What can go in a 5 gallon?


Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Jul 31, 2004
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The Netherlands/UK
I'm now getting very annoyed with buying new and bigger tanks, and 1 of my first tanks being completely empty! :p However, what fish would be ok in a 5 gallon tank? I'm not keen on bettas, at all ... and I'm already getting dwarf puffers in a bigger tank, so are there any other options? (I'd be ok with it just being 1 fish as well)
And within 2 months I'd have to get a bigger tank cause it will be overstocked ;) Thanks though!
I'm not all too keen on live breeders, and have refused to buy any for over a year now ... so rather not have any of them =/ (Yes, I know I'm running VERY low on choices here ... thats why I asked for help, couldnt think of anything myselfs :p)
I actually saw some in my lfs today, which doesnt happen often! However, far as I'm aware they're brakish water, arent they? Not sure if I'll be able to actually keep a brakish water tank
Yes, they are brackish, but it also means they can live in freshwater and slightly salty water. I have a fellow fish-keeper buddy who started keeping his in freshwater. Also you may have noticed, some of these LFS's, if not most of them, display their Bumblebee Gobies with other freshwater fishes, as in addition keeping them in species-only tanks. :)
Yup, I had definatly noticed this ... however, things like that dont seem to mean much anymore, seeing as they had a green spotted puffer (which they were selling as an mbu) in with guppies and some other fish as well. I always try to get my information sorted out before buying by just looking at the tanks ;)

I might give them a try though, they did look cute! However, other suggestions will still be looked at =)


WCMM looks beautiful, however I havent seen them around here anywhere! And I've been in quite a few shops when trying to find puffers. I could ofcourse try ordering some *ponders* ... not sure about that one yet
Erised said:
And within 2 months I'd have to get a bigger tank cause it will be overstocked ;) Thanks though!
not if you only get males :rolleyes: maybe you could find some endlers? they're small, and pretty. :)

IMO 5gallons is too small for shoaling fish such as pygmy cories, neons, or white cloud mountain minnows. you'd need at least six, preferably more, and it the case of the minnows this would give 12" fish with not much room to swim around...
Thanks for all the replies! I still really like the idea of making it a brackish water tank, with gobies... I'll definatly look into the other options though!

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