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    Play Sand

    just fiquired that...but i want to do like a sandy shore affect....think i saw some1s tank on here and loved the design of it...that started with gravel then sloped up..was concern becos i didnt want to have air pockets and just wondered that if it on gravel first there would be less then 2 cm...
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    Play Sand

    help... i am gonna try and do the messy job of swapping from gravel to sand today...have gone and got play sand,... i like the fact that it id darker as it matches the gravel that am going to leave underneath it... is this ok as i want to make a beach look... please can u comfim that play sand...
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    2.5 Wk Old Fry

    dwarf gouramis guppies neons goldfish extra large corys platies
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    2.5 Wk Old Fry

    hi how long b4 they can go into the main tank...they r just over 1 cm now.. and 2.5 wks old
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    Female Guppie Attacking My Gourami

    dwarf gourami....nope 2 fry she had her last fry 1 and a half wks ago...and where ever they go she goes so they cant really hide from her
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    Female Guppie Attacking My Gourami

    is this normal she is tiny in comparision but she is pinning the gouramis to the floor they r trying to go onto their side to escape her and at this opeertunity she pind them on the gravel...only just started today and its only my 2 gouramis she is after they have been together for 3 wks now so...
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    Is Female Guppy Giving Birth?

    all 3 of mine did this when they where giving birth...but mine hide near the bottom of the tank... is it safe for the babies to be born near a filter it wont suck them up or anything?? Also...try turning the lights of 4 a couple of hrs i did and she just keep on going and going with the
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    Can I Switch To Sand?

    thanks really helpful
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    Think I Have To Many

    hello and thanks 4 the replies... i knew i had probs when she rung crying lol... they r all fine tho filters r up and running...been in since sunday and all my stats r fine....luckily i did a whole cleanup sunday morning... ie removed my fish cleaned gravel...replaced half water... will do water...
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    Fry Tank

    just did it with my fingers crossed they will all b ok lol... its 1 of them little hexagon 1s...think its about 10 litres if memory serves me right emmzer
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    Fry Tank

    hello got 30+ fry in my little fry tank how often should i do a water change?? and i tank it is as normal...1/3 water change?? thanks
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    Can I Switch To Sand?

    newbie other half wants to switch to sand but how do i clean it...gravel is a mission as it is saving 4 an electric cleaner yay!!
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    O M G!

    wow...and i just have a 2footer :sad: heres a link 4 measurements
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    Think I Have To Many

    Hi all :) think i got a problem...i have an 18g tank, and my sis had a tank disater, had to temperarily house her fish but with mine i think this may b to much...problem is she cant afford to replace her 4 foot tank 4 a couple wks.. they r... 1 bristlenose pleco 2 Peppered Corydoras 4 neons 3...
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    thanks :) she made me think i might b over fedding em or something doing something wrong i dont know, anyways cant b lol she had 25 the thirst lot.... they sure r getting tubby tho thanks again
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    hello again... i know lol :P just wondered my fry r now 2 wks old, about the size of 1.5cm ish lol(maybe a bit smaller) when will they start to get their colours, just my sister had fry 6 wks ago and it has just began, 3 of mine have already got black tains and fins, is this normal she...
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    Water Has Gone Stagnant

    buble pump working...normally goes stagnant as no oxygen going throught it
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    Water Has Gone Stagnant

    agree with catxx, check ya filter....failing that anything new added to bog wood??
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    Guppy - More Sickness

    male orfemale...?? if female she may be miscarring
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    Common Pleco?

    hi sorry he wont let me lol and my hone playing up wont let me send to pc...only thing that looks like him is the link above(fishes) sorry and thanks
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    Common Pleco?

    hi guys...ok i know that this is a common question but is my peter a common pleco or a common bristlenose?? ok he is about 2", he has 2 bristles near his mouth(1 either side) and 2 stubby 1s under his eyes (1 each side) he looks like this fishes BUT his spots dont look as random as that they...
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    Hatchett Fish

    anyone heard of them? Anyone with any info on them or any pics gratefully appreciated.
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    I Think Peter Burnt Himself!

    thanks to all will try the suggestions appreciated
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    I Think Peter Burnt Himself!

    been trying for 10 mins but can safetly say no hope in hell of him keeping still to take a photo lol looks really sore tho and i think definatly a burn any ideas as to how i can heal it?? dont look quite so nasty as a couple of days ago but still very white
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    I Think Peter Burnt Himself!

    hi all just need a helpful person really is it possible that a common pleco can burn itself.?? Peter has taken to hideing beside the heater some times really getting between it and the glass... i have just noticed this large sore looking thing on his is white and looks to me like a bun...
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    Platy Problem

    RIP platy, second 1 in 2 days...its stress due to an agrreive platy... i know werid but true!! see for explaination
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    Swim Bladder Not Swim Bladder But...

    Hi all i thought that i had a swim bladder issue in my tank but seems not :D unfortunatly it is weird :huh: i have 7 platies in my tank and last night i lost the second :sad: which i thought as above was swim bladder have been watching all day at the tank and a 3rd is on the way on with a...
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    How Many Fish

    hi yes tank all cycled just thought it looked over stocked is all then on the other hand i think its to sparse lol
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    Swim Bladder?

    yeah sorry thought i would put in fish emergencies then thought hang on he is a live bearer maybe try in there lol.... anyways....he died shortly after posting RIP thanks 4 all the replies tho
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    Stupid Me

    opps sorry still learning lol
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    Swim Bladder?

    hi and thanks for now of to bed was wondering if there is any thing i can do b4 i retire lol... or is it a case of hope for the best until the morning? all i have is revitaliser tonic and that dot seem to be helping him
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    How Many Fish

    hi how many fish can i have in a 18 gallon tank please thanks all
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    Swim Bladder?

    any tips on how or if poss if u can cure swim bladder i am pretty certsin myplatie has it thanks
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    Stupid Me

    cheers searched and found that they are peacefull and need to be kept in a group so should be fine. besides u said earlier that the pet girl caught it by mistake so i assume it was with the gourami and therfore will continue to be ok together
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    Platy Problem

    i have seperated the 1 that is swimming each way but up and put him in some revitaliser tonic, unfortnatly i feed him today and that was with flake, not so surre he ate tho. he is now swimming more on his side but when i made the water unsteady he went upside down, he seems to be able to stay...
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    Platy Problem

    wow thanks for the really quick response... right yes he is swimming upside down, on 1 side to cant keep his balance, havnt noticed about his tail tho, as for the food i am now of to bed and have no peas all i got is frozen blood worm, dried shrimp, and flake to hand, any of this any good for...
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    Stupid Me

    hi i have tried putting in albino danio in all my search engines but am getting nothing...are u 100% sure that it is wot the mystery fish is?? anyways danios are excellent community fish i have 5 in my tank and are never any problem, u could get more as they like there schoal maybe another 4...
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    Platy Problem

    hi there tank is 18 gallons, had up and running 3 months fish had for 2 days got it from a well known stockists in the area which is a tourist attraction as well a few other neons..guppies. pleco. flame heads an corydoras water stats all fine and correct and i done a water change the...
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    Whats Wrong With Micky?

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    Whats Wrong With Micky?

    hi all just got a micky mouse platy and 5 smaller seperate varients of the platie( dont know name of the varients.... all red but got alot of black leaves like an outside edge of red on the fish) anyways the micky mouse platy is female and just started bumping the other platies.... she swims...