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  1. G

    What Temp Is Too High?

    I know your right and I do feel guilty sometimes, but to be honest until this recent setback I havent had any problems for the last couple of years. I hate carrying buckets of water through the house (and the wife goes mental when it splashes on the floor) which is one reason why I dont do it...
  2. G

    What Temp Is Too High?

    The juwel site mentions a red light on the top of the heater, however I have never noticed a light on mine. Does anyone else have a juwel heater with a light?
  3. G

    What Temp Is Too High?

    Yeah, I did the test exactly as it should have done. I do test every time I change the water and my nitrates never go over 20. For a 40Gal tank I think my stock is fairly low so I wouldn't have thought the tank is overloaded. I am fairly convinced that the heater is frigged!
  4. G

    What Temp Is Too High?

    I will buy a PH kit tomorrow. I have a thermometer in the tank, I even bought a new one today as I thought the original might be faulty. It refuses to stick to the glass anymore anyway. I think the rubbers dosed a bit!
  5. G

    What Temp Is Too High?

    Checked Ammonia and Nitrate today: Ammonia=0, Nitrate= 5<10 I never have checked for pH, dont have a kit. Temp=31C or 86F
  6. G

    What Temp Is Too High?

    I know I'm not as attentive as I should be however as I said I've been keeping fish for 3 years and had relatively few deaths following that routine. You have missed the point of my post which was regarding heaters and temperature tolerances!
  7. G

    What Temp Is Too High?

    Hi. I've kept fish for about 3 years and I must confess after a burst of initial enthusiasm the novelty wore off and I havent posted here for a long time. Although I feed the fish once a day, I might go a week without really taking time to watch my fish. I change 30% of water once a month and...
  8. G


    I have had a Rio 180 for nearly 2 years. I think its a great tank. I have never had any bother with it.
  9. G


    Your Guppy could be pregnant!!!
  10. G


    I have a black molly which had a white mark on her side a couple of weeks ago. I treated the tank with an antifungus treatment and hey presto the mark was gone within a couple of days. Last night I noticed that she has now a large swelling in the same area and the skin looks slightly broken...
  11. G

    Plastic Plants

    Looks like its the bleach then! No the worst plant hasn't got leaves as such, they are more like pine needles only soft. I think these would be impossible to scrub and would probably break off!
  12. G

    Plastic Plants

    Hi, I have had plastic plants in my tank now for the past nine months and one of them in particular has got pretty manky with green algae. I clean the glass regularly but I was wondering how, if at all possible, to clean the plants. I thought about removing them and letting them dry out or else...
  13. G

    Help murky water!

    How exactly do you wash sand?
  14. G

    Poor Neons

    Ok I finished the finrot treatment (5 days and the bottle is empty). The remaining neons dont seem to have caught the desease however there has been no improvement on the two that already have it. In fact the first neon has now taken to hiding and only comes out to feed. His skin along his tail...
  15. G

    Yay! Finally found a new tank!

    What exactly is neon tetra desease?
  16. G

    Poor Neons

    The fin rot treatment says to continue using until symptoms disappear - this could be weeks if I continue using until fins grow back (if they grow back!)
  17. G

    Poor Neons

    I have a 180litre tank with mollies and neon tetras which has been set up for 9 months or so. Last week I noticed that one of my neons had lost its tail fin and another neons tail fin was half gone. The other neons and all the mollies seemed fine. I assumed the problem was fin rot and began...
  18. G

    Male Guppies

    I was thinking of getting some guppies to brighten up my tank. First of all how do guppies and mollies get along? I was thinking of only keeping male guppies as I dont want to be inundated with fry. I already get a new batch of molly fry every month or so. Will the male guppies be ok together...
  19. G


    Definately my silver Lyretail molly. So stremalined and graceful
  20. G

    Will Danios eat Molly fry?

    I have a 40 Gal tank and currently have 8 mollies and 8 neons. I also recently was the proud parent of at least 5 molly fry, 4 of which are still alive. Each fry is about 1 cm long and don't seem to be too bothered by the other fish. Before the birth of the fry I had intended to get a school of...
  21. G

    Fry - will they live?

    The tank is around 25-26 degrees celcius
  22. G


    What about pebbles, stones sold in garden centres? Where do they come from? Are they ok for freshwater tanks?
  23. G

    Fry - will they live?

    Hi, I have a 40 gal tank with 8 mollies and 8 neon tetras. 4 days ago I noticed 5 (I think) fry amongst my plants. They are currently about 1 centimetre long. They are all still alive and the adult fish dont seem to bother with them. How quickly do they grow and at what stage can I assume that...
  24. G

    How can you tell

    When I bought the fish 6 weeks ago it seemed perfectly normal. Is it likely that a congenital defect such as a bent spine could become so severely apparent in two weeks?
  25. G

    How can you tell

    ......If a fish is suffering?? I have 10 mollies. On the last two weeks for no apparent reason one mollie has developed a serious bend in its body shape. Apart from an unusual swimming action due to the contorted shape it doesn't seem to be suffering. It is still very much interested in food...
  26. G

    Feeding vegetables?

    What happens if the fish eat the skin of a frozen pea (defrosted) I recently fed my fish a mashed up pea, however I didnt remove the skin first. I have a molly which has recently become deformed (bent) in shape and one possible cause suggested on this forum was constipation. The suggested...
  27. G

    Query: Bent Fish

    OK thanks for that!!
  28. G

    Will it be to heavy?

    The position of your tank is important. First of all it should be against a wall rather than the middle of the room. If you know the direction of span of your floor joists then I suggest that you place the tank in such a position that the tank is supported at the ends of several joists rather...
  29. G

    Query: Bent Fish

    Are tinned peas from Bachelors OK?
  30. G

    Query: Bent Fish

    I have a female black molly which over the last two weeks has suddenly developed an extremely bad twist or bend to one side just at the anal fin. Her tail is then bent back the other way to compensate. The fish is eating normally and is actually more sociable than it had been before. I was...
  31. G

    Swim Bladder

    One of my mollies reacted exactly the same after I had added a whitespot treatment to the tank. She continued with the hanging vertical stance for about ten days and then returned to normal. At the time I was sure it was swimbladder and even bought a can of peas but before I added any she sorted...
  32. G

    Query: Bent Molly

    I have a female black molly which over the last two weeks has suddenly developed an extremely bad twist or bend to one side just at the anal fin. Her tail is then bent back the other way to compensate. The fish is eating normally and is actually more sociable than it had been before. I was...
  33. G

    unusual behaviour

    Sorry for your loss Skimpy. I have read that mollies are a hardy fish generally and are happy with very little salt. But I have been told that Black Mollies in particular prefer Brackish water more than other Mollies. Are your other mollies black as well?
  34. G

    unusual behaviour

    Rather than the long reply by my learned friend above my advice would be simple. Try increasing the salt content of your water slightly. I have ten mollies and on two seaprate occasions two different black female mollies started acting strangely. Each time the fish started staying close to the...
  35. G

    What is best solution for Algae?

    What is a bristlenose?
  36. G

    What is best solution for Algae?

    I have had a 180 litre tank for nearly three months which has fully cycled. I now have 10 mollies which are all doing well.Over the last month or so a scum has started to form on the glass on the inside of the tank which I assume is algae. It is not bad but I suppose it will get worse in time...
  37. G

    your source

    To be honest, I find that this forum is the best place for info. There are an awful lot of members here with loads of experience and they can answer peoples questions exactly instead of looking through websites/magazines for articles close to my query.
  38. G

    What can go in a 5 gallon?

    How about a bottle of champers and some ice!! Thats about the only thing worth having in a 5 Gal.
  39. G

    Test your tap water &

    If you use the red tap it comes out warm :rofl: :rofl: OK Ammonia -0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-0 pH-7.4
  40. G

    what is your favorite fish

    Battered Cod from my local chipshop. Its fantastic!