Tiny white spots on fish...


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
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my fish are getting little white spots all over their bodies and fins... also my catfish just died. Is it because of the white spots? Are the white spots bad, and if they are how do I get rid of them?
could look like that, at first I thought they were tiny air bubles stuck on them, but now that I look closer, they're spots. Is whitespots something bad, how do I get rid of it, and could it have killed my catfish?

All my readings are normal except ammonia which is between .25 and .5

please help me, I've already lost two silver dollars and now the catfish, I don't want to lose anymore.
Probably got whitespot through stress of the ammonia, reading do a water change and read the link to whitespot, good luck.
thanks, I didn't see the link the first time :)
Does anyone have a picture of Ich, just to make sure, thought I'm pretty sure that's what they have. Thanks

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