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  1. K

    Angel Fish Feeding Guideline

    As of now, here is how I'm feeding my angel's. I have 5 of them, along with 2 gourami's 1 rainbow shark, and two plec's. When I turn on the lights, I feed them 1 cube of frozen bloodworm, 1 cube of frozen brine shrimp, a pinch of flake food, and I also toss in 2 bottom feeder pellets (which...
  2. K

    Were Are You From

    El Paso, Tx. North America My husband is from Leezdorf, Germany (sp?) (we both log in under this account :) )
  3. K

    Am I Not Feeding Enough?

    Thanks everyone, I was just worried. My angels seem more like little pigs then little fish sometimes. :) Thanks again
  4. K

    Am I Not Feeding Enough?

    My angel fish are fighting over the alge wafers after they are done eating. I feed them 1 cube of Blood worm and 1 cube of brine shrimp along with a little but of flakes in the morining, and at night I just give them flakes. I also throw in 1/2 a cube of vegetables. This is for 5 angels 2...
  5. K

    My Favorite Angel Is Gone...

    I'm kinda of newbie, so maybe I'm wrong, but I know my angels have jumped before and the parameters were all normal. They haven't jumped out of my tank, but they have tried during feeding time, and when I put them in the tank for the first time I had two jump out of the net. So maybe, just...
  6. K

    Angel Fish Death...what Could Have Caused It?

    Could someone please please please answer? Thanks again
  7. K

    You Have To See This Fish!

    He is sooo absolutely positively :drool: beautiful. Betta's like him make me wish I could start keeping them :/
  8. K

    Filter Cartridge

    From what I understand, it kills off the beneficial bacteria, and I think doing that kinda re-cycles your tank. Get a second oppinion though just in case I'm wrong :)
  9. K

    My Favorite Angel Is Gone...

    I'm sorry for your loss.
  10. K

    Angel Fish Death...what Could Have Caused It?

    The other day I noticed that one of my angels seemed to be hiding in the back of my tank. He wouldn't come out to eat, or to swim around. He would come out if any of the other fish came to his little hideout, but not for anyother reason. Then last night while feeding the other fish, I noticed...
  11. K

    Filter Question

    What should I do if I do need to replace one of the filter pads in my filter? The filter I have has two filter pads, and one of them is torn. I remember reading that you really shouldn't replace them, so do I need to replace it? And if I do, how do I do it and prevent my tank from re-cycling...
  12. K

    When Cleaning The Filter,

    Do I clean my filter during a water change, e.g. do my partial wc, and rinse the filter in the water I just took out of the tank, then put them back in and dump out the water. Thanks again...
  13. K

    I Was Wondering...

    So basically I should stick with the inch per gallon for stocking right? According to that I'm over by a couple of inches...about 3 inches to be exact. Is this ok, or should I rehome some of my fish when I rehome one of the plecs? Thanks again for all the help. :D
  14. K

    I Was Wondering...

    I remember reading about this site somewhere in this forum, I added in the dimensions of my tank (by the way how do I measure the dimensions just in case I did that wrong. From tip to tip of the tank? Or do I subtract the couple of inches of gravel I have in there and...
  15. K

    Fish You Will Never Buy Again.

    Tigerbarbs...those guys are little mosters and terrors. They terriozed my tank ;-)
  16. K

    Tank Cycling And Filter Cleaning?

    They are the little test strips, so maybe I'm reading the colors wrong, but the color on the strip is dark pink, which is 10.0 on my compare chart maybe I'm reading it after too long? Not sure. :)
  17. K

    Tank Cycling And Filter Cleaning?

    Unfortunantly, I do have fish in there, but they honestly seem to be doing fine. I'm doing about 20% waterchanges daily. I have 2 angels, 2 plecs, 2 blue paradise gourami's and a rainbow shark in there. I know it's bad, but I didn't know any better at the time. They seem to be doing fine...
  18. K

    Tank Cycling And Filter Cleaning?

    I have a 55g tank, it's currently cycling. My ammonia is between 0 and .25 Nitrate 40 Nitrite 10.0 alkalinity 120 pH 7.8 So here are my questions... How do I cycle the tank faster and get my Nitrite and Ammonia down? And when do I need to clean the filters for the first time? How do I clean...
  19. K

    What Cant Bettas Go With

    Just trying to help, so don't freak out about the money part. At PetsMart the other day, I saw a betta bowl, or tank, or what ever you call it. It's a 2g tank, it comes with gravel, a plant, and an tank seperater and some betta food. It only cost $10. So if you have a PetsMart around you...
  20. K

    Live Plants

    When I first set up my tank, my LFS told me it would be ok to add the fish in after running it for 24 hrs. I now know this is wrong, and I wasn't going to add anymore fish in my tank. The angels are a new addition as my father came into town, heard I had a fish tank, and bought them for me...
  21. K

    Live Plants

    I had a couple of questions about live plants. I have angels, Paradise Gourami's, a Rainbow Shark, and 2 Plecos, are live plants a good idea with these guys? My tank is still cycling, should I wait for it to cycle before I add in real plants? What kind of UV lights do I need? I'm using...
  22. K

    I Think My Tank Is Starting To Cycle,

    I've been doing 15-20% waterchanges daily. I have 2 Paradise Gourami's, 2 Plecs, 4 Angel fish, and a rainbow shark in a 55g tank. The Gourami's and 1 Plec are going to be rehomed as soon as I can afford and cycle a new tank.
  23. K

    I Think My Tank Is Starting To Cycle,

    I tested my water yesterday, and here were my readings, Ammonia .25-.5, Nitrate 0, Nitrite .5, Hardness -soft, Alkalinity, 120, Ph, 7.8. Is my tank finally starting to cycle, and what should I expect? How can I help my fish get through the cycle. And after it cycles, is there anything I...
  24. K

    Sexing Blue Paradise Gouramis

    Lol, I should have asked my husband check the German sites...considering the fact that he's German... :D Thanks for all the help, I do have two males, one is just smaller than the other. The bigger one keeps picking on the smaller one and chasing him around the's a 55g tank it has...
  25. K

    Does anyone have a Picture of...

    Thanks for all the help. I do have two males. The so that might be why they chase each other around the tank. It's a 55 g tank, and it has some ornamints and plants in it. Do you think they will both be ok. Right n ow, the bigger male keeps picking on the smaller one. Is there anything I...
  26. K

    Sexing Blue Paradise Gouramis

    I was wondering if anyone had a picture of both a male and a female. I have two BP Gourami's and am trying to sex them as one keeps antagonizing the other and I think it's because they both might be males. Can anyone please help? Thanks :-)
  27. K

    Does anyone have a Picture of...

    I was wondering if anyone had a picture of a male and female, I'm trying to sex the two I have. I have a sucspision that they both might be male, and that might be why they chase either around the tank :dunno: . But I wanted to know for sure. Thanks :D
  28. K

    A question,

    I have a 55g. Is it possible to have two plecs in there, petsmart won't take them back. I'm still trying to cycle the tank, so I won't add anymore fish until it is cycled.
  29. K

    A question,

    I wasn't too clear, sorry. My tank was never cycled for a first time, so I don't want to add fish until it does cycle. I already lost more than enough fish :-( The fish that I have in there now are the ones that survived when I got everything all wrong. How would I tell the difference...
  30. K

    A question,

    I finished my Ich treatment a couple of days ago. While treating, I had the temperature to 84 F. Now that I'm done with the treatment, I'm slowly lowering the temp down to 80 F. My question is, My fish seem to be happier at 82 F, is this ok? I have to Blue Paradise Gourmei's and 2 Common...
  31. K

    Homeless Kitties

    where abouts do you live (sorry still kind of new here :-) )
  32. K

    Some fish ideas, please...

    What do you mean?
  33. K

    Some fish ideas, please...

    I have a 55 g tank, already in it, I have 2 pleco's (petsmart wouldn't let me return the 2nd one when I returned the albino bala) and 2 blue Paradise Gourmei's (both unfortunatly I just noticed are male) My tank isn't finished cycling yet, but it's doing ok, I was wondering, when my tank...
  34. K

    Rogues Gallery

    So here is me and my "big boy" Kevyn Here is my husband and my :baby" Pascal And here is my favorite Pic of my boys :-D
  35. K

    favourite breed of dog

    Akita's are my favorites, followed by Huskies then German Shepards. They are just beautiful dogs. I have two Akita's ATM...and when we move back to germany, we will get a huskie and a Great Dane (my husband's favorite) Here'e my two (pet) babies... Daisy And Rocky
  36. K

    Ich on glass of tank...

    Today is my third day of treating my tank for Ich. Most of the white spots are off the fish, though there are still a couple. Now my tank has white spots all over the glass. Is this normal, and will the Nox Ich treat it if it is the Ich. Just in case you need this info.. Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0...
  37. K

    Things have calmed down a bit

    I'm going to tomorrow...I made a big scene at Petsmart was just too much for me when I had to go and return 4 DEAD TIGER BARBS because they wouldn't take them back when they were alive. I yelled at them for giving me wrong information, and for not letting me return the fish after...
  38. K

    Things have calmed down a bit

    Hopefully you've been keeping up with my "problems" because I really don't have the heart to repeat everything. I've been slowly raising the temperature while treating for the Ich. I've kept up the daily 20% water change while treating the ich. I lost 4 more fish though. I have 1 catfish...
  39. K

    Update on my situation...

    I found them while doing a water change, they were both under the gravel somehow, I have no idea how, I guess the other fish buried them somehow. So there are now 2 more dead tigerbarbs. The Ich has cleared up noticably. But the water looks gross from the water changes without the little...
  40. K

    Filters and Ich meds

    I'm sorry, maybe I'm just slow, but I don't understand what you mean fish keeper....can someone explain it to me? I just took out the pads and put them in my fish bucket for now (what I use for water changes) do I need to do anything to them? :-( I lost two more tiger barbs, and 2 have gone...