My silver dollars are dying please help


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
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Hi, I really need help. I have 6 tigerbarbs (3 albino and 3 green) and 2 silverdollars. I've been noticing that the tigerbarbs are attacking the silver dollars, both of their tails are completly gone, and one of them looks like he's dying... I've been feeding them 2x's daily, so I don't think they are hungry, just aggressive. Everything's within normal range, so I really don't know what's going on. Why are the tiger barbs attaking the silver dollars, what can I do to help the silver dollars, and how do I prevent the barbs from attacking them again, please help asap :byebye:
How many gallons is the tank, i would get some more silver dollars, what are your test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, do you have plenty of hiding spaces.
Tiger bards are just naturally aggressive and nippy, any fish that has a hard time sticking up for itself will get nipped. There's not a whole lot you can do to prevent it save movingthe siver dollars or barbs, though if it has just come on suddenly then moving the tank furniture around might break up the territories and confuse the barbs for a while.
Thanks for the advice, unfortunatly it took me a while to respond because one of my silver dollars did die :-( The amonia is a .25 the nitrate and nitrite are both at 0 and the ph is 7.8, I also have plenty of hiding spaces, including rocks and plants, but it didn't seem to help. It looks like my other silver dollar might go soon since his tail is missing also, I hope not as he seems stronger and fights back pretty well. Well wish him luck, and thanks again for the help. :-D
Sorry for your loss, you have a ammonia reading so i would recommend some water changes, how many gallons is the tank, as if it's a small tank that won't help matters either.
it's a 55 gal tank, the other silver fish is doing better, he made it another day and really fights back now. The tank cycled for 24 hrs before I added fish, (just got it last sunday) I think that's why there is an ammonia reading. I'm going to do a water change tomorrow. I know I add the declorinator to the water, do I also add the bacteria starter to the water before I add it to the tank?

I have one more question too (sorry) I got back late today, and fed my fish a little later than usual...most of the fish were already asleep, so didn't eat, will this hurt them if they missed a meal, I only feed them twice a day. Thankx :)
You only cycled the tank for 24 hours??.....Im suprised all you fish arent hanging with Elvis, that is definatly why your ammonia reading is high.

Barbs are pretty hardy (but evil as people have already said) but to be honest you'll be hard pushed to keep alot of fish with them without them doing the same again.

I think they are very pretty but would never keep them purely based on the fact they ragdoll your other fish and worst of all they seem to do it for fun.

Keep up the water changes, daily if possible and get thwe ammonia down but good luck to you, there alot of people with a great deal more knowledge than me on this forum and have given me some great advice in the past, we all make mistakes when we first start out, listen to peoples advice, dont take it as patronising or take any offence to as some people often do, people are only trying to help and believe me from past experience they know what they are talking about.

Good luck and sorry for your loss.....I love silver dollars too.
....oh, and them missing a meal wont matter atall, I feed my fish small amounts twice a day but dont worry, it would take a fish weeks to starve so dont worry atall.......not that I suggest you just feed them willy nilly of course but thats one less thing for you to worry about.
At the pet store they told me I cold add the fish in the next day, unfortunatly, they also let me get all my fish at the same time they are all in there. They all seem to be doing good except the siver dollar, I don't have an extra tank, but if I get one and I move him, do you think he'll be ok?
I would say we have all been lied to by our LFS in the early days, once you learn a bit more which you will as you go its always funny when they try to tell you something and you KNOW that what they are saying is utter rubbish.

I hope your silver dollar is okay, like I said I do like them.

Best of luck!
I just lost my second silver dollar :sad: I'm going to concentrate on getting my tank in good condition before I do anything else. Those fish were so beautiful. I'm not saying the tiger barbs arent, but they sure are evil and bullies. Thankx for all the help:)
Sorry R.I.P.

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