Fish Identification..


Fish Fanatic
Sep 6, 2008
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I went to my lfs for a regular water check.. i saw this beautiful sucker fish but the shop was closing so i had to go... didnt get the chance to take a pic but it was very small, about an inch, it looked slightly transparent with spots, these were very light. I think maybe they were very young...

If you know what the possible name could be and general info on the fish then that would be great!!

Are there any sucker fish that are comfortable being the only specie in a tank of mollies guppies and shrimps? Are there any that wont grow more than 2/3inch???

Much appreciated

Was it like this:

Or this maybe?:
sounds like a hillstream loach (seconed pic)

But sorry it's impossible from the description as their 1000's of pleco's and 100's of loaches
Its definatly more like the second one.. it was sucking on the glass.. im pretty sure it could be that one

Id like to do a lil research on it before i decide to get it so thats a great help knowing the name.

O i am rather sad!!!!

Just gooled it and the minimum tank size for them is 3ft with 90litres! :'( the size i saw them at in the lfs seemed as though they would do ok in my tank..

HOWEVER, they are a similar species to Gastromyzon Punctulatus and Pseudogastromyzon Cheni. i think maybe its the frst one that i saw at the shop as there size is 5cm...

Would these be compatible with mollies, amano shrimps?
Not really IMO, all hillstream loaches should really be kept in a specific kind of tank, with a high flow area over smooth pebbles and cooler water than your mollies would really prefer (18-23*).

Amano shrimp should thrive and are sometimes found in the same type of environment as hillstream loaches in the wild, but I've tried to keep hillstream loaches in a normal tank in the past twice, it really doesn't work, they only last weeks-months.

Read here: [URL=""][/URL] :).
I you liked the second one... maybe go for a bristlenose plec.
I have some in my tropical community tank. The bristlenose plecs only grow to 4-6 inches and live in harmony will swordies and mollies etc :)
thank you all! i will have a look at the link...

4-6 inch is rather big, my tank is currently 11gal with possibility of being more if i filled it up more..


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