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  1. C

    Some New Full Tank Pics

    Great pics
  2. C

    Question about Fahaka Puffer

    mmmm, need a very big bag. We have actually been getting him used to being handled and he readily lets you stroke his back and guide him where you want him ti go, ie. into a bag. So it shouldn`t be THAT bad. Wrestling with our 2ft Red Tail was the worst, their tails are so strong. We ffed the...
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    Question about Fahaka Puffer

    Oops, sorry SirMinion, didn`t mean to offend you on the crabs. Do you think fish need live food of any dort? Other than bloodworms and Daphnia we don`t feed any live food. Got the 9ft x 3ft6 tanks and 8 x 3ft 6 tank set up and starte moving the fish, you should see the red tail and the nigers...
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    Question about Fahaka Puffer

    I presume from your post that you have researched this puffer already and know that it must be kept alone and is very aggresive. Ours is in a tank 5x2x2 and would not recommend anything less than that size as he is very active and puffers are very messy so it is important to keep the water good...
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    Thanks for the replies. I don`t think i is air he has taken in, when he lays on the bottom he is nearly always upside down and that is the only time when you can see the lump, always in the same place, near his chin but not quite that far up, just at the top of his belly. I thought Fahakas had...
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    We have a Fahaka puffer whcih we have had for over a year, in a 5ft tank alone. About 5 months ago we noticed a large lump in his stomach and he was laying upside down not eating, on the bottom of the tank. I rang all the specialist vets and nobody had any information that could help. Since...
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    Crocodile Gars?

    If you want to see real aligator gars then go to Wharf Aquatics in Pinxton. Theirs are reaching 4ft and are the only fish to have a go at the silver arowana. They are in a huge tank and they dive in to clean it out but someone has to watch the gars as they actually start to look at hunting the...
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    Fahaka puffer

    One slight word of warning, whilst most puffers may seem relatively ungainly at swimmming because they mostly use their tail as a rudder, do not be decieved by the Fahaka. On the one occasion that our Fahaka was spooked while cleaning his tank, he made it from one side of the tank to the other...
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    Freshwater lionfish/stonefish?

    We had 3 of these and lost 2. They simply would not eat. The third however, eats realy well taking whitebait and earthworms. Need to be in brackish water and have you heard them grunt when they are upset over something? They are really loud and it`s quite a strange noise. Not a fish I would...
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    what is your favourite puffer

    Our mbu has the biggest personality, he is 2ft long and the most interactive and gentlest of all. But it is a great honour when you get the trust of a humpback puffer. Our lineatus has a de formed lip so I have a real soft spot for him and who can resist those cute little figure eight and...
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    Huge Cats

    I have heard that Red Tails either live together fine, or kill eachother!! Your pictures look great though, a few together look lovely. We haven`t been quoted for a big BIG tank yet but this BOSS place quoted about £400, for a tank 9ft x 3ft x 2ft, that included delivery. We want only the front...
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    Huge Cats

    We have a Red Tail and hybrid species too, often labelled as a Yellow Tail or a Marbled Tail. We are growing them on at the moment in a tank 9 x 3 x 2, we have now got the fish room built and are looking towards getting the tank in the next year. We have also looked at the big Nexus filters and...
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    Hujeta/needlenose Gars

    First of all, these are great fish, we have loads of different types! Hujeta, grow to around 10". Regardless of what is read, we have a friend who has been in the trade for 35 years and has neber known of any bigger than that. We have 3 Hujetas, all around 10". They are very skittish, and are...
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    One cheesed off Snakehead :(

    Hmm. we know someone who moved a Red Snakehead in the store, it was 2 1/2ft long and took 4 very brave, or stupid, men to move it!! I wasn`t putting anyone down in my comments, I am sure you do all research fish before you buy them but not all info on the web is correct. All the things I read...
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    One cheesed off Snakehead :(

    Quote from Richard Hardwick od Wharf Aquatics, and PFK ' If anybody wants the tropical freshwater equivalent of a great white shark, then the red snakehead is it'!! Red Snakeheads usually grow to a size (usually about 9 months old), where they will slaughter anything and everything in their...
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    another dead oto

    Just a warning, we have had similar experiences with losing Ottos for no apparent reason. Just one other thing though, we also lost an Axelotl who tried to eat the dead Otto and choked as they are very spiney. We didn`t get to remove the otto quick enough obviously. So beware of keeping them...
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    No need to feed any live food to these fish, in fact, feeding live feeder fish can introduce diseases. Our Birchirs (and we have a good range) all eat whitebait. They are reasonably cheap to buy too. Given a selection of foods (cockles, mussel,prawns) they always go for the whitebait first. Clare
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    Dragon Goby

    Keep your dragon goby on sand, this is essential as they are filter feeders. I don`t know how much or how little you know about them so i will include the basics here. They are nearly blind as their eyes are so small, the basically look like they are gasping all the time but they are taking in...
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    Rescue operation-poor little Puffer. (Cookie)

    So glad that Cookie is doing well, Karl says, have you reained Cookie how to sulk yet like Gomez does!! Then again, i did drop a clam into his tank this morning which got caught in the current and landed on his head!! The first few days were critical for Cookie but the fact that he survuved...
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    What to feed a large Pleco?

    They are pre cooked but not glazed or with anything added. Cooked prawns will be fine but leave them nice and big, don`t bother cutting them because the plecs will rasp on them. If you do them smaller then other fish tend to steal them. Our bigger plecos drag them away to their favourite spot...
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    What to feed a large Pleco?

    I am soooo glad that your pleco liked the food, as stated by Paul v Biker?, a lot of plecos don`t eat algae or the tabs. We live in Grimsby near the docks so we buy prawns from there, generally unglazed ones and get a big bag of them. Whitebait are really good too if you can get them. I think...
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    What to feed a large Pleco?

    We ahve a lot of Plecos of all different types, believe me, the best food you can give them is meaty foods. Cockles, prawns and mussels are great for them to rasp on and they can eat a good amount. Make sure you feed algae wafers with woodchip in as this is essential for their diet, mine love...
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    Our Dragon Gobies are 14" long and we have eight of them, all toothless. That one of yours looks very scary, check the rest of the fish in his tank to see if he`s stolen someones falsies!! Clare and Karl
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    Rescue operation-poor little Puffer. (Cookie)

    Know how you feel when you saw this fish. We don`t buy fish on impulse ( like you don`t) but when you see a fish that needs rescuing, like Cookie did, then you can`t help it. That`s what happened with our Palembang Puffers, we now have just under 6000 litres of water all in the lounge! Our...
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    help id a garfish

    Yes we have got 8 of the Gars, what we bought as Spotted Gars. We have 4 which are about 14 inches and 4 babies which are about 5 inches long. They are great fish and mainly eat whitebait. They are reasonablt greedy and watch out for their sharp teeth. Ours are in a tank 8ft x 3ft x 2ft with a...
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    cant wait until tuesday

    I am really pleased for you, it is very exciting getting new fish. Then it turns a bit nerve racking trying to get them settled and feeding well. It is so nice to see someone who has researched the fish they want properly, then provided great tanks for them BEFORE they get the fish. Hope all...
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    Both these puffers are brackish although the spotted puffers require more salt in the water than the figure eights. Do not mix the two as they are not compatible. First you need to have a fully cycled tank to keep puffers in, then, if the fish store keeps them in freshwater ( which they can...
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    Warning about ottocinclus

    I am well experienced in keeping fish and lots of people find that if fish are brought up together then they are fine. In all these years not a single one of my minnows have been harmed, they are all kept in a good sized tank with lots of places to get away from eachother and fed a good varied...
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    Warning about ottocinclus

    You say they shouldn`t be kept together yet they were brought up together along with minnows which are never touched and haven`t been touched for years. It is simply because the ottos died that this happened but it just a small warning to others becuase i should think Ottos will fit in a lot of...
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    Warning about ottocinclus

    Just a little note to anyone keeping Ottos out there. Something very sad happened in our tank today and we just want to warn people of this experience. Our Ottos are the dwarf kind and have lived happily with various goldfish and axelotls for a long time. Unfortunately, we found one of the...
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    Marble Tail catfish

    We have a red tail cross tiger shovel nose catfish and were wondering if anyone else is keeping one of these fish. Ours is growing steadily although we have not had him long, and is eating a good diet of prawn, cockle and mussel. We are expecting this fish to grow a potential of well over 3...
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    Can you offer guidence

    Freshwater fish live in freshwater, brackish water fish live in water with some salt in, about a quatre that of marine, and marine fish live in full salt water and are a very specialist thing to do. To keep any kind of puffer the tank must be fullt cycled so read up on tank cycling. Some...
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    Puffer fish

    Our Mbu is a real show off but then again we have a very close bond to the Dragon Puffers. I really couldn`t choose a favourite because the figure eights are such happy little fish and the Fahaka we have is the biggest grump yet most human like fish we have, he`s like an old man! Clare
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    Lucky Shot

    Do you feed him whitebait? Ours really loves it, along with prawns. Most people think they only eat veggies but believe me it`s not true and they get so happy to have meaty food. Lovely picture of him though, he looks just like ours, Arthur.
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    Microgobius gulosus

    Look on the Members fish pictures section on the link Lady and Sir Minion put on, they just bought some. I think someone has put that they are a cold water fish but check on the link anyway. Very cute fishies!!! Clare
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    Oddballs & monsters

    Agggh, Red Snakeheads!! Richard Hardwick, the PFK expert describes the Red Snakehead thus; If you want the freshwater equivalent of a great white shark then the Red Snakehead is it!!!! I don`t know if anyone read on my link a while ago about a small pet shop we went to in Liverpool, they sold a...
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    non heated tank?? what kind of occupants??

    Or maybe Axelotls? You would need to keep the room at a warm temperature but they live in cooler water and are great little characters with their legs and lovely gills. They can live with the loaches too. Clare
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    Clown Loaches

    Not only do the do this, but they also make a clicking noise when they eat their favourite foods. We give ours cucumber and you can hear the high pitched clicking noise as they lay upside down underneath it, munching away. They often play dead, hence the name, clown loach. Always clowning...
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    Puffer Personality

    Depends if they are in fresh water in the shop. If they are, then yes, bring them home, let them settle in for a few weeks, then increse the salinity slowly, start adding salt slowly and measure it with a hydrometer. Put the salt in a bucket with the water as you do a water change and measure...