I Think My Tank Is Starting To Cycle,


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
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I tested my water yesterday, and here were my readings, Ammonia .25-.5, Nitrate 0, Nitrite .5, Hardness -soft, Alkalinity, 120, Ph, 7.8.

Is my tank finally starting to cycle, and what should I expect?

How can I help my fish get through the cycle.

And after it cycles, is there anything I should do?

Is there anything Different I need to do for maitnence, WC, testing water and what not?

Thanks again for all the help:)
Yes it's on it's way nitrite will peak them gradually come down to 0, you don't do any tank maintanance till the tank has cycled, don't over feed as it won't help while it's cycling, how many gallons is the tank, plus what type of fish and how many, also once your nitrite start to raise you might have to do some water changes to keep them fairly comfortable.
Wilder is correct. Just check the ammonia and nitrite daily (nitrate isn't terribly important at this point). Try to keep them under 1 ppm by doing water changes as needed. What kind of fish do you have in the tank?
I've been doing 15-20% waterchanges daily. I have 2 Paradise Gourami's, 2 Plecs, 4 Angel fish, and a rainbow shark in a 55g tank. The Gourami's and 1 Plec are going to be rehomed as soon as I can afford and cycle a new tank.
That's a pretty heavy load to cycle with and angels aren't real hardy. Try to keep the levels under .5 if at all possilbe. I would also just feed every other day or very lightly every day. The more food they get, the more waste they will produce (and the more that will go uneaten and start to break down and form ammonia).
rdd1952, i agree you have quite aload of fish in there to cycle, keep an eye on ammonia,and nitrite, good luck.

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