Filters and Ich meds


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
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They told me I need to take the filter out of my tank (the pad I mean) when I add the Ich medicine. Do I need to put the filter anywhere special. Or will it be ok to add it back in after the treatment, if I keep it in the cabinet or something.

Please if possible answer asap, I need to give them their medicine really soon.

No you should never return the filter pad to a tank that has had a diease in it. Because the filter soaks up the germs from the sickness and if you treat the tank and return the filter pad you will reinfect the tank. And your not supposed to use filter pads after they dry up because the bacteria dies on it. And during treatment vacum clean the tank about every 3 days or so to get the ich off the gravel (thats were they multiply and go back on the fish. So do vacum cleanings every 3 days to get the ich out. And good luck.
So I'm taking it my LFS was wrong when they said just to rinse out the filters with warm water and stick them back in there.

Just a question, do they always give bad advice, or is it just to me :sad:

So I need to buy new filters, is there anything else I need to know about this medicine.

Also, I am completely missing a fish, I can't find him anywhere, I only have one ornament where he could probably get away with hiding in, But I already checked in there, any ideas to where he might be.

P.S. I lost another tigerbarb. :sad: :-(
Durbkat said:
No you should never return the filter pad to a tank that  has had a diease in it. Because the filter soaks up the germs from the sickness and if you treat the tank and return the filter pad you will reinfect the tank. And your not supposed to use filter pads after they dry up because the bacteria dies on it. And during treatment vacum clean the tank about every 3 days or so to get the ich off the gravel (thats were they multiply and go back on the fish. So do vacum cleanings every 3 days to get the ich out. And good luck.

Nonsense. You so can re use filter pads. Agreed not from a diseased tank- but you can dry out carbon and reuse it - provided it hasnt exceeded its active time of 3-4 weeks MAX. Also, you CAN reuse filter pads (floss, sponge, whatever) even with dead bacteria on them. The actual amount of dead bacteria on the sponge is equivalent to a large meal for your fish. It is easily dealt with biologically in the tank.

By the way- check out my "common newbie mistakes thread". People who have had fish for a while almost NEVER get ich. its a very heavy newbie disease. Figure out why and how you got it. Also, why are you using meds for ich? Ever heard of salt and heat? Much better treatment.
I'm very newbie at this :)

Didn't know salt would help. So I tried the Ich medication....don't know if it's too soon to tell, but many of the spots are gon already.

Also, now 2 fish are completely missing, both tiger barbs, does anyone have any idea where they could be....I'm getting worried, hopefully they come out tomorrow.

Can I use salt on an uncycled tank? I never gave it a chance to cycle, didn't know I needed to. If I can how much and how often do I use it.

Thanks again

BTW as for my filters, I've only had them for 2 weeks, does that mean I CAN rinse them out and put them back in after I'm done with the Ich treatment?

Thanks yet again :-D
the filter media: you can actually leave the floss, sponge, or what ever is in there in the filter. all you have to do is remove the carbon. if you use one of those filters that utalize a dispossable media pad made of floss, carbon, and a plastic frame that you just toss and replace with a new one once a month then i would just remove the whole thing as i find it hard to get all the carbon out and let it dry out completely. anyway in case you got confused you just have to make sure there is NO carbon at all while treatment as it removes the meds from the water.

as for the salt all you have to do is go to the lfs near you and pick up whats called "aquarium salt". DO NOT use table salt becuase this is harmfull to fish. follow the directions on the carton. only one dose of it becuase it is only removed by water changes, it does not evaporate from the water. some one else here can explain it better.

good luck with your fish and hopefully you find the two TBs and they arent dead.
I'm sorry, maybe I'm just slow, but I don't understand what you mean fish keeper....can someone explain it to me? I just took out the pads and put them in my fish bucket for now (what I use for water changes) do I need to do anything to them?

:-( I lost two more tiger barbs, and 2 have gone missing, does anyone have any idea where they might be hiding?

What happens if they are dead and their bodies stay in the tank.

:-( :-( :sad: I don't think I'm cut out for fish keeping. I'm really debating returning everything. :-( :sad:
dont give up k. i meant that you can leave most of the filter material in the filter. when treating anything you just have to make sure that there is NO carbon in the filter. this is because the carbon removes the meds from the water.

i hope your fish get better.

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