Natural Maintenance


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Just having heavily planted my tank (compared to before) I want some little critters to help me keep the tank clean especially now the plants make it hard to get to some spaces. Its a 70litre tank, biggest fish is a blue spot guarami (hasnt caused any problems previously) and the other concern (if any) is danios, but they have since calmed down.

I'm thinking of getting some malaysian trumpets (not sure how many) and cherry shrimp. Although i would rather add the cherry shrimps once i am sure the water parameters are top notch.

just dont wanna be tied down by algae again!
don't get Malaysian trukmpet snails coz they take over and you will never get rid of them. Ramshorn snails or mystery snails are much easier to keep under control.

Put some glass shrimp in the tank. They are cheap and will keep things clean until the cherry shrimp go in.
Ramshorn snails it is then

I can get 10 for £8 or is this too many really?
I havent heard of needing the additional calcium stuff either

Where do you suggest buying glass shrimp? All of my "local" fish stores are pretty poor and online prices are usually steep delivery - unless i get the snails with them?

Thanks Colin :D

edit: omg coolness

pink snails!!!
10 is heaps and they will breed so you will get more pretty quickly.
You can add calcium if you have really soft water with an acid PH. But if you have hard water with a neutral or alkaline PH then you don't need to bother about it.

I collect my glass shrimp from the local creek. Just drag a fish net through the weeds near the bank and you will probably get some. Otherwise look around, they aren't very expensive. Most shops sell them as feeders (live food).

The pink ramshorns are pretty cool. I have had red and brown and I developed a red with brown spots and stripes but haven't seen a pink before. The more unusual colour forms of ramshorns don't produce as many eggs as the normal brown form.
Ramshorns eat plants and breed quickly, they will take over, get some nerite snails, they dont breed in freshwater as they need brackish and they are superb algae eaters.
ooh ooh I want a pink snail, I want a pink snail!!!! :hyper:

I dont want 10 though, good god could you imagine the devastation!
Just drag a fish net through the weeds near the bank and you will probably get some
Hehe, you do that round here, all you'll get is a condom, a crisp packet and maybe a shopping trolley - if you're lucky...

Just having heavily planted my tank (compared to before) I want some little critters to help me keep the tank clean especially now the plants make it hard to get to some spaces. Its a 70litre tank, biggest fish is a blue spot guarami (hasnt caused any problems previously) and the other concern (if any) is danios, but they have since calmed down.

I'm thinking of getting some malaysian trumpets (not sure how many) and cherry shrimp. Although i would rather add the cherry shrimps once i am sure the water parameters are top notch.

just dont wanna be tied down by algae again!
I got MTS in my tank and they are fine becuase you never see them and they don't eat the plants. Some ramshorn have sneaked in and I'm trying to get rid of these. I also have some amano shrimp which do a pretty good job on the plants. Corys to help the MTS dig the sand around and 4 BNs which are great for keeping the glass and plants clean. My tank is 300l so you probably want less BNs. The only cleaning I do is to wipe the inside glass when I do my water changes. I probably don't have to do this but its easy enough and that way the bristlenoses spend more time on the plants
Just drag a fish net through the weeds near the bank and you will probably get some
Hehe, you do that round here, all you'll get is a condom, a crisp packet and maybe a shopping trolley - if you're lucky...
Yeah I've caught a few of those in my time :)
Even caught a syringe once and I stepped on one. It went straight through my little toe. Needless to say that was the end of collecting on that day. I spent the rest of the day at the doctors getting more needles (vaccinations) against hepatitis. Nowadays I only collect out in the bush where drug addicts and human habitation hasn't done any damage. Then all I have to worry about are snakes and crocodiles :)
all I have to worry about are snakes and crocodiles :)

Oh, is that all?! I lived in Australia when I was a kid, and I used to love hunting about for crayfish in creeks - I wish it was like that here, but hey - we have 'rain', and lots of it, which is quite useful too
Ok ive decided on some MTS which shouldnt go out of control unless i overfeed. Plus they aerate the gravel :D

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