Poor Neons


Fish Fanatic
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Eglinton, North of Ireland
I have a 180litre tank with mollies and neon tetras which has been set up for 9 months or so.

Last week I noticed that one of my neons had lost its tail fin and another neons tail fin was half gone. The other neons and all the mollies seemed fine.

I assumed the problem was fin rot and began treatment 3 days ago but now a third neon is starting to lose its tail fin. The other two have no tail fin left but otherwise seem happy enough (they are feeding and not hiding or displaying any other unusual behaviour).

My question is how long does it normally take the treatment to work and will the tail fins return on the 3 fish so far effected?
question 2 . how long will it take the mollies to eat the rest..

or most fin rot treatment should show improvement on day three. but severe damage could take some time to complete cure
Assuming that its not the mollys eating the tails....My mollys get along with the neons....

I would suggest you start using Melafix once you have finished the course for the finrot medication. Melafix helps the healing process go faster !!!
The fin rot treatment says to continue using until symptoms disappear - this could be weeks if I continue using until fins grow back (if they grow back!)
Ok I finished the finrot treatment (5 days and the bottle is empty). The remaining neons dont seem to have caught the desease however there has been no improvement on the two that already have it. In fact the first neon has now taken to hiding and only comes out to feed. His skin along his tail looks as if it is peeling. I have a feeling he will probably die in the next few days.

Meanwhile my mollies are all fine.
Galaxy said:
The fin rot treatment says to continue using until symptoms disappear - this could be weeks if I continue using until fins grow back (if they grow back!)
I thought the same thing..but after I contacted the company of the fin rot medication I was using they told me that it should only take one treatment course to cure the fin rot but that it would take weeks to see improvement of the fins. Your not supposed to contine the medication after 1-2 treatment courses.

I had done 3 treatment courses thinking..I had to use it until I noticed the fins growing back. Wrong!! I think I was stressing my fish out with all the medication.

When I told them I was on treatment 3 with no signs of improvement they said Stop Treatment now! keep the water clean and to add another one of their products which helps heal fins (probably something like melafix).

Good luck :thumbs:
I'm treating my fish with Interpret No 8 Anti Fungus & Finrot. The black phantom tetras have the finrot problem due to a fin nipper.

I put in the required medication then a week later carried out a 30% water change and redosed. After two weeks considerable fin regrowth had occurred so I decided to stop treatment and put back in the carbon filter media.

One week later though and the fish start acting strangely again (lying on the bottom and not moving about much). Also the finrot seems to be getting a bit worse so I have redosed again with more treatment.

I don't like having to redose with treatment - every time I redose all the fish in the tank seem to act like they are on opium or something for a day or so.

How much longer should I keep redosing with treatment?? (there is no indication in the instructions on how many times i can redose)
One week later though and the fish start acting strangely again (lying on the bottom and not moving about much). Also the finrot seems to be getting a bit worse so I have redosed again with more treatment.

Do you find this only with the Mollies?

This maybe due to poor water quality and nothing to do with finrot. I would suggest you clean out your filter and do several water changes over the next few days.

Like I mentioned before, try using Melafix to help speed up the healing. A bit of salt (1-2tsp/gal) should pep up the mollies as well.

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