What Temp Is Too High?

Yeah definitely sounds like a heater issue.... you can't blame me for trying to convince you (and others reading), to keep up a good water change schedule though can you? ^_^
The juwel site mentions a red light on the top of the heater, however I have never noticed a light on mine. Does anyone else have a juwel heater with a light?
Yeah definitely sounds like a heater issue.... you can't blame me for trying to convince you (and others reading), to keep up a good water change schedule though can you? ^_^

I know your right and I do feel guilty sometimes, but to be honest until this recent setback I havent had any problems for the last couple of years. I hate carrying buckets of water through the house (and the wife goes mental when it splashes on the floor) which is one reason why I dont do it more often!

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