Please Help!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Tank size: 5 gallon

pH: 7.5
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 20
kH: 120
gH: 180
tank temp: 72 Fahrenheit

Fish Symptoms: He's a bit sluggish this morning, I had to wake him up to feed him when he's usually up before I am. Swimming more slowly and a lot less, resting much more on plants and gravel. Also, Just behind his gills, right above his ventral fins, he is swollen evenly on both sides. Almost looks bloated or constipated, except that it is too far towards his head. Scales aren't sticking out that I can see. He ate his normal amout this morning, but it took him much longer to do and he was very unenthusiastic about it.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 20% 2x week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Used Tetra Aquasafe and API Stress Zyme two days ago, when I moved him from a 2.5 gallon to a 5.

Tank inhabitants: Just my delta tail.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Moved him over to the tank two days ago, with his old filter, gravel, and silk plants, along with some new gravel and new plants, and a few rocks.

Exposure to chemicals: None that I know of.

Digital photo (include if possible): Will try to take one.
I am not an expert on fish illnesses, but I will try to give you some advise and then let Wilder take over.

First, tank temp of 72 F I believe is a little low for a Betta. From my understanding optimal water temp for Bettas is 80 F (range 75-85), so you might want to get a heater (if you don't already have one) and try to raise that temp a little. From the reading I have done on Bettas they can get sluggish in cooler water, so raising the temp a few degrees (slowly so as not to shock him) might help with that.

Also have you tried feeding him shelled peas? That should help if it is constipation. Just take some frozen peas, heat up in boiling water, remove them from the shell, squish them up really small, allow to cool then feed to the Betta. Really 1 pea should be plenty for a single Betta. Just a warning peas can be messy, so make sure you have a net handy to remove the uneaten portion.

Anything further I will leave to Wilder.

Good Luck
Thanks. I have a heater but it's one that heats 'automatically' no way to make it warmer, planning to get a better one soon, however that's the exact same temp he was at in the old tank where he was lively and healthy, so it seems to me like that shouldn't be it.

The swelling is forward of his belly, so I don't think it's constipation, however I will try some peas anyway.

Well that is me out of ideas then, other than a possible Bacterial infection...which I will let Wilder guide you through that process. Peas definately won't hurt him, even if it is not constipation. Wilder is the expert with sick fish, and will definately have more ideas.

Good Luck
I would use an internal bacteria med.
As he gotten stuck in anything in the tank.
What does it look like when he goes to the toilet.
is his anus enlarged or red and inflamed.
Will do. Hasn't gotten stuck that I know of, toilet looks normal, his rear is normal looking. Wasn't enthused about the peas even though I put a bit of garlic juice on them, but he had a mouthful or two.
Can you issolate.
As epson salt good for bloating and swelling.
He is already all by himself. I will try a little Epsom, about how much should I use?
Get you a link as forgotten.
Done an Epsom bath and gave peas, to no avail. He's starting to look a bit worse and I'm really worried he may have dropsy, though I can't see any scales sticking out yet. What medication do you recommend I get? I'm in the US.
Maracyn products are good.
Got Maracyn today and just dosed. He's looking worse appearance wise, but his behavior is much better. Not quite 100% but much less worrying. He's lost all color and gone a dark grey, and has black lines... I suppose stress lines? However he's swimming more and eating better, hiding much less.
Is he really bloated? Is the bloating still symmetrical? If he doesn't like eating the peas frozen daphnia works as a laxative.
If he's really bloated, definitely not constipated, and doesn't have raised scales, he could have "mystery bloat" I've read a lot of people have had problems with it. I'll pm you a link for it.
Hows the betta doing?

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