Females With Snails/shrimp?


- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
I'm looking for something to keep with my shrimp and snails. Tank is a square 40g. Ph is about 7.6, and has liquid calcium added to the water. I figure bettas will be fine in there as long as I acclimitize them properly.

Does anyone think female bettas will be too aggressive/nosey for apple snails and cherry/ghost shrimp?

Would probably only get 4.

Anyone have experience keeping them together?

Much appreciated :good:
I don't know about shrimp but I would think a female would be fine with an apple snail
I thought bettas might peck at the apple snails and shrimp, but I'm really not too sure. That's why I thought I would see if anyone has kept them together successfully.
I had snails in with 2 of my Male Bettas.

One hated them and killed them and the other never acknowledged their existence so I would say it depends on the Betta.

Never had them in a tank with females.
I kinda figured it would be the bettas personality.. With that much space though I would think they'd find something else to do.. lol I don't know.
the snails should be ok, as for the shrimp im not so sure. iv herd alot about bettas eating them, but then again it depends on the betta and the amount of cover in the tank.
I had shrimp in with a betta. They did fine until they shed and the outside was soft and the betta ate them one by one. I have only had a couple of bettas that attacted a snail.
snails will probally be fine, depending on betta itself.
the shrimp may be harrassed, or left alone, the cherries are most vunerable, being smallest, maybe eaten.
aladdin hasnt touched his ghost shrimp who's been in there for months. i do believe he molted recently, too, as hes much larger than when i first put him in with al.
it all depends on the fish.
ive got agree that it depends on the fish. if its only small aggrivation the snail will learn to keep its feeler thingys in so they cant be nibbled. he will adapt. unless of course you have a really mean one that does all kinds of damage. good luck. my girls dont bother about the snails. they are more interested in looking for tastier food :)

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