

Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2008
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Ok, I have the opposite problem as everyone else seems to have. For some reason in my one tank I simply CANNOT keep my snail alive. I've gone through 3 mystery snails already and am getting sick of fishing the dead suckers out of there. I actually want a snail, I like them and hey, they eat algae. Does anyone know of any hardier types of snail? I don't really like the ram's horn snails, however. Or maybe like a freshwater shrimp I could try? I know nothing about shrimp, though.
Mystery Snails are generally pretty hardy.

Are you getting healthy specimens from the store? Are you feeding them?
I always try to get the snails that are sliming their way all around the store's tank. I figure active=healthy. I drop in sinking algae tablets for them as well. They are usually fine for 2 or 3 weeks, then all of a sudden they're dead. Also, the fish aren't picking at them.
I always try to get the snails that are sliming their way all around the store's tank. I figure active=healthy. I drop in sinking algae tablets for them as well. They are usually fine for 2 or 3 weeks, then all of a sudden they're dead. Also, the fish aren't picking at them.

what fish is in tank with it?
Do you know if you have any copper in your water? It's highly toxic to most invertebrates.
The fish in the tank with the snails are blue gouramis, golden wonder killifish, danios, cory cats, and some mystery thing I got from a friend. XD

I have no clue if there's copper in the water. However, I have another tank which uses the same kind of water, only it is cooler and has a few comet goldfish in it. The snails in there are fine, so I would think if there is too much copper in the water those snails would be dying too.
Have you used any medications the the tank that kills snails?

just a you have live plants in that tank...sometimes the lfs treats them with copper based soulution to kill off pest snails that arrive in their shipment of plants...maybe residual copper from that? again just a thought.
No, no medications... but I think loraxchick just gave me the "ah-ha". I have added plants, so that's probably what it is! Would rinsing plants thoroughly get the copper off to make them "snail-safe'?
No, no medications... but I think loraxchick just gave me the "ah-ha". I have added plants, so that's probably what it is! Would rinsing plants thoroughly get the copper off to make them "snail-safe'?

I've just removed about 10 Apples from a tank where I keep swords, presuming dead for about 10 days, an empty tank & they suddenly started moving around .... all alive... Just wondering if the Swords wer'nt picking at their antenae keeping them "laid back"????

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