Think I Have To Many


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
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Hi all :)
think i got a problem...i have an 18g tank, and my sis had a tank disater, had to temperarily house her fish but with mine i think this may b to much...problem is she cant afford to replace her 4 foot tank 4 a couple wks..
they r...

1 bristlenose pleco
2 Peppered Corydoras
4 neons
3 zebra danios
2 ruby barbs
2 silver tipped tetra
5 rummynose tetra
3 female guppys
1 male guppy
1 shrimp
2 marble hatchett
1 male sunset platy
1 female sunset platy
1 male Red tuxedo Platy

soin total 29
Hi all :)
think i got a problem...i have an 18g tank, and my sis had a tank disater, had to temperarily house her fish but with mine i think this may b to much...problem is she cant afford to replace her 4 foot tank 4 a couple wks..
they r...

1 bristlenose pleco
2 Peppered Corydoras
4 neons
3 zebra danios
2 ruby barbs
2 silver tipped tetra
5 rummynose tetra
3 female guppys
1 male guppy
1 shrimp
2 marble hatchett
1 male sunset platy
1 female sunset platy
1 male Red tuxedo Platy

soin total 29

Ya....def way over-stocked, but if you keep your sis' filter running on your tank along with yours, that would help as the more filtration, the better....

O...and I don't know if the cory's are yours or your sis', but they really should be kept in groups of 6. So maybe even if they are yours, let your sis take them and then add 4 more to make them a happy group :D
Yup that's way overstocked, but as an emergency measure for a few weeks you should be OK, just make sure you do regular water changes, keep an eye on your tank stats and if you can add in some extra filtration.
Your ammonia and nitrite levels are likely to climb quickly and constantly be a problem with that much over stocking.
Keep a very close eye on them - I'd test daily to be sure, and expect to have to do a lot of water changes - maybe daily to keep on top of the amm / nitrite.

Good luck
Yup that's way overstocked, but as an emergency measure for a few weeks you should be OK, just make sure you do regular water changes, keep an eye on your tank stats and if you can add in some extra filtration.

hello and thanks 4 the replies... i knew i had probs when she rung crying lol... they r all fine tho filters r up and running...been in since sunday and all my stats r fine....luckily i did a whole cleanup sunday morning... ie removed my fish cleaned gravel...replaced half water... will do water changes every sat now i think till she claims them back...once again thanks...

ps the corys r mine...been in there 4 3 wks now... dont seem to socialize with each other :unsure: ...but the plan was 4 a couple more....that plan on hold now tho lol

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