what do you think


Oct 12, 2003
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Virginia...Or somewhere else on Earth
What do you think about putting Jumbo neon tetras in my tank with guppies, mollys, plattys, snails, and a frog. Would they go well together? I'm also wondering the same thing about Danios. If neither of these will work could you give me some ideas for good tank mates? :D
don't know about the frog but i have neon tetras with a swordtail, molly, and platy. the get along just fine, don't even bother each other
Sounds good, how about some ghost shrimp to clean up the bottom. I have some in a tank with neons and a frog. Just make sure your frog is a dwarf african frog. The other type of aquatic frog starts out small like a DAF but eventually will grow to the size of a baseball and will eat anything it can fit in its mouth.
As long as the frog is a dwarf you should have no problems. Neons get along with anything except something big enough to eat them :fish:
the more neons you have, the better (for them) but i haven't had much luck with neons, started out with 7 but only have 3 left. they seem fine and i'm not adding any more
I agree the more the better, and in my case I bought 10 and used them to cycle my tank and they are all still alive and well.

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