Angel Fish Death...what Could Have Caused It?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
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The other day I noticed that one of my angels seemed to be hiding in the back of my tank. He wouldn't come out to eat, or to swim around. He would come out if any of the other fish came to his little hideout, but not for anyother reason. Then last night while feeding the other fish, I noticed he was dead. I took him out and tested the water...
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
pH 7.6
NitrAte (was hard to read, but I think it was...) between 20 and 40

He was 55g tank with 5 other angels, 2 gourami's a rainbow shark and 2 plec's. All the other fish seem to be doing well.

i got him and three other angels at the same time. The other angels are pretty decent in size, and their fins are beautiful and long. When I took him out after he died, I noticed he was almost exactly the same size as when I got him, a lot smaller than the other angels. also his fins seemed really short, I'm not sure if his fins got nipped. Could this have something to do with it, or does anyone have any ideas what could have caused his death?

Could it be the Gourami's they seem to pick on the angels a little.

Thanks again... :D
Could someone please please please answer? Thanks again
Hi Kiara.
I'm not sure what hapened either but your story is similar to what happened to one of my angels. She was always the runty one and never really grew as fast as the others. She was a lot shyer and would only come forward when feeding. She died about a month ago for no known reason that i could see..

Maybe your angel was just a weak one like mine. Sometimes fish die for no apparant reason, and i hope the others grow big and strong for you, but just to be sure do an extra water change in your routine.

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