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  1. M

    Restoring Bacteria In Filter

    Im half way through killing my BGA off with maracyn and am wonderin which product/products would be best to restore my biological filter once treatment is complete? Considering it needs to be restored as quick and as effectively as possible. From the UK btw and adding 2.5mg tablet and a half...
  2. M

    How To Use Maracyn To Kill Bga

    Day two of dosing 1 and a half 250mg tablets and some has flaked off dead, some is still intact. I shall clean filters, wipe off bga off plants and siphon as much as poss tonight and plop another 1 and a half tablet in
  3. M

    How To Use Maracyn To Kill Bga

    done and plonked an airstone in same dose everyday for 5 days or can i drop down to 1 tablet after so long u reckon? i think i better go buy some filter bacteria boost stuff soon in case of filter death..
  4. M

    How To Use Maracyn To Kill Bga

    the usual dose is 200mg to 10 gallon and i worked out 70litre just water is like 18 gallon? Minus plants etc itll be around 15 gallon or so. 250mg is for about 13 gallon? i might pop in another half tablet to make it 15gallon treatable?
  5. M

    How To Use Maracyn To Kill Bga

    removed as many snails as poss, gave them cucumber and algae wafer. put one 250mg tablet in my tank tonight (broke up and put in different corners) for my 70litre tank (minus plants, fish rocks) ill do one 250mg tablet a day for 5 days - should be enough ya?
  6. M

    How To Use Maracyn To Kill Bga

    Ill put in about 300mg per dose (400mg for a 20 gallon tank and mine is about 17.5ish) unless i should go little over to ensure the death of BGA. Ill pick out as many as i can until i dose (tomorrow?) plonk them in a bowl of water (ill change the water every 3 days or so and plonk algae...
  7. M

    How To Use Maracyn To Kill Bga

    Day 1. Add 2.5 mg/L erythromycin. If you have a protein skimmer, turn it off. I believe it will inactive a lot of the antibiotic through coprecipitation with protein. It will, however, be very usefull later. Day 2. Add 2.5 mg/L erythromycin. Day 3. Now you should see a lot of dead blue-green...
  8. M

    How To Use Maracyn To Kill Bga

    it is pure evil tbf... iv heard others break the tablet up and put pieces in worst affected areas. so do the dose daily for 5 days (its a 70 litre tank so :S) 6th day do a nice big change. should be dead after 5 days? i have a nice big pointed stick (monty python?) ready for its escape
  9. M

    How To Use Maracyn To Kill Bga

    So far I only have a rough idea on how to use it. Could somebody give me pointers on when/how much water to change, whether to include an oxygen stone, keep dosing flourish excel, add KNO3 and how much lighting etc.? Dont wanna be mucking this up and endangering my fish now do i :rolleyes...
  10. M

    Buying Maracyn In The Uk

    I got myself a source guys Thanks
  11. M

    Buying Maracyn In The Uk

    So ebay is my only choice pretty much unless anyone knows an international shop that ships/any members willing to ship. Its a PITA! do the trick? :D
  12. M

    Buying Maracyn In The Uk

    Just having ordered some KNO3 online, to boost nitrates i'm gonna need some Maracyn to kill off the stuff which persists in coming back (even tho i have a tank full of plants growing like the population of rabbits on viagra :rolleyes: ) So yeh, where to buy Maracyn in the uk and the...
  13. M

    Bga Caused By Low Nitrates

    So add 40g to 500ml to make a solution then add 10ml of the solution per 100l Is 5ppm enough but also safe for shrimpies?
  14. M

    Bga Caused By Low Nitrates

    How much KN03 to order, where from and how much to dose for a 70 litre (i want to keep shrimps so i dont want it too high)
  15. M

    Bga Caused By Low Nitrates

    I meant liquid carbon as in flourish excel (for plant growth) So how does everyone else dose NO3 without the potassium? Thanks
  16. M

    Bga Caused By Low Nitrates

    Did a test on my nitrates and u know the colour is supposed to be darker the higher the ppm of was almost clear... So i got carbon going in, good lighting and now i just need to boost NO3 and supposedly my BGA will be gone What product do you recommend to achieve this? Ive seen KNO3...
  17. M

    Bga Creeping Back

    I got this plant bag food thingy but im not sure what this is adding. Im dosing flourish for carbon. The food bag is "75 PRO aqua PLANT FERTILIZER BAG" so yeh As for circulation iv got two internals, one closer to the surface and one blowing a jet about half way in the depth of the tank...
  18. M

    Bga Creeping Back

    Iv got some trumpet snails coming now so hopefully they will help with leftovers and stuff There seems to be mixed recommendations on dosage hmmm
  19. M

    Bga Creeping Back

    I got some yes... shall i give it a bit and see if the plants takeover or nuke the BGA threat now? method/dosage for a 70litre tank would be? thanks :good:
  20. M

    Bga Creeping Back

    I've blacked out for 4 days after emptying the tank of BGA Planted heavily and started flourish excel and this plant food bag Plants seem to be growing It starting to appear on fine stranded plants and a bit on the gravel Please dont let it come back :shout:
  21. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    alright i blacked out started adding excel bought a load of plants and planted made sure lighting was around 10 hours a day boosted excel up from 2.5ml to about 4ml as plants are growing fast ... BGA is started to creep back by the looks of it any ideas?
  22. M

    Still Baffled How To Get Rid Of My Hair Algae

    Flourish excel doses will and do help kill off hair algae. Overdosing is a tried and tested method to kill it off. Read up on overdosing it as i havent done it before (search forum: overdose excel). Im dosing the correct amount every day and its keeping my algae at bay :D
  23. M

    Natural Maintenance

    Ok ive decided on some MTS which shouldnt go out of control unless i overfeed. Plus they aerate the gravel :D
  24. M

    Natural Maintenance

    We dont have such places in the uk to get natural ghost shrimp afaik :( How about 5 various nerite snails then? Decent prices? How long will they last and is there such a thing as a snail that doesnt breed as much xD if not nerite...
  25. M

    Natural Maintenance

    Ramshorn snails it is then I can get 10 for £8 or is this too many really? I havent heard of needing the additional calcium stuff either Where do you suggest buying glass shrimp? All of my "local" fish stores are pretty poor and online prices are usually steep delivery - unless i get the...
  26. M

    Natural Maintenance

    Hey Just having heavily planted my tank (compared to before) I want some little critters to help me keep the tank clean especially now the plants make it hard to get to some spaces. Its a 70litre tank, biggest fish is a blue spot guarami (hasnt caused any problems previously) and the other...
  27. M

    Co2 System For Beginner

    The permanent tester looks the best to me (little colour thingy) Will be getting one with my nutrafin :)
  28. M

    In Need Of Plants

    Going to get this Once my excel bottle runs out im gonna get a nutrafin co2 thingy yay ! :D
  29. M

    In Need Of Plants

    I have almost no plants now due to BGA...(sod) Is there any package deals online you can recommend? For a 70litre tank. Just a bit of variety needed, I am a beginner. So just anything easy to grow, not too much maintenance and happy to live in high lighting. If anyone has any i can pay...
  30. M

    Co2 System For Beginner

    The nutrafin kit looks cool Just wondering how do you test for co2 levels? If poss i need a total kit test for everything i may need (my others have ran out) Is there such a kit?
  31. M


    Say the price difference was £10 between a ex600 and a ex700 - the ex700 being a lot more powerful (compatible with bigger tank in future perhaps?) would it do any harm using the ex700 on my 70 litre tank if i turned the taps down to what I deem as a reasonable flow rate? Not quite sure of the...
  32. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    awwwww okkk :P Cant wait to rip the blanket off tomorrow night after college xD where do you recommend to buy plant "bundles" from? I deffo need plants and not sure what type at all, just a bundle of say <10 to keep algae at bay (wasnt there two types which let out antibiotics to fight BGA?)
  33. M

    Help Please

    For my BGA im blacking out for 5 days. No food, normal dose of Excel. Before blackout do 50% change and remove as much as possible. Black for 3-5 days depending on how hard you want to hit the algae. Dont feed fish - move any ill fish before blackout. Feed once b4 blackout. Err Dose the excel...
  34. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    Its day 4 of the blackout AArgh i wanna have a look lol do i have to wait till the 5th day?? really? :(
  35. M

    Co2 System For Beginner

    Ive got over 2 wpg according to my thread about my algae problems (36w T5 over 70 litre)
  36. M

    Co2 System For Beginner

    Hi all im after the easiest to use - even foolproof xD system out there Ive never done such a thing as CO2 and it seems quite daunting What system will i need to keep algae at bay (high lighting) and plants flourishing? Thankssss
  37. M

    Help Please

    Have a look at this mate Im currently in my own battle with BGA amongst others - ive had it for yonks too Bought some Excel off ebay for £11 and im dosing daily whilst blackout I think yours may do with some
  38. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    The light is called "Daylight plus" and most of the spectrum is green and slightly orange so yeh :) If i spot it coming back what should my plan of action be? If they hate oxygen i would think to put an oxygen stone in I also have some oxygenator stuff for organic waste - its quite nasty stuff...
  39. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    Ok So less food (once every 2 days?) Is frozen food a tad better at keeping water pollution down? Ill probably need more plants too after this so is there an algae buster pack i can buy off ebay/some other store. Dont need too many. Just checked the gourami and the sore seems to have gone...
  40. M

    At Wits End With Algae

    I've seen some cherry shrimp on ebay which ill get once blackout is complete. How do they perform? :drool: