Bga Creeping Back


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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I've blacked out for 4 days after emptying the tank of BGA

Planted heavily and started flourish excel and this plant food bag

Plants seem to be growing

It starting to appear on fine stranded plants and a bit on the gravel

Please dont let it come back :shout:
I got some yes...

shall i give it a bit and see if the plants takeover or nuke the BGA threat now?

method/dosage for a 70litre tank would be?

thanks :good:
Double the dosage on the box for 4 days then follow the continuing instructions thereafter. I did it for 10 days. Half the bottom of my 20 gallon was covered with BGA and it disappeared. I removed as much as possible with my hand. After 5 days I did a 40% water change and double dosed it that day. Remember it is a bacteria not an algae.
My experience has always been that all that is needed is one and occasionally 2 doses of EM at normal dosing levels, especially if the outbreak isn't severe. The once really nasty episode I had took a tripple threat to finally beat it back. I dosed EM, blacked out the tank and put a bag of phosguard in the filter all at the same time. I am not sure the phosguard helped any but I figured it could not hurt.
Iv got some trumpet snails coming now so hopefully they will help with leftovers and stuff

There seems to be mixed recommendations on dosage

How about finding the cause of BGA. Then you can ensure it doesn't come back.
BGA is a result of low circulation and/or low nitrates.
I'm currently battleing too.
I got this plant bag food thingy but im not sure what this is adding. Im dosing flourish for carbon.

The food bag is "75 PRO aqua PLANT FERTILIZER BAG" so yeh

As for circulation iv got two internals, one closer to the surface and one blowing a jet about half way in the depth of the tank acrossways. If i adjust it any more itll probably blow the plants out of the substrate.

I should start by testing my nitrates as i believe these may be low

Plants are growing strong at least eh :)
Your cycle was probably set back by using mature media and not adding anything to feed them so they died.

Adding NPK and traces will not kill your bacteria.

" got this plant bag food thingy but im not sure what this is adding" Exactly the point. All you need to do is buy 3 things: KNO3, KH2PO4 and Traces. Most producers of plant fertilisers say things like "contains no nitrates and phosphates to reduce algae". Which we know to be complete rubbish. So you may not be adding these vital foods for the plants.

BGA can be associated with poor CO2 so the flourish (I assume Excel) is not enough. Consider adding pressurised or at least 2 x DIY CO2.

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