Time Waisting But Oh So Entertaining


Fish Herder
Dec 8, 2008
Reaction score
Surrey England
Hello everyone I hope your well :good:

I thought I would share with you my elation and enjoyment of my first Aquarium and the first 48 hours of its first inhabitants.

Well it all started early November 2008 when I got my first ever Aquarium yep I am a newbie :fun: . Fortunately for me and my fish whilst waiting for my Aquarium to be delivered I found this forum I started reading and consuming a vast education in keeping a tropical fish Aquarium "its not as easy as I first thought". But thanks to a lot of old and new posts on this forum I started a fishless cycle brought myself an API fresh water master test kit a bottle of Ammonia "dam hard to find a lot of counter staff I am sure thought I was a terrorist or something :lol: ". Anyway about 10 days ago all the levels dropped into line and sure enough the tank performed as described.

So on Sunday I went and got 4 zebra Danios , smart little so and so's and an unbelievable amount of energy :hey: I chose them as I have read they are a hardy fish that can deal with new tanks and there water, I do hope I do not make any mistakes with keeping the tank but I am a beginner so I am hopping that they will tolerate any minor indiscretions.

FOUR ! :-( I hear you say ? Don't worry my LFS only had 6 and 2 I did not like the look off so I am getting 2 more on Friday then I will decide what else goes in the Tank from there on in "one is still mindful of not introducing to many fish to Quickly to a new tank" and there is so much choice so I want to take my time :good: to decide. Again "one is mindful of compatibility"

No names for the 4 yet as I have always aloud the character of animals or pets even sometimes humans :blink: around me to decide there name , My fiancée is just happy that I have not called them all DAVE a habit that I caught as a boy by watching a TV comedy show called Only fools and horses if you have seen it you will understand what I am talking about apparently I call everything and everyone Dave according to my fiancée ? :lol: , but to use another program for the time being to give them some individuality the 4 Zebra Danios I will call 1 of 4 2 of 4 3 of 4 and yes 4 of 4 :blink: . :no:

Okay introduced all 4 in the correct manor. Things started slow " I was not surprised " normal service for this species started after half hour when 2 of 4 ventured away from the filter box along with 3 of 4 in close toe and then the other 2 followed well the rest of the day was amazing entertainment as they all mixed it up in a 190 Litre tank " after the tank they come out which was quite small even for 6 of them 15 litres I guess it must of seamed like a palace :good: "

I did not want to go to bed even when the timer shut the lights off :blink: so I looked at the pictures I took off them , here lye's a problem if you think setting up and learning how to do fishless cycling in a new tank for a newbie is hard then try and take a decent picture of fish that act like they are on steroids :hyper: not easy hence no decent pictures yet that's if anyone's interested ? "if you are keep checking in and I will add some" I have read the threads on taking pictures :good: I just need some time and to empty the recycle bin :no: and give it some practise :good: .

My first Day with 4

fed them interesting time feeding time "FRENZY" would be another word I would use, well 2 of 4 is a pig of a fish and 1 of 4 is a little more refined dinning on the food falling to the bottom of the Aquarium but I managed to see all 4 getting something "one was mindful not to put to much in" I have started with flakes and will sort additional treats and variations of the menu in the near future all though I think 2 of 4 is more into quantity not quality :sick: .

For the rest of the day and yes most of the day I spent no further than 5 feet away from the tank nothing different happened except the usual crazy run around so again towards the end of the day 4 got fed again and yes again 2 of 4 showed his or her unbelievable appetite and greediness.

I did do something productive on the first day ....... 2 complete water tests :no: :lol: all is well :good:

Day 2 :shout: do not worry I wont be keeping a log every day just indulge me at being excited at my new hobby :good:

Well day 2 has shown some change in the 4's way off life in there new home , after being fed they settled down to there day 1 of 4 and 2 of 4 seem to be best of friends swimming close to the front of the Tank up and down round and round at brake neck speed 3 of 4 joins in from time to time but while I was waiting for the ammonia test to do its 5 minute cycle I saw 3 of 4 go into one of the wholes in the side of the front half of a sunken galleon I have as the centre peace of my Aquarium "the aft section crowded the Tank" . Anyway 3 of 4 is hovering round the whole to the galleon for a couple of minutes then goes in then exits so fast he would not show up on a Gatso speed camera quickly followed by 4 of 4 :hyper: :grr: :lol: .

4 of 4 has a new pad

To start with I was a little worried "does another set of water check 2 hours after the last to make sure the water is okay" as 4 of 4 was spending a lot of time away from the rest of the gang :( . My worry has been relieved a bit by 4 of 4 every now and again coming out and mixing it up a bit with the others at the standard brake neck speed and also eating okay .

4 of 4 is usually coursed into doing this by 3 of 4 who I personally think is the the brave one and maybe the leader as he or she wanders round the tank in a very sensible manor making sure all is well . So I will keep an eye on how things work out on 4 of 4 's place and habits and share with you if anyone's interested or until admin say the forums server needs a rest :-( from my endless rambling.

Some pictures apologies they are not very good as mentioned earlier I am working on getting them better so here is the tank genral view:


out of focus but the best so far of the 4 hanging outside 4 of 4's pad


Thanks for reading regards Ian :good:
Hey Ian

This was a great read. I am so glad you are enjoying your new tank. You have had a long wait but so worth it. Lovely set up too. You must be very proud.

What are you planning next for your tank?

Cindy :)
Very entertaining, thanks for posting.

Your tank is looking good. Hopefully I will be in a similar position in a few weeks now my friend as put himself into gear to get my cabinet made.

Keep us posted on progress.

Hey Ian

This was a great read. I am so glad you are enjoying your new tank. You have had a long wait but so worth it. Lovely set up too. You must be very proud.

What are you planning next for your tank?

Cindy :)

I am not sure to be honest Cindy as mentioned there is so much variety even taking compatibility into mind I really want some nice colour in there and that will also please my fiancée but to start I think its definitely 2 more Zebra Danios as I read you should have either 5 or 6 to keep them happy :good:

Thanks everyone for the kind words oh another half hour at the tank tells me 3 of 4 is the biggest of the four definitely has a bigger stomach "even though 2 of 4 is troffing the lions share of the grub" and also 3 of 4 has got the ump about not getting inside the galleon thanks to 4 of 4's security guard habits so 3 of 4 has scratched out the top deck and gets write annoyed when 1 of 4 and 2 of 4 get close :hyper:

Odd thing is that every now and again 3 of 4 and 4 of 4 give it up and come out playing like lunatics with the other two :blink:

By the way anyone got any good read up stuff on Zebra Danios send it my way thanks :good: I have found a bit so far but as Tesco say every little helps

will do Dave L :good: and thanks m8

Regards Ian
Great looking tank! You gotta love those little guys, danios are very under rated - I have them and they always add interest and movement to the tank :good:

Nice to see someone who obviously loves fish and is doing everyhting the right way to look after them properly. Dont expect the fascination to wear off - it gets worse as you get into it more! I started 9 months ago and my nose is still glued to the tank every oportunity I get!! :lol:
Great looking tank! You gotta love those little guys, danios are very under rated - I have them and they always add interest and movement to the tank :good:

Nice to see someone who obviously loves fish and is doing everyhting the right way to look after them properly. Dont expect the fascination to wear off - it gets worse as you get into it more! I started 9 months ago and my nose is still glued to the tank every oportunity I get!! :lol:

Thanks Gilli kind of you to say so be honest I'm just doing things the way I have always been taught to do them "the very best I can"

Getting worse :nod: :lol: I hear you there I already want another Tank as I want to keep this one a community tank but I have absolutely fallen in love with the discus species so towards the end of this year a little wiser and some time to get a plan together to get the wife on board I am going to get a tank for a few discus :good:
I recently got into it too, and my face has been alternately glued to my computer screen for this site and my tank. I recently got my heater to so its been about 10 degrees higher( didnt realize how cold it was), and they are all over the place :D
LOL nose stuck to the Tank this morning and I saw what I think was 3 of 4 taking a dump it was a little reddish tube about 1 to 1 1.5 mm long lol :good: hope that's normal? :blink:
Lol,I love it!Aren't they great?My bf thinks I'm a loony,I've got a chair more or less sitting i front of the tank all the time now :)
LOL nose stuck to the Tank this morning and I saw what I think was 3 of 4 taking a dump it was a little reddish tube about 1 to 1 1.5 mm long lol :good: hope that's normal? :blink:

Hmmm- thats normal if youhave been feeding them blood worms or mosquitto lava - but if you have just been feeding flakes it may be worms which hang out of the anus. Did they pass them or are they still visible?
LOL nose stuck to the Tank this morning and I saw what I think was 3 of 4 taking a dump it was a little reddish tube about 1 to 1 1.5 mm long lol :good: hope that's normal? :blink:

Hmmm- thats normal if youhave been feeding them blood worms or mosquitto lava - but if you have just been feeding flakes it may be worms which hang out of the anus. Did they pass them or are they still visible?

They passed them I have checked all 4 and none of them have anything hanging out of there under carriage and since i had them SUNDAY i have just been giving them fish flakes.

I may of been a little over zelust on the size i would say 0.5 to 1 mm in length
Well today has been a lot of the same I am glad to say I have seen a lot more of 4 of 4 he or she has been spending a lot more time with the others. :good: I think the others realise that the inside of the galleon is 4's and its pointless poking one's nose into places that are going to get you a serious chasing off if you try

However 2 of 4's insatiable appetite has not diminished :sick:

WOW treats already ! My early trawling through these forums I read that fish do like green peas (as well as other vedge) so I thought I would give it a go defrosted them then took the shells off mashed them up and made little balls then put some in , a tiny bit at a time :hey:

The result is hell Yeah they love them :good:

I managed to keep myself to one set of water tests today :crazy: :lol: all is well :good: However I did start looking at my plants as the 2 red ones have some of there top leaves going green I think my light is not sufficient I have ordered a couple of reflectors that will help to deflect more light down from the tubes but I got a feeling I will have to pump the wattage up and get more powerful tubes oh well .

took a few more pictures but they were pooh still working on that bit.

Hope your all well regards Ian.
What a beautiful tank! I'm jealous! ^_^ You may want to look into Golden Wonder Killifish for the top of your tank when you are getting more fish. They're a beautiful golden color and have funny faces. They're piggies, so a lot of them will take treats right out of your fingers. They're one of my favorite types of fish. :D

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