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    Argh Please Help

    Thanks Wilder! Appreciated :)
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    Argh Please Help

    U.K, Yorkshire
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    Help! Advice Please! Any Suggestions Welcome!

    Thanks, appreciated. To be fair, i had a hunch they were expecting because of their size, but all the females were on the chubbers side so i thought lets leave it, besides i didnt know how far along they were or when theyd drop so i didnt really want to stress them out by putting them in the...
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    Help! Advice Please! Any Suggestions Welcome!

    Thanks for your response!! Its a hexagon ~15gal tank. had it for over 2years, unfortunately the fish in it arent any of the originals. Well i DID have two female guppies one died last night and i have just found the other one dead too.... They both were preggers when my dad bought them...
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    Argh Please Help

    Is there a general medication that can be used to treat symptoms as mentioned.. my symptoms are stringy white/clear poo, fish looking skinny/slightly sunken belly. Thanks Aisha
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    Someone Just Plz Help Give Me Advice Plz

    Hi, would you recommend that for any kind of tank, is it ok to use on its own i.e. normal light etc, no other fancy CO2 things, just a basic tank, light, filter with plants and fish! Thanks Aisha
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    Help! Advice Please! Any Suggestions Welcome!

    Hi, I have mainly guppies, most which are fry, with a barb and a molly fry. Now the 'adults' of the tank keep passing away (over a space of time) but last night one of the adult guppies started acting weird, she was hiding in the rock and looked like she was dead except for the slight fin...
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    Clown Loach Stuck In Wood

    my dwarf barb was nosey and got partially stuck in the filter by time i saw she had already died.. :-( good to hear your loach was k though :)
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    Should I Be Worried?

    Thanks Colin T! Will definately do so, i have removed the bamboo as another member advised.. its sad tho because it looked soo nice.. o well as long as my fish will b better off then i cant complain :)
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    What Happened To The 'older' Members

    Hi, Have just been reading everyones comments, its really sad to hear whats been going on. Im new to the forum and only had 1yr and hlf of tropical fish. The amount of knowledge on here that you get is priceless. Id like to thank all those who take out time to answer any queries regardless how...
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    Should I Be Worried?

    Hi, Yesterday after my normal water change i added some bamboo into my tank, this was after i had soaked and boiled them in water to release any tanins and and any bacteria etc.. I wake up this morning to find that the tank water has gone mirky, now i can only assume its the bamboo as its the...
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    Shrimpy Question..

    not all the pics came up so here are the others.. [/img] to be honest i dont know, it came with the tank when i got it, and the tanks light is the only one thats on in the room, except a small lamp in other side of room its actually much lighter than what the pics show, its prob my...
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    Shrimpy Question..

    thanks, took a while but got there.. pics arent the best of quality but does the job!.. [/img] [/img] lemme know your thoughts... (i think of myself as still a newbie so dont be too harsh)
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    Shrimpy Question..

    ok... how do i find photobucket?...
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    Shrimpy Question..

    no i dont but i can take one, the only thing is i dont know how to attach them on here, tried it before but couldnt do it if you know how then thatl be great, ill put one up (i love my tank but its always changing)
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    Shrimpy Question..

    thanks nick, im sure i will :)
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    Shrimpy Question..

    ok, yea thats why i was thinkin of starting to put it in.. thanks for your help today! ;)
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    Shrimpy Question..

    ok, thanks. do you out salt in your tank?
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    Shrimpy Question..

    why cant i get any babies from amanos?? im not trying to breed or anything but its nice to know that they could if they wanted to... how do amanos breed then??
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    Shrimpy Question..

    O i see! Well before getting them i made them a coconut cave and theres this big rock with lots of hidin places and the other half of the coconut shell is upside down with gravel and plant in it with a hide out, its in the corner so space there too. it doesnt really bolt, except for when it was...
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    Shrimpy Question..

    im in Leeds. I wanted to get more... actually i just remembered, there werent 2 fish when i got them, i had quite a few more but cant remember how many, sadly they died with whitespot which was inroduced by a new fish i bought (sad story, fault was on my part.. didnt quarantine..) what do you...
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    Shrimpy Question..

    the fry are in a net within the tank, im going to leave them there till there a llittle bigger, althought there growing fast by the day!!! My tank is now just mollies and this other fish, species unknown.. its about 3+ish inches inc its beautiful long tail, its orange then its fins and tail is...
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    Shrimpy Question..

    Thanks for your comments. I have an exact same plant in the other side of the tank and that is fine, i have looked more losely at the plant that went stringy and the remaining leaves have some light brown patches, and its only been few days since ive bought it, i added lpant food when i put...
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    Shrimpy Question..

    Thanks for that, i did ask this lady at a lfs and she said that shrimp and fish naturally eat plants as a source of food and there nothing that can be done unless i get artificial ones... well to be honest i dont think she knows alot about the tropical world thats why id ask on here Thanks...
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    Shrimpy Question..

    I've had my two amano shrimps for quite a few months now and they were REALLY shy for quite a while, then they came out odd times, then more frequently when i went to feed the fish. A few days ago i bought some plants, both shrimps and fish seem sooo much happier (not that they werent before!)...
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    hi.... erm well its in leeds city centre right next to the corn exchange and the market... pets something its called... armley? ive always found that place quite good.. have got all but one fish from there.. except i do believe tilll this day that ich was introd as a result of fish that i...
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    Saintlys Iwagumi Journal. Part 2

    Amazing and inspirational!!..
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    Im in leeds.. pfk?? Oh thats great. thanks for that :)
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    Ive been after shrimp for a while and there was only one place that i knew of that sold them... i thought it was an ok place as i bought from them previously... I was after a couple of more so i went back and i looked to see if they had any other types... and OMG to my supprise... the tanks...
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    The Return Of.... Whitespot!

    ok thanks
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    Fish Identification..

    thank you all! i will have a look at the link... 4-6 inch is rather big, my tank is currently 11gal with possibility of being more if i filled it up more.. :)
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    The Return Of.... Whitespot!

    I didnt see your post earlier.. I would rather treat the whole tank for the reasons that you mentioned.. imean that is why it came back. ta WIth all the treatments i have none of them that give the full ingredients or even the lil booklets that come in the package... they do mention other...
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    Fish Identification..

    O i am rather sad!!!! Just gooled it and the minimum tank size for them is 3ft with 90litres! :'( the size i saw them at in the lfs seemed as though they would do ok in my tank.. HOWEVER, they are a similar species to Gastromyzon Punctulatus and Pseudogastromyzon Cheni. i think maybe its the...
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    Fish Identification..

    Its definatly more like the second one.. it was sucking on the glass.. im pretty sure it could be that one Id like to do a lil research on it before i decide to get it so thats a great help knowing the name. THANKS!! :D
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    Fish Identification..

    Hi.. I went to my lfs for a regular water check.. i saw this beautiful sucker fish but the shop was closing so i had to go... didnt get the chance to take a pic but it was very small, about an inch, it looked slightly transparent with spots, these were very light. I think maybe they were very...
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    The Return Of.... Whitespot!

    Thanks Don. I did read about the whole salt thing somewhere.. the tank temp is currently 26 is that equivalent to 78-80? Ive looked at all the ingredients on the treatments and what it contains... theres not alot! how can i tell if treatments contain copper. I know!! I feel totally addicted! I...
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    The Return Of.... Whitespot!

    LOL, i just quickly typed and didnt realise. I have always ended up talking with either the owner or the owner/manager of the fish section.. my enquiries usually end up being complex for the other workers to fully answer or help me with. What i do know has come from books the web and this...
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    The Return Of.... Whitespot!

    Im new to the world of aquariums and learning each step of the way, when you ask for someones professional opinion about things then you would think theyd give it straight. I know they did some kind of quaranteen because i wanted certain fish and they wouldnt sell me it till atleast a week later...
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    Finally ! I Win The Battle Of Wills !

    i didnt realise it was so old, i was reading another post and this topic was at the bottom and didnt check the date
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    Finally ! I Win The Battle Of Wills !

    hi.... When you feed your fish pea.. isit boiled and peeled.. I give my fish cucumber.. havent really tried anything else there main diet is flake food and freeze dried bloodworm few times a wk..