
It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Well, they came on Tuesday or something but the computer went 'pfffftt' so I could only get on today. The boys I ordered from BettaMan are here :hyper: ! I ordered a fancy SD and a blue HM, but the HM died :)rip:) so he sent a red and blue one instead. And..... a dragon CT cross. I was completely unprepared for how ickle they are, especially the dragon :wub: :wub: Don't tell him, but I think he's the cutest :wub: . Soooo... pictures. Obviously they don't keep very still, but I got the best pics I could. I need names too :dunno: . Tanks ATM are standing at 1.5g each for the HM and SD, and the dragon has run of the 15g, lucky guy. He put up with the journey best and is most active, so I figured he'd love all the rockwork to play in. Anyway.....

Dragon :wub:


Wow, gorgeous. The Betta I just rescued, Tropico, is very similar to your Dragon. Totally cool coloured fish, I agree. So sorry your HM died, what a gorgeous colour he was.
Oh no, the HM in the picture didn't die :) I ordered the fancy SD and a blue HM, but the HM I ordered died before being posted so BettaMan sent the red and blue one instead. The dragon is about... an inch or so long? Very cute :D I'm a bit worried about the HM, he's just moping around the bottom all day, but I'm planning on moving him to a 3g soon with plenty of fun things to do :D
Bettaman, if you happen to look at this, do you know what tail types the parents of the dragon CT cross were? I gather at least ones a CT, but I think I've found him a girlfriend :D
They are gorgeous :wub:

Am rubbish with names, usually ask my son to name mine but they sure end up with funny ones :crazy: He named the latest one Wazza after a friend of his :lol:

Hope you come up with something more fitting for your lovely guys
Just to update, I've come up with some names for them :) I'm going Thai, but where the hell is a free online translator? Hellllpppp!!!!! I've decided thai is good, you can call them what the hell you like and it doesn't sound stupid :) I might change the names if they don't sound good in thai though :p

Dragon CT cross- Little Dragon (whoo, how original)
Blue + red HM- Blood on water (he has a red anal fin)
Fancy SD- Painted Warrior

Translators anyone?
I usually just use My inlaws are German and don't speak english too well, and my German is barely coming around. It's a pretty decent site though

P.S you fish are beautiful :D
I found some names :)

The dragon is called Kieow, meaning fang (dragon's too long :p)
The HM is called Kaap, meaning dark blue.
The SD is called Proi meaning variegated/stained.

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