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  1. K

    Update on my situation...

    I lost 2 more fish last night, and two are missing, can't find them anywhere, and they won't come out to eat, so I think they might be dead or dying. Does anyone know where they might be hiding? I don't know of any clubs around here but I'm looking online and asking around. I'm just getting...
  2. K

    Filters and Ich meds

    I'm very newbie at this :-) Didn't know salt would help. So I tried the Ich medication....don't know if it's too soon to tell, but many of the spots are gon already. Also, now 2 fish are completely missing, both tiger barbs, does anyone have any idea where they could be....I'm getting...
  3. K

    Filters and Ich meds

    So I'm taking it my LFS was wrong when they said just to rinse out the filters with warm water and stick them back in there. Just a question, do they always give bad advice, or is it just to me :sad: So I need to buy new filters, is there anything else I need to know about this medicine...
  4. K

    Filters and Ich meds

    Can anyone please tell me?
  5. K

    Update on my situation...

    I live in El Paso, Tx. The far west side, so I'm also close to Las Cruces, NM and places close to there, any ideas. Do you know of any?
  6. K

    Filters and Ich meds

    They told me I need to take the filter out of my tank (the pad I mean) when I add the Ich medicine. Do I need to put the filter anywhere special. Or will it be ok to add it back in after the treatment, if I keep it in the cabinet or something. Please if possible answer asap, I need to give...
  7. K

    Update on my situation...

    Unfortunatly this is my very first tank. And I don't know anyone nearby with a fish tank either. Is there anything else I can do to help them?
  8. K

    Update on my situation...

    I'm guessing it's the ammonia then because their gills look like you described. And for future purposes, my tank is completly cycled when the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate go down to zero and stay there, right? Or is there anything else to it?
  9. K

    Update on my situation...

    Do I have to do anything different with the water changes since I'm treating the Ich, or just keep doing 20% changes? And my they were the ones who told me it's ok. :sad:
  10. K

    Update on my situation...

    I'm so sorry for bugging so much, I just feel so bad for this. I guess a little background information first. I brought a 55g tank on the 3rd of this month and set it up. The next day, I went out and brought my fish and put them in the tank (all of my fish might I add). I had problems with...
  11. K


    Man oh man, I feel sorry for the poor fish. I really wished I had researched first now. My husband got me the tank for my birthday since I had always wanted fish. I have 1 catfish left, 2 pleco's, 6 tigerbarbs, 2 blue gourmie (sp?), 1 Albino Bala, and 1 Bala shark. I feel so horrible. I...
  12. K


    Just to let you know my story. I got a 55g tank and put in 14 fish the day after I set it up. I was told by my lfs that this was ok. :-( So, now, my ammonia is between .25 and .5 I just found out my fish have Ich. Maybe because of the ammonia. I have something called AmQuel+ can I add...
  13. K

    Fish Have Ich

    Do I have to do anything different while treating ich for my fish since it isn't cycled yet ? Or will I need to start all over again? What else should I know about treating ich? Thanks for all the help
  14. K

    Tiny white spots on fish...

    Does anyone have a picture of Ich, just to make sure, thought I'm pretty sure that's what they have. Thanks
  15. K

    Tiny white spots on fish...

    thanks, I didn't see the link the first time :-)
  16. K

    Tiny white spots on fish...

    could look like that, at first I thought they were tiny air bubles stuck on them, but now that I look closer, they're spots. Is whitespots something bad, how do I get rid of it, and could it have killed my catfish? All my readings are normal except ammonia which is between .25 and .5 please...
  17. K

    Tiny white spots on fish...

    my fish are getting little white spots all over their bodies and fins... also my catfish just died. Is it because of the white spots? Are the white spots bad, and if they are how do I get rid of them?
  18. K

    How many pets do you have?

    I have two Akita's Daisy and Rocky
  19. K

    I don't think I'm doing the water changes right

    I think that's the problem I'm having, I have a medium gravel cleaner, and a 55g tank. It doesn't even take 10 minutes to clean it, so it seems like I'm not cleaning right, I'll get a smaller one for tomorrow's water change. Thanks :-)
  20. K

    Amonia High

    My ammonia is somewhere between Harmful and Danger (3.0-6.0) how do I lower it before my fish get hurt...just a water change, or do I add something? Thanks
  21. K

    I don't think I'm doing the water changes right

    thanks, that helped, I have two pleco in 55g tank...that's why I was worried because my tank isn't cycled yet and I was worried about them not having enough food since I have to do a water change everyday. How long will it take my tank to cycle since I have all my fish in there already? And...
  22. K

    I don't think I'm doing the water changes right

    I'm using the gravel vacuume to do the water changes, but after I vacuum the rocks and pour in the water, there is a whole lot of junk floating around in the water, am I not vacuuming right? or is this normal (junk includes pieces of old food and fish poo) can someone help before I do my next...
  23. K

    This is odd

    I tested the water a couple of hours after I did the water change, and the ph and alkalinity were still high, when I tested it this morning (almost 24 hours after waterchange) it was back to normal. I have the bag of gravel right here (didn't throw anything away from the set up yet :-) ) It is...
  24. K

    This is odd

    Ok, so in one of my other posts, I mentioned how my pH and alkalinity went crazy, I did my very first waterchange yesterday, on a new tank that already has 14 fish in it, since I was given all wrong information at PS. Tank was set up last sunday and by monday the fish were already in there...
  25. K

    My silver dollars are dying please help

    I just lost my second silver dollar :sad: I'm going to concentrate on getting my tank in good condition before I do anything else. Those fish were so beautiful. I'm not saying the tiger barbs arent, but they sure are evil and bullies. Thankx for all the help:-)
  26. K

    Some of my lvls are high

    lol, since you kept mentioning the gravel, I dug the gravel bag out of the to this Top Fin Premuim Quality Aquarium Gravel Gravel may contain minerals that affect water pH. Monitor you water pH after adding gravel and adjust as necessart to avoid sudden pH changes.... so...
  27. K

    Some of my lvls are high

    I thought the best thing would be to show what I have in there...all the plants are artificial, let me know if this helps, thx :-)
  28. K

    Too Many Fish?

    Oh boy am I in for it....I didn't know bala's had to be in schools...and I seriously doubt I can add more since I am already past my limit of inches. She gave me some algie thins to feed to the plecto's when I got them. She told me they grow according to their enviornment so that it would be...
  29. K

    Some of my lvls are high

    Ok, so I just did a test on my tank Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 Hardness soft Alkalinity 300 High pH 8.4+ High Ammonia- 0 I also tested the tap water Nitrite, Nitrate 0 Hardness Soft Alkalinity somewhere between 120 and 180 (ideal) pH 7.8 I have normal gravel in there, and only added chemicals...
  30. K

    Some of my lvls are high

    I had this posted under one of my other posts, but thought since it's a different question maybe I should move it... Ok I did a water change today, and the fish look a little happier, which means I definatly trust you guys wwaaaay more then my local pet store, they said I didn't need to do a...
  31. K

    Too Many Fish?

    Ok, so maybe you know my story, but I am going to repeat it anyway to get some input from everyone... I recently purchased a 55g tank, wanting some fish. This is mostly my fault cuz I didn't read up on in and got them on impulse. So I set it up on Sunday, and the next day, I added ALL my...
  32. K

    Just a few questions please

    Ok I did a water change today, and the fish look a little happier, which means I definatly trust you guys wwaaaay more then my local pet store, they said I didn't need to do a waterchange for a month....which probably contributed to the death of my silver dollars... So I do the water changes...
  33. K


    I usually just use My inlaws are German and don't speak english too well, and my German is barely coming around. It's a pretty decent site though P.S you fish are beautiful :D
  34. K

    Just a few questions please

    so maybe around a 10% water change each day, or less, or more? :-) and for how many days?
  35. K

    Just a few questions please

    I have a gravel vac, that's what she told me to use at the pet store thanks for all the help....I just have one question know how when you do the water changes, you put the water in a bucket and add the declorinator, do you also add the bacteria starter to the bucket? or do you add...
  36. K

    My silver dollars are dying please help

    At the pet store they told me I cold add the fish in the next day, unfortunatly, they also let me get all my fish at the same time they are all in there. They all seem to be doing good except the siver dollar, I don't have an extra tank, but if I get one and I move him, do you think...
  37. K

    One may be gone...

    That's just so wrong. When I originally got my tank I wanted a couple of bettas because they are so pretty. But then I read that you couldn't put them together because they fight, and I decided against it. I didn't have the heart to purchase one and keep it in the cup they come in for all...
  38. K

    My silver dollars are dying please help

    it's a 55 gal tank, the other silver fish is doing better, he made it another day and really fights back now. The tank cycled for 24 hrs before I added fish, (just got it last sunday) I think that's why there is an ammonia reading. I'm going to do a water change tomorrow. I know I add the...
  39. K

    Just a few questions please

    Ok, I've been reading the forums, and I've come to discover that I have done many things wrong. I have a 55 gal tank, that my husband and I set up last Sunday. We had all of our fish in there by Monday afternoon. As of now, the Nitrite, and Nitrate are at 0, the ammonia is at .25, the ph is...
  40. K

    My silver dollars are dying please help

    Thanks for the advice, unfortunatly it took me a while to respond because one of my silver dollars did die :-( The amonia is a .25 the nitrate and nitrite are both at 0 and the ph is 7.8, I also have plenty of hiding spaces, including rocks and plants, but it didn't seem to help. It looks like...