gotten prettier and more social with every hour he's been out of that horrible little cup. I wish I had a better picture to show, it really doesn't do him justice, but I only...
  18. fishy!.jpg


  19. Kitty_Nin

    How To Arrange My Tanks

    Thanks for the suggestions!
  20. Kitty_Nin

    How To Arrange My Tanks

    I had a ten gallon aquarium that was set up as a community tank. Stupidly, I asked my mother to care for it for a weekend while I was away. She febreezed my room, and some got into the tank. My only survivors are two danios and... something I can't remember the name of. It's about 1 1/2 inches...
  21. Kitty_Nin

    Fitration System Help!

    I have a Cambridge Aquatics Two-gallon aquarium kit, and the small under-gravel filter/aeration system has suddenly stopped working. It's completely silent when plugged in. I had just replaced the airstone in it when it went out. Does anyone know whether/how I can fix this?! I really can't...
  22. Kitty_Nin

    Danio With An Enormous Beer-gut.

    Alright, I'll feed the little sucker some peas. Hopefully that will clear it up, if not i guess I'll just sort of wait and see if it lays eggs. Thanks!
  23. Kitty_Nin

    Danio With An Enormous Beer-gut.

    One of my Danios has developed an enormous, protruding belly over the last two days. He acts perfectly normal, all water parameters and other fishies are fine. He looks a bit like a pregnant lady, or like Homer Simpson. His belly has a slight greenish tinge, but that could be because he's blue...
  24. Kitty_Nin


    No, no medications... but I think loraxchick just gave me the "ah-ha". I have added plants, so that's probably what it is! Would rinsing plants thoroughly get the copper off to make them "snail-safe'?
  25. Kitty_Nin


    The fish in the tank with the snails are blue gouramis, golden wonder killifish, danios, cory cats, and some mystery thing I got from a friend. XD I have no clue if there's copper in the water. However, I have another tank which uses the same kind of water, only it is cooler and has a few comet...
  26. Kitty_Nin


    I always try to get the snails that are sliming their way all around the store's tank. I figure active=healthy. I drop in sinking algae tablets for them as well. They are usually fine for 2 or 3 weeks, then all of a sudden they're dead. Also, the fish aren't picking at them.
  27. Kitty_Nin


    Ok, I have the opposite problem as everyone else seems to have. For some reason in my one tank I simply CANNOT keep my snail alive. I've gone through 3 mystery snails already and am getting sick of fishing the dead suckers out of there. I actually want a snail, I like them and hey, they eat...
  28. Kitty_Nin

    Time Waisting But Oh So Entertaining

    What a beautiful tank! I'm jealous! ^_^ You may want to look into Golden Wonder Killifish for the top of your tank when you are getting more fish. They're a beautiful golden color and have funny faces. They're piggies, so a lot of them will take treats right out of your fingers. They're one of...
  29. Kitty_Nin

    Help With My Filter?!?

    Oh, I hope turning it upside down works, because I can't get to the impeller in my filter. It's down inside a tube pretty deep in the filter, and the filter doesn't come apart, so I have no idea what the impeller looks like... you can't even see it with a flashlight. It did fail in operation...
  30. Kitty_Nin

    Gourami Question

    I haven't kept gouramis, but my mother used to keep LOTS of fish and at one point had a small breeding operation going with her gouramis. She says that they're quite peaceful with other fish, though there's always the individual here or there that's sometimes a bit snippy. She also said that...
  31. Kitty_Nin

    Science Fair -- Fish?

    You could do a project involving the methods (tortures) of dyeing fish and how this negatively affects the fishes health. I feel that this is something that needs to be brought to people's attention, as most people don't know about it. There's several things I'm sure you could do on that topic...
  32. Kitty_Nin

    Help With My Filter?!?

    I have an Aqua-Tech 5-15 power filter with bio-fiber that came with a 10 gal tank set-up. This morning when I turned the lights on all my tanks on it was perfectly okay, but I went out for a few hours and when I came back it was not working but also not making any weird noises. I turned it off...
  33. Kitty_Nin

    Food Help

    I'd say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. :good: But all fish like variety in their diets, so you could try giving them other things in addition to your staple, as a treat. Try blood worms or brine shrimp, my fishies love them! :D
  34. Kitty_Nin

    Top Level Fish Wanted...

    I don't know how they would do with your tiger barbs, but Golden Wonder Killifish are beautiful, with adorably funny faces. They stick to the very tippy top of the tank, rarely coming down any further that the upper mid-level. They're very peaceful and common in fish stores. But you ought to ask...
  35. Kitty_Nin

    Best Cichlid?

    Thanks for the advice everyone! :fish:
  36. Kitty_Nin

    Best Cichlid?

    Ok thanks, I'll do that. As soon as I get a small spare tank, that is. Thay seem fine, so a few days until I get it set up shouldn't hurt.
  37. Kitty_Nin

    Best Cichlid?

    Ok, thanks. I'll do research on the kirbensis. I looked into rams and I really liked them, but I read that they are very finicky about water conditions, so I don't think those would be so good until I have more experience.... I'd hate to kill them!!!
  38. Kitty_Nin

    Best Cichlid?

    Hi there! I currently have a 20 gal. tank with 1 giant danio, 2 comet goldfish, and 1 golden algae eater. I may soon be adding 3 bumblebee gobies, but haven't decided for sure on that yet. I'd like to get some sort of Cichlid--their personalities crack me up--and I was wondering if anyone had...
  39. Kitty_Nin

    85l Tank - How Many Fish?

    Live plants are best--plastic ones can have sharp edges. Silk ones are a good in-between but they don't produce oxygen or use up the nutrients in the water to help prevent algae. When you get your plants, soak them in a lukewarm, concentrated salt bath for about 8 minutes, then rinse them in...
  40. Kitty_Nin

    Worried About My Giant Danio...

    Just wanted to say that my danio finally started eating when I fed this evening. Thanks for the help everyone, I really appreciate it. :fish: