Fry - will they live?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Eglinton, North of Ireland

I have a 40 gal tank with 8 mollies and 8 neon tetras. 4 days ago I noticed 5 (I think) fry amongst my plants. They are currently about 1 centimetre long. They are all still alive and the adult fish dont seem to bother with them. How quickly do they grow and at what stage can I assume that the bigger fish will not try to eat them?
First off what temp is the tank at? The warmer the water the faster they will grow. The fry should be fine but if you feel compeled to get a tank for them then go right ahead. Once the fry are around an inch maybe a lil more they shouldnt really be bothered at all. I have had plenty of fry survive in my 25 with all the adults just fine.

Jesse :fish:
True higher temp will make them grow faster. But will also age the the adults in the tank. Higher temp mean shorter life. Neons are fairly good at tracking down fry. But if there is good plants and lots of hidding places some could live.
Some could live since molly fry are pretty large at birth. Once they start growing they will quickly become too big for the neons to handle. If the mollies continue breeding you probably won't mind a little population control by the other fish anyways.

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