Whats Wrong With Micky?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
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hi all just got a micky mouse platy and 5 smaller seperate varients of the platie( dont know name of the varients.... all red but got alot of black leaves like an outside edge of red on the fish) anyways the micky mouse platy is female and just started bumping the other platies.... she swims upto them then nudges them sometimes at speed she isnt going after any of my other fish...just the platies...she has a male sunset platy which is her size she picks on him but the others are half her size any ideas??
could she be pregnant?
they can get grumpy when pregnant, or maybe shes just bossy :)

can she store sperm like guppies as she has been the only platy if she is she would only be 2 days gone would she be so aggressive in that short of time?
yes they can store sperm, how long have you had her/ also when did she get her male friend,
is there lots of places for the fish to hide / get away from each other? :)
edit: if shes new she is prob just getting use to her new home, if she was housed with males she will be preg anyway, good luck with her i hope all works out, all the best donna :)

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