Update on my situation...


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
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I'm so sorry for bugging so much, I just feel so bad for this.

I guess a little background information first.

I brought a 55g tank on the 3rd of this month and set it up. The next day, I went out and brought my fish and put them in the tank (all of my fish might I add). I had problems with my tank and it's ammonia lvl which ended up getting really high. I also bought a bala shark that had Ich (didn't know what the white spots were until it was too late), and didn't notice it. So as of today, I have lost 2 silver dollars, 1 catfish, 1 Bala shark, and 1 tigerbarb. I have 5 tiger barbs, 1 catfish, 2 blue paradise gourmei (sp? sorry, really need to learn how to spell) 1 Albino bala, 2 pleco's, left in the tank, all, unfortunatlly infected with Ich. I'm doing at least 1 water change daily, I try to do 2, but with a 2 yr old and an 11mth old it's not always possible. My ammonia is still high, between .25 and .5. The rest of my readings are normal (Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 Ph is 7.6 and Alkalinith is between 120 and 180) I started to raise the temperature so I can treat the Ich. I usually have the temp at 76 F. Last night I raised it to 78 F. My fish are all on the top of the tank, sticking their heads out of the water occasionally.

So, here are my questions.

Do I have to wait until the temperature is completely raised before I treat with the Nox Ich?

Are my fish at the top because of the temperature raise, or because of the ammonia.

Is there anything else I can do to help my fish, I don't want to lose the rest of them as I all ready feel completely horrible. I feel as if I sentenced these fish to death the moment I bought them.

If I can't do anything for them and they do all die, do I need to empty the tank and start over.

And can some one please tell me I'm not a horrible person, I feel like a fish killer. :sad:
No you don't have to wait ( i use nox-ich to) Just add 55 drops since its a 55 gallon tank( might take a while with all those drops lol) Probley because the temp raise. If you have a power filter with adjustible flow of water turn to full power and put an oxygen pump in it (if you have one) And start treating right away because ich will kill in a matter of days, I learned the hard way :byebye: Treat for 3 days like it says to then skip a day and do another 3 day treatment just to make sure you kill all of the ich. Also the ammonia could be why their gasping for air. To take care of this vacum clean the tank every 3 days or so to keep ammonia down. And let me guess your lps is the one who told you that you can add fish to the tank after a day right?
Do I have to do anything different with the water changes since I'm treating the Ich, or just keep doing 20% changes?

And my they were the ones who told me it's ok. :sad:
how to treat ich: raise temp to 84. do a heavy gravel vac, this helps remove most of the ich cysts hiding in the gravel thus reducing treatment time. add meds at the recomended does, not more becuase ich meds are very powerful and fish can OD on it very easily. treat for atleast 3-4 days after the last ich spot is gone. and finally hope for the best and good luck.

the fish might be at the top due to lower amounts of oxygen due to higher tank temps. add an air pump with and air stone attached to help airate more. it could also be becuase of ammonia, if it is the gills wil usualy be red and kida puffed out.

as im sure you have found out already never rely on the info from lfs. when you see a fish you might want resist impulse buys and come on to TFF and ask us or google search the fish you want.

good luck with your fish.

P.S. fyi its best to add only 2-3 small fish at a time every 2 weeks or so when stocking a new tank(after its cycled of course). also if you can invest in something like a 10 gal tank it will make a great quarantine tank to make sure diseases arent spread into your 55 gal tank.
I hate it when lps say that to new fish keepers. :angry: Its stupid. Just keep doing the water changes and vacum clean the tank every 3 days or so.
I'm guessing it's the ammonia then because their gills look like you described.

And for future purposes, my tank is completly cycled when the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate go down to zero and stay there, right? Or is there anything else to it?
That's correct. And after it cycles and it changes that doesn't always means it recycled it means somethings wrong with the water.
And for future purposes, my tank is completly cycled when the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate go down to zero and stay there, right? Or is there anything else to it?
For your tank to be cycled, you need 0 ammonia and nitrite, and a readable amount of nitrate. Your tank is brand new and is not cycled. Do you have any other established tanks? If so, then add some filter media and/or gravel from that tank into your 55 gallon. This will help your tank cycle, and it will be easier on your fish.
Unfortunatly this is my very first tank. And I don't know anyone nearby with a fish tank either. Is there anything else I can do to help them?
do you have any small fish shops near you........not chain stores or petstores? if so go to them or call them up and expail whats going on. they might be glad to help. if you can get it get a product called bio_spira. i have never used it but supposidly it cycles your tank instantly.
Just a thought ... Where do you live?
I wonder if there might be a local club (or something similar) of fish keepers that might be able to help you out.
Maybe you could find someone that way to help you house your fish til the water has cycled or maybe they could let you have something from their tank, gravel, ornaments or filter media, that would help?
I hope things work out for you B)
I live in El Paso, Tx. The far west side, so I'm also close to Las Cruces, NM and places close to there, any ideas. Do you know of any?
JDS: incase u didnt notice but her fish have ich so it would be best to seed the tank with filter media and/or gravel from another tank and treating them rather than housing them else where

BTW good luck kiara
fish_keeper2 said:
JDS: incase u didnt notice but her fish have ich so it would be best to seed the tank with filter media and/or gravel from another tank and treating them rather than housing them else where

BTW good luck kiara
Yeah, I thought about that just after i closed down last night, I should have rephrased it, sugesting that someone else might have a quarantine tank that she could use, that already had cycled water in it with decent readings, then at least the fish are only battling the ich and not the ammonia and nitrites that she's stated in her posts.
She could then clean up her tank and effectively start again with a fishless cycle, get her water levels sorted out before bringing back the fish.

And I agree with your point, as I said in the post someone from a club "could let you have something from their tank, gravel, ornaments or filter media"

Ive read so many of Kiara's posts and she seems to be trying sooo hard to look after her fish, I just thought it would help if she could find a local club where people could help out with the physical side, that you dont get on the internet.

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