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  1. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    The Betta seems to have made a complete recovery and is splaying as usual at the other fish, which i think is a good sign. The two Cory's are pretty active this morning, scuttling around as usual, so there may be a little hope there too. fingers crossed they are on the right track to getting...
  2. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    I've just a finished a 50% water change, pretty drastic i know. But my Betta could hardly lift his head off the sand. Now 1/2 an hour after the water change he is swimming around quite freely. The Cory's are still very quite and it doesn't look good for them. I'm getting worried as i'm...
  3. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    The other fish don't seem to be bothering the 2 Cory's so much now. I thtink I'll be lucky to save both Cory's and the Betta now. :sad:
  4. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    Ahh...the tetra's are doing fine now, althoughte Cory's and Betta are in a poor way.
  5. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    an update, My male Betta is now sick. He's strugling to get off the sand and my red nosed tetras no longer have their red nose. The colour seems to have completely faded. Would a massive water change help?
  6. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    I added meds on monday with a water change. If i change the water tomorrow should i add more meds? Is it best to keep the lights off? i've already reduced the temperature to 20C
  7. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    An update, the larger Cory is eating well and seems to be fine now. The smaller one with the fin and scale damage is still very sick and reluctant to move around. He seems very weak with no signs of improvement. Infact i noticed a small white 'cotton wool' fleck on his tale this morning. Not...
  8. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    He will occasionally swim to the bottom and sit, doesn't lose balance or anything like that, he's jsut very quite which in itself isn't a good sign is it?. His breathing is fine, nothing out of hte ordinary there. woul dbe gutted if i lost either of these. They were m very first fish
  9. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    OK, i'll see which i can get hold off. Thanks for your advice it's been of great help. Just one more question, which may be neay impossible to answer. The cory with the fin damage swims halfway up the tank and is off his food, what are his chances?
  10. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    Mmm...i don't have this facity, so wouldn't really be wise to put it in my community tank then. I'll wait until Saturday and do a water change and if there is no improvement i'll try one of the meds you suggested. Are they both as good as each other?
  11. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    Weren't you worried about your filter?
  12. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    Oh i really hope that it doesn't come to this... :sad: I've had these 2 Cory's from day 1 :-(
  13. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    What's the symptoms of advanced bacterial infections? Is this the 'cotton wool' like patch that was on one of the Cory's? Also i have to wait 7 days before adding more meds. :unsure: What am i to do? :sad:
  14. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    What other medication would you recommended? I did notice that the 'cotton wool' patch on one of the Cory's has disappeared. The other Bronze Cory with the fin damage is off it's food and is losing it's pinky colour, how bad is this? If there is no improvement tomorrow i'll look into getting...
  15. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    OK i'll do that on Saturday. Should i be adding more meds then? I'm going away next week, what would be the best solution as to how to keep them? there is no-one to look in on them either.
  16. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    Thanks for all your comments. I've reduced the temp as it was at 25C. The surface is aggitated, with this be enough? Teh Cory with the fin damage instead of swimming along the sand is swimming halfway up the tank. How good or bad is this? Also would it be beneficial to do weekly water...
  17. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    an update, bought anti finrot and fungas medication on monday. Did a 25% water change and added meds. today the Cory with the most damage isn't looking to good. Seems to be off its food and pretty unbalanced too. the other Cory has a tiny little 'cotton wool' patch on its side. so i think...
  18. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    Ok i'll see if i can get these later, rather than waiting until tomorrow
  19. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    I'm gonna put them in the hatchery in the morning and try and secure it so they can't jump out. Maybe this wil give them some relief. I'l keep the tank lights of too as the hatchery floats.
  20. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    I'll check back in on Tuesday once i've added meds to the tank and give you an update. I just wish i could seperate them.
  21. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    Dosen't it just. i hate to see my Cory's distressed, they wouldn't hurt a fly. I'd rather give away all my other fish than lose a Cory :sad:
  22. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    They've been absolutly fine, until a couple of days ago that's when i first saw the damage. I'll have to wait untill Tuesday to get any meds. Will keeping the tank lights off reduce any stress, i'm clutching at straws here. Plus whilst i'm at the LFS i'l ask if they'll take the red eyed...
  23. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    Nope, they are absolutley fine.
  24. N

    Platy's Attacking My 2 Cory's

    Yes they do but the other fish follow them.
  25. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    Unfortuantely i don't have the facilities for another tank and my lfs dosn't open until Tuesday for any meds. With this in mind woul di be able to treat the whole tank. The tank has a sand substrate amd I do a 20% water change every month and vacuum the san each time. AS for the crab it's...
  26. N

    Platy's Attacking My 2 Cory's

    My young Platy's are pecking at my 2 Cory's causing severe skin and fin damage. the pH is 6 which i believe is too low for the Platy's, They prefer 7, would this be a factor regarding there behaviour towrds my Cory's.
  27. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    It isn't the livebeares that's the problem it the Cory's
  28. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    Ok, so i need to bump this up a little? Would this be the reson they are picking on the Cory's?
  29. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    iv'e tried isolating them in one of the plastic breeding hatchery but they jumped out.
  30. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    These are the water stats: Nitrite 0 pH 6 Amonia 0 Temp 25 C Don't have the nitrate testing kit. This is what is stocked: 2 Pearl Gouramis 1 Bristlenose Plec 1 Albino shark 1 Male Betta 2 Peppered Cory's 2 Bronze cory's 1 crab 7 Neon Tetras 6 Red Eyed Tetras 5 Harlequins 5 Adult Platy's 7...
  31. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    The Cory's have been absolutely fine until i noticed one of the dorsal fins damaged 2 days ago. i kept an eye on it and noticed the young Platy's pecking at the fin and the body. You can imagine that the Cory's are getting pretty frustrated by this and are suffering
  32. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    They get a large pinch of flake each day which is eaten in a matter of minutes and the odd frozen bloodworm 3 times a weeks. The tank is 190 ltrs planted with sand substrate. They are getting distressed by this and i'm unable to seperate them either.
  33. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    ANYONE..... :no:
  34. N

    Cory's Being Eaten Alive!

    I need your help. My 2 Cory's are being eaten alive They've been in the tank with Platy's, for over 18 months but now the Platy'sare eating them alive. They are pecking at them. One Cory has severe dorsal fin damge and damage to it's skin. The other hasn't as of yet but it is being pecked...
  35. N

    Found Tiny White Eggs...what Are They?

    hi Seth let us know what happens.
  36. N

    Found Tiny White Eggs...what Are They?

    i don't have many eggs, maybe around 50 at the most. They're dotted around the tank on the glass near the water line, on my magnetic algae cleaner and ontop of the filter. I'll let ya know how i get on when something happens.
  37. N

    Found Tiny White Eggs...what Are They?

    2-3 days, right. I found them yesterday so then that would make it around Friday or Saturday when the hatch. You say you got three babies from your last lot, how many eggs did you have?
  38. N

    Found Tiny White Eggs...what Are They?

    No i don't have snails but iv'e come to the conclusion they are the cory's eggs. Not sure wether jus to leave them or not an dhow long they will take to hatch etc.
  39. N

    Guppy Fry

    Thanks for that. Iv'e just read the FAQ on livebearers and found it to be very helpful too
  40. N

    Guppy Fry

    Yesterday morning i notice i have guppy fry. Three i managed to catch and put in a hatchery but one is still hiding. Have i done right? also what soul di be feeding them? And when can they be released back into the tank?