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    zebra danios not

    I will tell you this story about a little Zebra Danio i once owned he lived inside of my fish tank with a long neck turtle for 3 months with out being eatten... He was name Sandman... :smb: one of the most inspirational things i have seen to avoid not being eatten but this story ends sadly so...
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    Rosy Barb nipping at other barbs only

    Introducing something to think about such as adding a few more barbs would help you... i think a few more barbs would do the trick... to get the best possible fish in the best condition you will need it fresh live foods... well that what i gathered over my years of fish keeping... good luck! :kana:
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    Setting up a 3ft community tank

    I am not quite sure what black/ gold skirt tetras are do they have any other common names ??? Has anyone owned any tetras with barbs before especially tiger barbs??? :shifty:
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    Setting up a 3ft community tank

    Sorry to hear that sharkbait... :-( Do clown loaches grow fast or do they develop slowly because i wouldnt want them to out grow all the other fish... i do know they get large but i just curious to know how fast does anyone know? they dont grow as fast as oscars do they? plus i have never...
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    mix up

    You should have done some research before hand but just keep your eye on them... its probably wise to keep them both apart... :dunno:
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    Setting up a 3ft community tank

    :lol: are you serious??? I think i have decided against a pictus cat anyway... they do usually eat smaller fish... if not feed properly... New list (tiger theme) 10 Tiger barbs 4 clown loachs 4 Kuhli loachs What about some tetra or rasboras? Neons Rummy-nose Bleeding hearts
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    What's in my tank?

    I once had something similar in one of my tanks but its a mystery to me also? could be mosquitos? who knows? :dunno:
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    Setting up a 3ft community tank

    the tank is 3ft in length (dont know in gallons)
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    I'f finding you cannot trust local pet stores...

    Okay i have been involved in aquarium keeping most of my life and from what i have taken out of it that do most of your on research on fish etc because at the end of the day the pet store is just trying to make a sale... however sometimes you actually find a good aqaurium store the ones with no...
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    what do you think

    My question is this how does the frog go??
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    Setting up a 3ft community tank

    I have a list of fish that I'd like to share with you and let me know what you think. - 10 tiger barbs - 1 Red tail black shark - 4 clown loach - 2 bristlenose catfish - 1 pictus catfish - 2 coolie loach My question is this what else could/would/should get? :rolleyes:
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    Flying fox

    The flying fox may be come a little aggressive over a patch of territory and may harass other fish... aslong as you have a fairly reasonable size tank it shouldnt be as problem... good luck :look:
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    Male Betta in Community Tank

    Yes of course its possible to keep siamese fighters in a community tank but make sure the fish you keep him with arent aggressive such as tiger barbs, red tail black shark etc but go with placid fish such as gourami's and mollies for eg.
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    Glass Catfish

    Glass catfish should be kept in small groups but its important that you have flowing water through the tank. :thumbs:
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    tetra with bright red gills

    I once had this problem with sone tiger barbs there gills where bright red in colour... from what i thought it was is a disease called gill flukes... is the fish scraping itself on gravel and rocks... do some water changes and wash out your gravel and if possible quarenteen the fish in seperate...
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    have i put too many fish in my tank????

    How long have all the other fish been in there? have you added any of late.. i find that oscars are really tempermental fish and often whinge when they dont get there own way.. maybe the oscar no longer feels the dominant fish in the tank.. maybe some other fish is giving it a hard time.. I too...
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    Life Span of Tiger Barbs?

    hey, Tiger barbs are fairly hardy fish, maybe it was just his time. Whats the size of your tank? do you have any other fish in there as well? Sometimes fish just drop dead for no apparent reason... But if the others seem all healthy then thats all that really you should worry about, just keep...
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    What's with this new guy?

    It is possible simon does eat maybe you just dont see him eat... just make sure you dont over feed him. ;)
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    2 female siamese fighters

    My two female siamese fighters dont get along at all, I thought that the males are the aggressive ones... They continue to chase each other and generally they have ripped fins... i thought of seperating the both of them which is an easy solution... or i may just use the both of them as feeders...
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    Gday fish lovers

    Hello my name is Sam, I live down under yes thats right Australia.. I enjoy keeping and caring for fish... and other pets.. I currently have 2 setups one tank is an oscar tank and the other is a tank for my Long neck turtle. however my oscar is getting a little large for the tank he is in now so...