How can you tell


Fish Fanatic
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Eglinton, North of Ireland
......If a fish is suffering??

I have 10 mollies. On the last two weeks for no apparent reason one mollie has developed a serious bend in its body shape. Apart from an unusual swimming action due to the contorted shape it doesn't seem to be suffering. It is still very much interested in food and doesn't hide away in a corner either.

Is it right to allow this fosh to continue to live with this deformity? As lon as it isn't suffering I say why not. But I would hate to think that it is living a life of constant agony due to some internal growth which has caused the deformity.

Has anyone any thoughts??
Good question.

Chances are, the reason your molly has a bent spine in probably from inbreeding.

It happens quite often with livebearers. I had a platy like that.

I let her live until she stopped eating, then I put her down. I also separated her from the males, because I didn't want her to breed. They usually don't live long. :/

I'm really not sure, it didn't appear that the fish was suffering. :dunno:
When I bought the fish 6 weeks ago it seemed perfectly normal. Is it likely that a congenital defect such as a bent spine could become so severely apparent in two weeks?
Hi Galaxy :)

I've bought fish that looked fine for awhile then developed a deformity such as you described, so it is possible. One perfectly normal weather loach ended up with more curves than a hairpin, and never grew to anywhere near normal size, but lived an apparently normal and healthy life.

However, I would recommend that you keep an eye on it to see if it develops any other symptoms. If it does, dispose of it immediately. One of the early signs of fish TB is a bent spine. There is a description of on one of my posts on this thread:
Fish don't suffer in the sense you mean, though they obviously can suffer from their deformities or injuries. If it can get food and acts otherwise normal, I wouldn't say it's suffering or needs to be euthanized. I have a deformed Cory who doesn't have any troubles at all and has been fine for over 3 years.

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