Dragon Goby


Fish Addict
Aug 9, 2004
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well dragon gobies are ilegal in aus, but i wanted one so badly i ordered one :D

Can someone tell me some info? and how to care for them.
I may get 2, they wil go in my Gudgeon/Goby 4 ft tank.
Keep your dragon goby on sand, this is essential as they are filter feeders. I don`t know how much or how little you know about them so i will include the basics here.

They are nearly blind as their eyes are so small, the basically look like they are gasping all the time but they are taking in food and water and filtering it through, that is why sand is essential or they may choke.

Feed them JMC high protein food, which looks like brown dust!! Also plenty of very finely chopped cockle, prawn and mussel. Leave it in the tank a day or two befoe you remove uneaten food as they like it better when it is not so fresh!!
Sir Minion feeds his algae wafers which his love, although mine have never touched them.
They love to tunnel in the sand so provide plenty of caves and hiding holes for them to bury themselves in.
These should really be kept in brackish water but there is disputes over this. Ours are doing really well in frsh water at the moment but we intend to convert to brackish early next year.

Hope i helped a little here.

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