Bga Caused By Low Nitrates


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score
Did a test on my nitrates and u know the colour is supposed to be darker the higher the ppm of was almost clear...

So i got carbon going in, good lighting and now i just need to boost NO3 and supposedly my BGA will be gone

What product do you recommend to achieve this? Ive seen KNO3 for sale at some places but it seemed a bit "crude" as in i'd prefer a retail product with designated instructions or something - like my seachem flourish

thanks guys

gonna beat it down :D
remove the carbon as it removeas nutrients for your plants. KNO3 also contains potassium so it may be better if you could just get NO3, although i have not seen just NO3 on its own in dry or liquid form.
I meant liquid carbon as in flourish excel (for plant growth)

So how does everyone else dose NO3 without the potassium?

How much KN03 to order, where from and how much to dose for a 70 litre (i want to keep shrimps so i dont want it too high)
So add 40g to 500ml to make a solution then add 10ml of the solution per 100l

Is 5ppm enough but also safe for shrimpies?

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