Search results

  1. Jonz

    Females With Snails/shrimp?

    I had snails in with 2 of my Male Bettas. One hated them and killed them and the other never acknowledged their existence so I would say it depends on the Betta. Never had them in a tank with females.
  2. Jonz

    Silver-tipped Shark

    What kind of noise do they make? Im new to these guys myself. The description tag on hsi tank said SemiAgressive and I havent seen any agressive behavior from him. He seems like a very peaceful fish. I know most Catfish like to be with others, I keep my Corys in groups of more than 3, but he...
  3. Jonz

    Acceptable betta tankmates

    My Corys are still with the Bettas. The Frog grew some white spots and died awhiel later and the Danios have died since the post above. I dont think it was from the Bettas, but I wouldnt put Danios in with Bettas again. The Danios are just too hyper to be placed in with the mellower Bettas and...
  4. Jonz

    Nutrafin Co2 Basic User Guide

    Ive had mine set up for 24 hours and theres just a few small bubbles, so Im gonna use the formula here as well. Quick question - Im setting this up in a 20 gallon HIGH tank. Would you guys reccoment keeping the tube at the lower,middle or high setting for this type of tank? Thanks for the...
  5. Jonz

    Silver-tipped Shark

    Silver Tipss will grow up to 2 feet?? I was told 12 tops.
  6. Jonz

    Cories For A 15 Gallon

    Ive seen tempermental males chase corys, but never hurt them. That only 2 of my bettas did that out of many. They were mean little suckers to begin with. Females seem to get along with them very well. I have 5 female Bettas(with plenty of places for each to call their own) and 3 albino corys...
  7. Jonz

    Filtration/heating for small tanks/bowls

    I found the dividers to be problematic. Mine were plastic and were algae magnets. I got the Eclipse 3 gallon. I comes with a small filtration thats easy to maintain. Problem is its a small space and I was worried the current might be too much for them. After about a year now Ive finally taken...
  8. Jonz

    Rope Fish Escape Artists And Filtration

    A screen sounds like a good idea. Thanks! edit:screen wont work with the penguin filter I have. edit again: I replaced the Penguin with a Aquaclear and the screen works fine.
  9. Jonz

    Rope Fish Escape Artists And Filtration

    Was wondering what find of filtration rope fish owners are using since a power filter requires a opening and Im afraid of my fish escaping. Any recomendations?
  10. Jonz


    "I was talking to cats " Ohhhh sorry ;)
  11. Jonz

    More Bettas!

    Thats alot of fish :D
  12. Jonz


    "You're telling us that bettas should have tankmakes. You tell us that they'll be happier." Ive never said Bettas SHOULD have tankmates. I said the Bettas Ive had have lived with Corys very well (providing theres enough room) Ive never seen a problem with the Bettas and Corys - and I spent alot...
  13. Jonz


    There are people here with 20+ years experience with these fish. And you can learn something new everyday. Just today I learned to put my fish out of their misery with clove oil which was a technique Id never heard before. Theres a difference between being opinionated and just plain rude and...
  14. Jonz

    Is There Anything I Can Do For Her?

    Thanks for the clove oil info.
  15. Jonz


    "but maybe I should rethink relocating my boy to a 20 gallon long plant tank" I think a 10 gallon is perfect for a Betta. Larger is too much for the reasons Synirr said. Also if you look at the pics I have, you see those long plants. Bettas love those(I cant remember the name of them). They...
  16. Jonz

    Is There Anything I Can Do For Her?

    "and submersing a fish in alcohol is cruel IMO" I thought it would be as well. I was looking for a way to put a fish out of its misery without squashing it or flushing it alive and found that on a website. Bettas are pretty sturdy fish, more so than other tropical fish who are very fragile...
  17. Jonz


    I got started on bettas when my G/F got me one for Xmas about 5 years ago. She gave him to me in a bowl with a small plastic plant and some gravel. I didnt know anything about Bettas at the time, but looking at him I thought he might want more room,so I upgraded him to a 2.5 gallon. No...
  18. Jonz

    Is There Anything I Can Do For Her?

    I read this way to put fish out of their misery. Put them in a cup like the one you get them in at a store . Fill it with 1/2 water and half vodka. I have a few bottles I got for presents at parties and such and dont drink the stuff. Theyll get drunk and fall asleep. Pour in more vodka and...
  19. Jonz

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Have you been testing the water? Bettas are pretty sturdy fish - Im guessing the place your getting them is getting some bad Bettas. See if theres someone else in the area you can try, even if you have to travel a bit. The place I get mine, a mom&pop store is about 50 minutes away. But to me...
  20. Jonz

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Where are you getting your Bettas from?? My brother swore off Bettas and fish forever when they kept dying on him. He was gettig them from a store in town and they wouldnt last more than a few weeks.
  21. Jonz

    Another New Guy

    I made some room recently and bought 2 Eclipse System 3s and got another Betta. Here he is....... You cant tell from the pic but he as some purple on his back too :)
  22. Jonz

    New Betta

    I restarted my second tank . Thought Id share a pic of the new guy. I have one other 10 gallon Im thinking of putting 4 females in.I've never had females before. We'll see.
  23. Jonz

    Acceptable betta tankmates

    A update from my earlier post from July 31. Everyone is still there. Heres the only "incidents" Ive seen ... When the Betta was resting in a tree, a Danio gave one of his long fins a tug. The Betta whipped around and flarred and the Danio took off. This happened the day after I posted...
  24. Jonz

    Acceptable betta tankmates

    I have a 10 gallon that was divided in 1/2 with a betta and Corys catfish on both sides(I like having a bottom feeder in all my tanks. Iused to have 2 but are down to one now). One of the Corys died awhile back and last week, one of my bettas got sick. I took out the Betta and kept him in my...
  25. Jonz

    Snail How Did He Get There?

    I noticed small snails for the first time jsut a few days ago on plants that are about a month old. Ive been keeping a eye out on them, but Ive noticed small bits of algae appearing,mostly on the fence I have seperating my 2 Bettas where the snails have been spending the most time. Is the algae...
  26. Jonz

    Fry Update

    Man, that one looks mad :D
  27. Jonz

    New Fish From K.g.bettas!

    Too bad we dont have KG Bettas here, those are some nice fish. Enjoy!
  28. Jonz

    Algae & 3 Dead Fish, What Happened?

    I picked up a aquaclear based on that comment. Cleaned everything out and starting over. Thanks for the replies.
  29. Jonz

    Algae & 3 Dead Fish, What Happened?

    When I got home, I rechecked the aquarium with the DryTab test kit. Heres the levels I got this afternoon. pH 6.5 Ammonia 0.0 Nitrite no2 0.25 Nitrate no3 0.0
  30. Jonz

    Algae & 3 Dead Fish, What Happened?

    Even with the fish gone, i still have the filter and heater running. Do you think its safe to trying adding fish again slowly if the water levels check out ok?
  31. Jonz

    Algae & 3 Dead Fish, What Happened?

    "How long has your tank been set up and running ?" About 2 months. I had my Betta in a 5 gallon and went up to 10 about 2 months ago. "What are your water parameters ? pH, ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite ?" Im at work and dont have the info in front of me. "Any reason why you used bottled water...
  32. Jonz

    Algae & 3 Dead Fish, What Happened?

    In one of my 10 Gallons I developed a algae problem over the past week. I had a Betta and a catfish in there. Im using a Elite Hush 10 filtration. It was stringlike algae. I turned of the lights for a day, replaced the plastic plants with real ones and I got some algae destroyer. I did a 50%...
  33. Jonz

    Hair Algae Problem

    Algae Eating Cyprinids maybe? This is what was recommended to me.
  34. Jonz

    Grrrrrr... I've Tried Everything!

    Cat, Are you talking about the Happy Bubbles?
  35. Jonz

    My Bettas

    Thanks everyone. Unfortunately Toshiro croaked yesterday. Ill be asking for advice in the algae section. Kekmet, Its a Olypmus digital camera.
  36. Jonz

    My Bettas

    :D Nixon and Toshiro.
  37. Jonz

    Petting Bettas

    Its not uncommon for Bettas to let you pet them. Ive had a few that will come over once they see you looking in the tank. My first and favorite Betta let me pet him all the time and often would flare and show off when he saw you looking in the tank. :(
  38. Jonz

    Grrrrrr... I've Tried Everything!

    I think your just talking about dust and such gathering on the top of the water? Yes it gathers very quickly. I had glass tops that kept alot fo the dust off the water, but some still got in becuase of the air openings in the glass. I got tired to changing my 5 gallons every week and a month...
  39. Jonz

    Acceptable betta tankmates

    Corys go with Bettas
  40. Jonz

    betta suicide

    I lost my favorite this week :( My heater broke and I think he got cooked.